Chapter 242 If you have a son like this, what can the husband ask for! [Third more, ask for customization]

King Qin won Zi Chu, and during the meal, he gave the most brutal and inhuman order in his life.

The civil and military officials simply gritted their teeth and held tears, taking death as if they were home. In that scene, those who heard it were sad and those who saw it wept, and there was an inexplicable tragic and vigorous expression.

The king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die!

One by one, the red peppers were bitten in the mouth by the civil and military officials. The expression and appearance were basically the same as those of the talented Zichu, and they were extremely wonderful.

After spoofing the officials, Zi Chu’s mentality was finally balanced.

After such a move, the overall atmosphere has become enthusiastic, with a lot less formality.

“Masters, shabu-shabu, in fact, the emphasis is on the word 涮! Just like this, put thin slices of meat, or other ingredients, in a copper pot, boil it for a while, and dip some condiments on it. , Let’s understand the taste for yourself!”

While Ying Zheng introduced loudly, while picking up the lamb slices, he personally demonstrated the eating method, and then added it, saying:

“Oh, yes! Chili is really good, but if you eat it alone, the taste is too strong! It will taste even better if you eat it with other foods!”

When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but slander: Why didn’t you say it earlier?

Through the expressions of everyone, Yingzheng has guessed their thoughts and nodded in satisfaction~370

After introducing the correct way of eating, it’s time to feast!

Between Zichu and Yingzheng, they didn’t eat together very often. They cherished each time. Their table was far away from the others. The father and son talked sweet things while eating.

“Father, you were a proton in Zhao country when you were very young, and your physique is not very good. It is still beneficial to eat some peppers!” Ying Zheng said with concern.

“Oh, it’s not just a bad physique! My father took some pills in order to improve his cultivation, but he didn’t expect it to have a lot of side effects. In the past few years, it has become more and more serious, and I often feel cold in my body! Taking a sip of chili really relieved some!” Zi Chu’s expression was a little sad.

“The weather is getting colder, father must take care of your health! It is good to eat some human pot from time to time. The child minister will prepare some recipes and ingredients, as well as various utensils. When father returns to Xianyang, he can take it with him. Go back. “While speaking, Ying Zheng clamped a piece of cooked lamb to Zi Chu’s plate.

The small move contained great affection, and Zi Chu was deeply moved.

Ordinary children (aibd), eleven or twelve years old, how do you know this? When it comes to Yingzheng, he was supposed to be protected by his father and mother, but he actually guarded his father and mother.

Zhao Ji, who is nearly 30 years old, has a carefree life in the palace. You don’t need to be careful about anything. You can’t find her at all for things like palace battles.

In the past, the power struggles in the palace, all kinds of wooing and refuge, were all isolated by Ying Zheng and Zi Chu, and Zhao Ji could not be found at all.

A thirty-year-old woman has become a thirteen-year-old girl!


Zi Chu feels deeper and knows more about his son’s abilities.

In the final analysis, he, King Qin, relied on his own son to become the leader!

Before the death of King Zhaoxiang, he personally established Zi Chu as the prince; before King Xiaowen committed suicide, he personally wrote his will and established Zi Chu as the King of Qin.

All it depends on is winning politics!

Although the cause of the death of King Xiaowen Yingzhu is fascinating, so far, Zichu has not known the truth, but he can guess it, it must be related to winning politics.

Parents are always thinking about their children. Zi Chu and Zhao Ji are no exception. They have always been dedicated to defending the winning government and planning for him.

But in fact, the facts have proved that their worries, maintenance, and planning are all worries~

Everything was smoothly manipulated by the winning government! Even the government, Zi Chu didn’t have to bother too much.

If you have a son, what can your husband ask for?

“Father, eat more! These ingredients are carefully prepared by your ministers and are very supplementary!” Ying Zheng put a lot of lamb and vegetables on Zi Chu’s plate.

“Hehe, Zheng’er, you can eat too! You are growing up, so eat more good things!” Zi Chu picked up the vegetables on the plate and ate it with big mouthfuls.

It may be that Chili’s energy has not passed, and Zi Chu’s eyes are “spicy” with some tears. With the heat of the hot pot as a cover, he calmly wiped a handful of slightly red and swollen eyes.

The father and son enjoyed eating, and the civil and military officials were not bad!

At the beginning, the quilt was pitted by Chu Chu, and he was very upset, and even had a psychological resistance to chili, but after Ying Zheng personally demonstrated how to eat, these civil and military officials gradually fell in love with chili.

Especially the seasoning is mixed with some red chili powder, mix it with various sauces, and dip the cooked lamb slices inside!

That taste~

“This pepper is indeed a good thing! It’s fun! Enough!”

“Just to eat this kind of delicacy, this trip to Baoyang is definitely a worthwhile trip!”

“Not bad, hot pot with chili, hey! The old man almost bit his tongue, hehe!

“In this season, if you eat a pot of shabu-boiled mutton, the whole body is warm and uncomfortable! The most enjoyable time is this!”

“It’s really sweaty! It seems to eat more hot pot, it must be of great benefit to your body.”

“After eating this kind of delicacy, um, it seems that it has to be smoothed out! At least I have to get this kind of copper pot back!”

Civil and military officials walked out of the shadow of the chili peppers and were full of praise for the chili and hot pot.

At present, Zichu is just like ordinary people. He eats happily, and his mood is getting better and better. Before he knows it, he is already full and can’t eat anymore.

When reminiscing about the food, his brain suddenly flashed!

Look to the opposite side to win the government!

“Zheng’er, you have made so many copper pots, should you also use them for business?”

“Hehe, father Mingjian! Erchen really made this idea~” Ying Zheng replied with a smile.

“The dignified Prince Daqin, you turned out to be a merchant! Haha!” Zi Chu laughed.

Yingzheng did not refute, but explained with a smile:

“Merchants should be merchants! In fact, the status of merchants has been quietly changing. Isn’t Mr. Xiangguo also a merchant? Didn’t his mother grow up in a merchant’s family? In seven countries, which country’s authority is not trying to make money? It’s just that you haven’t left the name of a merchant!”

“In addition, Erchen wouldn’t just sell such a copper pot alone! Father, wait for the good news!

Zi Chu’s eyes flashed suddenly!

My baby son can always surprise him


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