Chapter 243 If you want to be rich, build roads first! Reinforced concrete roads! [Fourth update, please customize]

The Baoyang party finally ended. Zi Chu returned to Xianyang with his officials, and returned to Xianyang with them. There were also the special copper hot pot made by the Daqin Steel Plant and the special pepper produced in Baoyang.

Except for Zichu’s set of utensils, the other ministers of civil and military affairs all bought them with money.

Winning government does not care about this small amount of money, but the things given for nothing will inevitably not be taken seriously to a certain extent. Let those people spend their own money to buy it, but they will achieve better results.

After returning to the palace, Zi Chu couldn’t wait to prepare all kinds of utensils and materials, and found Zhao Ji as if offering treasures, and cooked the pot again!

Zhao Ji was also very excited when she saw the hot pot, her face was full of curiosity. The red pepper in the hot pot also attracted her, and she wanted to pick it up and take a bite.

Zi Chu quickly blocked her.

“Madam, this thing is called chili, and you can’t eat it indiscriminately! Later, with other things, you will know why the widow stopped you!”

“Oh! This chili pepper is red and gorgeous, so beautiful!” Zhao Ji stared at a pair of beautiful eyes, stood by without blinking, a lively incarnation of food~a~

This is the case of the royal palace, the homes of the ministers who participated in the Baoyang trip-the same is true.

The name of hot pot and chili spread like wildfire!

It didn’t take long for Qin’s high-ranking dignitaries to like the fresh way of eating hot pot.

In Baoyang, Yingzheng is still carrying out production and construction work in an orderly manner in accordance with various plans made in advance.

After another month, five thousand Baoyang Shi knives, equipped with scabbards, were sent to the royal palace guard camp. The best weapons were naturally given priority to be equipped in the royal palace forbidden areas.

All the equipment of the Tigers who won the government had to be replaced, but they were not in a hurry for a while. Moreover, there will be no war in a short period of time, and the Tigers will not take any actions, and the initiative is in the hands of Qin!

But after building 5,000 Baoyang Shidao, Daqin Steel Factory had to stop production.

The raw materials are not enough!

Regarding these things, winning the government is naturally the overall control, and he can see the fire. He called Wei Mo’s Shen Lang to the county government.

“A few days ago, have the steel bars ordered for the road construction team been produced?” Ying Zheng asked directly.

“His Royal Highness, Prince Qi! There is still a lack of steel bars, but they will be ready soon! But the production of Baoyang Shidao has to be delayed for a long time! Now it lacks a necessary raw material and cannot be produced.” Shen Lang reported according to the facts. Condition.

“Well, it’s okay, this prince knows it! Baoyang County is relatively desolate, with few roads built, and there is no smooth road in all directions! It is extremely difficult to transport materials such as ore, and this is also impossible.” I have noticed these very early.

Otherwise, he would not have formed a road construction team of more than 100,000 people!

“Remember that batch of useless ore from a long time ago?” Ying Zheng asked with a smile.

“His Royal Highness is referring to the batch of white ore? The subordinates really don’t understand! Those ore are so sparse in texture that they have no other purpose at all except for road construction!”

This is a question in Shen Lang’s mind.

There is no introduction to the use of that kind of ore in the records of the ancient books of the Mohist school, and the “Steelmaking Guide” does not mention that kind of ore, but His Royal Highness spared no effort to get a lot of it, all hoarding in the Daqin Steel Plant, occupying it. What a big site!

“You don’t know the real purpose of those minerals to say so! They are precious, not to be underestimated!” Ying Zheng said as he took out a few thin pages of paper from his arms.

“Reward you for a secret recipe! Let’s go back and experiment now! A lot of clay has been obtained from the office, and you can just pull it away when you get there!” Ying Zheng’s finger flicked, and the paper flew up. In front of Shen Lang.

When Shen Lang heard about the secret recipe, his face was full of excitement, and he couldn’t wait to look at the content on the paper.

“Mixed Use of Cement Manufacturing and Commercial Concrete”!

Two new words that have never been heard before!

This is what Yingzheng has been pondering since the first day it decided to build a road.

The asphalt pavement of later generations is still immature in terms of current production conditions. It is difficult to extract oil as raw materials alone.

Therefore, Yingzheng decided to lay a reinforced concrete road connecting Baoyang and Xianyang.

The location of the road is basically a straight line, so that the distance between the two places is the shortest, except for the places where the road is blocked by the mountains, it is a straight line.

0……Look for flowers…

Therefore, the road under construction is currently uninhabited and few people pass through it.

In the early stage of road construction, the rock foundation is mainly laid, with a very thick layer, which is very firm.

This is also a complementary mining operation with Daqin Steel Plant. Useful ore will be pulled to the steel plant, and useless stones will be used to pave roads.

The foundation is fine, and the road surface will take a lot of effort.

If you simply use stones to level the road surface, firstly, the time-consuming is greatly increased, and secondly, the level of the road surface is difficult to maintain, and the later road rehabilitation will also increase the difficulty.

In the end, Ying Zheng decided to use steel bars and commercial concrete to solve this problem.

Commercial concrete (tong) is also concrete. Concrete means “artificial stone”. It is used to build roads with steel bars. It is so strong that it is indescribable.


According to the plan of Yingzheng, the construction of such a road is very expensive, but it is definitely worth the money, and it will be no problem after hundreds of years!

Others don’t understand the way of winning politics, but winning politics itself understands the value of this road very well. As long as it can be connected to Chengyang, it will be much more convenient to transfer all kinds of materials with the kind of Xianyang.

In addition, there are many follow-up plans to win the government, which are inseparable from this reinforced concrete road.

*** …..

“Limestone is combined with clay and burned to make cement? Supplemented with sand and finely divided stone, mixed with clear water, mixed into commercial concrete, and then reinforced into it…” Shen Lang muttered and kept thinking in his mind. .

He can’t understand cement for the time being, but the characteristics of cement are clearly recorded on the paper. If these characteristics are true, then it is simply suitable for road construction!

“I don’t know where His Royal Highness inherited these whimsical ideas! If the Royal Highness had researched it by himself, it would really be an evil spirit!” Shen Lang’s heart was shocked.

Originally, he considered himself a disciple who won the government. For a few months, although he did not apprentice a teacher, he received a lot of guidance from the government, and the improvement was huge.

Now that he has obtained the firing method of cement, he is eager to try again, and can’t wait to verify the knowledge factory.

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