Chapter 241 Zi Chu: Chili is a good thing, all the officials have to taste it! [Second more, please customize]

This brand new diet invented by Ying Zheng is called hot pot in later generations~

The servants placed the copper pot respectfully, and then put vegetables and various bottom materials into the pot that had been filled with water, and brought thin slices of lamb.

Everyone looked curiously at the actions of the servants, and Zi Chu was also very interested in the things in front of him.

“Prince, this way of eating you invented, is it stew? The lamb is cut very thin!” Zi Chu asked suspiciously to Yingzheng.

The rest of the civil and military officials are also waiting for the introduction of Yingzheng.

“This way of eating is called shabu-shabu, or hot pot! Adults, please be careful. The temperature of the copper pot is very high, and there is charcoal under it. It will be bad if it is hot!” Ying Zheng laughed. .

I’m not a kid anymore, I have curiosity, but everyone can still feel the heat radiating from the surface of the copper pot, and no one will be so stupid to experiment with their hands.

“Shabu-shabu? What do you mean?” Zi Chu asked.

“Go back to the father, shabu-shabu, look at these lamb, it’s very thin! Just boil it in boiling water, it can be cooked immediately and eaten directly. Under the copper pot is special charcoal, which can keep the high temperature for a long time. ”

“In this way, when we shabu-shabu, we can always eat steaming food! The taste is very good!” Ying Zheng Jiang explained the principle of hot pot, and then said:

“This kind of special charcoal and copper pots, as well as knives for cutting lamb, are by-products of the Daqin Steelmaking Plant. If you want to buy them, you can contact us!

Quietly, Ying Zheng made an advertisement~

Most people are kept in a curious state, and there is no desire to buy for the time being, but the expectation for this kind of hot pot has increased a lot.

“Hot pot is it? Yes, it is worthy of the name!” Zi Chu found a small switch under the copper pot, pulled it away, and found the charcoal fire burning inside.

“Well, it means to light the stove! Now when the weather turns cold, you can warm your body while eating, very good, 々!” Zi Chu praised.

Many ministers also discovered the ingenuity. Seeing Zi Chu’s movements, they all learned how to open the small switch, curiously looking at the burning charcoal inside.

Charcoal has long been widely known. Traditional bronzes and ironware are made using charcoal. The charcoal of Daqin Steel Plant is clearly classified and has different uses.

However, charcoal used to cook hot pot is indeed the “first” of Yingzheng.

The principle is very simple, and you can understand it at a glance. What is lacking is just such a whimsical idea.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a large number of people slapped a hearty flattery, and Yingzheng sat there happily.

Seeing that the water in the hot pot has boiled, all kinds of vegetables are tumbling in it, colorful, which makes people very appetizing. But if Zi Chu didn’t do it, others wouldn’t dare to do it first.

A bright red sharp pepper was tumbling happily in the boiling water, and one inadvertently was caught out by the quilt Chu.

“Zheng’er, this kind of thing is called chili, isn’t it? It’s red and beautiful! Is this a condiment? Can it be eaten directly? How does it taste?” Zi Chu said in response to a series of questions about chili.

The father and the son are sitting at the same table. To be eligible to accompany Zi Chu to dinner, of course they have to win politics.

Looking at his cheap old man with a serious look, his curiosity seems to be very strong! Ying Zheng suddenly aroused a wicked taste in his heart

“Father, this thing is a good treasure! It is not only a condiment, but also can be eaten directly, raw or cooked, all can be eaten, and the taste is extremely strong! People from all over Baoyang County like to eat chili very much, especially popular!

“E? ​​It’s such a miraculous thing? The widows look down on this thing! Unfortunately, there is no such thing in Xianyang!” Zi Chu sighed, “Can I eat it now?”

Ying Zhengqiang resisted not letting his smirk appear on his face, and vowed:

“It is the best time to eat now, and the taste is the strongest! Father, please use it!”

While speaking, he stretched out his arm and put on an inviting posture.

Zi Chu didn’t realize the weirdness in it. He was counted, and he couldn’t count that his son would be so cheating~

The body of the red pepper, and Zichu’s teeth were torn and cut in the waist. It completely ended his life and completely cut off the possibility of it continuing to play in the hot pot.

This hatred, Uncle Red Pepper is the death of the clan, and it must be reported!

You are the winner of King Qin, Zi Chu, who completely endured the red pepper’s revenge and was not spared~

“Ah water! Hurry up!” Zi Chu’s face was extremely hideous, hissing incessantly in his mouth.

Outsiders looked like they were definitely suffering from great pain! Tears were even streaming out!

The dignified King Qin, the most noble man in the world, shed tears in public, how painful it must have been?

At this time, Victory finally couldn’t hold back anymore, and while passing the clear water to Zi Chu, he laughed and succeeded in cheating!

Zi Chu didn’t care about these things. He kept drinking water in his mouth, and used chopsticks to pick up some recognizable food and put it into his mouth, and gobbled it up to relieve the strong spicy taste.

“”Father, be slow! The taste of pepper is very strong, isn’t it? This is amazing!” Ying Zheng laughed.

As various foods entered the mouth, the spiciness in the mouth gradually eased, and Zi Chu returned to normal.

Was pitted by his son!

He knew this well.

Looking at the smirk of Ying Zheng, Zi Chu has lost his temper. At this moment, the father and son are pure father and son affection.

Emperor’s family, family affection is the most expensive!

Although there is no such a bullshit fight between father and son, but the mental maturity of winning the government is too small, even (good Zhao’s) even Zichu rarely sees his son’s naughty appearance.

This “scheming” is also what you wished for!

Pain and happy~

But well, he won Zi Chu and lost face in public, that’s not okay!

Even if you lose face, you can’t just lose him, you have to accompany them all!

Thinking of this, Zi Chu sorted out the expressions on his face, showing the majesty of King Qin that used to be so high, and said in a deep voice:

“Yes, yes! This thing is really strong! It is really amazing! Well, chili is a good thing, the widow has already tasted it personally, all the princes, you all try it too!”

The officials underneath, instantly turned into bitter melon faces.

What good shit? It’s impossible!

But Zi Chu’s words and expressions clearly meant that you must taste and eat!

Who dares to violate?


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