Chapter 240 The shock of the civil and military officials! The future of Baoyang! [First update, please customize]

Of course, it is impossible for the Daqin Steelmaking Plant to manufacture only one thing. Except for the Baoyang Shidao, all other weapons and armors are produced.

Under the guidance of Fang Ping, the king of Qin won Zi Chu and the civil and military officials, and spent a long time in the steelmaking plant. He praised all kinds of sophisticated combat equipment and was extremely satisfied.

Confirmed the mass production of the war knife, inspected the production operation of the steel plant, and the Baoyang trip, the apparent goal has been achieved.

In the afternoon, everyone continued to visit the farms and immigration offices, gymnasiums, etc. They were amazed at Baoyang County under the winning politics.

Towards the evening, Zi Chu came to the newly built county office.

The entire Baoyang County is in large-scale construction projects, and the future plan is very large. The original county office is no longer suitable for continuing to become an administrative center, so naturally it must be rebuilt.

At this time, the county government has not been officially put into use, and various decorative utensils that symbolize majesty are still being prepared, but everything in the room is ready.

“Prince, you, the county government of Baoyang County, in terms of scale, it is more ambitious than the county government. If you stay in Baoyang for a long time, it’s okay, but once you leave, this is beyond the limit!” Chu frowned slightly.

“Erchen is about to talk about this, father Wang Rongzhen!” Yingzheng had been prepared for a long time, and it was deliberate to bring Zi Chu here.

“My Daqin’s existing prefectures and counties system is in time, and Erchen has no objection, but Baoyang is definitely an exception! Since Erchen has already made promises in the court, then Baoyang will definitely be turned upside down. Change, Erchen has this confidence!”

“The current plans are still being launched, and they are just beginning to emerge! When the one-year appointment, the father can come again, I believe that the father will not think that the county government has exceeded the system.

Seeing the confidence of winning the government, Zi Chu felt relieved that everything had a plan; otherwise, it would be inevitable that someone with good deeds would write some articles in the middle.

“Erchen plans to add one more item on the basis of the one-year agreement, and ask his father Wang Enzhun!” Yingzheng continued.

“Oh? Add another item? What does the prince want to add?” Zi Chu was very curious.

The civil and military officials around him also have the same mentality, and they don’t know what the prince wants to do.

Just listen to Yingzheng’s solemn expression:

“A year-long appointment, such as Baoyang’s changes, can satisfy the father and the king, and the sons and ministers want to designate Baoyang as a special administrative region! The ritual system is the same as Xianyang!’

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

The ritual system is the same as Xianyang?

Why? Just rely on Daqin Steelmaking Plant?

Xianyang is the king’s city of Qin, and it is the undisputed center of politics, military, economy, and culture!

How does the small Baoyang County qualify to be tied with Xianyang?

King Qin is supreme and respected in status, and no one can compare it! But as a royal city, Xianyang is not incomparable and insurmountable, and has no conflict with the ritual system.

The key is to look at strength!

The strength in all aspects has reached the level of the royal city, and it is all right to participate in the Xianyang ritual system.

In this way, everyone is clear about the ambition of the prince.

The prince meant to build Baoyang into a place comparable to Xianyang!

The picture is huge!

That is, only fathers and sons like Zichu and Yingzheng can tell this kind of thing face to face, and change to other father and son monarchs. It is trivial matter that father and son doubt it. It is the greatest possibility that it will lead to the tragedy of father and son fighting.

This matter was placed on Zi Chu’s body, he just laughed, but he was happy in his heart~

He is just such a son, ambitious and ambitious, which is naturally a good thing!

“Three months have passed since the one-year appointment. The imperial examination system has achieved initial results, and the changes in Baoyang County are also very dramatic. The widow never thought that the prince would give Daqin a surprise in such a fast time!”

“As you wish, if the changes in Baoyang can satisfy the widows after nine months, and set it as a special zone, why not? Father is looking forward to that day!” Zi Chu’s eyes were full of hope.

The night is getting late, and the weather in early autumn has turned slightly cooler.

At this time, Zi Chu would naturally not return to Xianyang overnight. There was no palace in Baoyang County. He decided to live in the newly built county office that night.

The accompanying courtesy officer raised an objection.

“Majesty, according to the system of etiquette, if the king travels, he should stay overnight in the palace! The king staying in Baoyang is already out of season. Living in the county office can barely make sense. If you live here, it will be impertinent.” Put forward his own opinions.

“It’s okay! It looks good here, it just lacks some decorations! I think when the widow was in the country of Zhao, how could it compare to what it is today? Prince, how do you say that? ?” Zi Chu looked towards winning the government.

“Don’t forget the original intention, always have to always!” Yingzheng once told Zi Chu this famous quote from later generations, and Zi Chu deeply believed it, but always couldn’t remember~

“Yes, yes, yes! Don’t forget your original intention, you can always do it! The prince, the widow and the princes have spent a whole day with you in Baoyang, and the rice has not been imported. How do you entertain? Go, this is also one of the original intentions!” Zi Chu said with a smile.

There were constant surprises throughout the day. Under the drive of curiosity, a large group of people did not even eat meals, and they patronized and explored everywhere. The dignified King Qin and the important ministers of Wen and Wu were actually hungry for a whole day of 370.

At night, when the weather was relatively cold, everyone naturally remembered the belly that started to growl.

Ying Zheng was also hungry for a whole day, and where Zi Chu went, he must have been with him all the way. However, in terms of diet, he had already made arrangements.

“Father, my son, during his stay in Baoyang, invented a brand new diet, and I was about to invite my father to comment on it! My elders, your precious opinions, this prince is also looking forward to it!” Yingzheng teased road.

“Oh? Brand new diet? Quickly presented! The widow is already impatient! Haha!” Zi Chu looked eager to try when he was hungry.

Civil and military officials are also full of expectations.

They have all personally learned the methods of His Royal Highness!

It’s not about personal force and political strategy, but at the farm in Heibing County that day, the prince personally researched how to eat roasted dried sweet potatoes and sweet potato porridge.

The first time I tasted the delicious feeling, I still can’t forget it.

Yingzheng gestured to Zhao Gao who was outside the door, Xiao Zhao Gao understood, and immediately went down and got ready to go.

Time is short, one servant after another, holding utensils of the same size but weird shape, placed on each table table.

Faintly radiating heat outward

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