Chapter 239 Baoyang Shidao! The best birthday gift! [Second update, please customize]

The output has been confirmed, and the texture has also been verified. The standard war knife is completely affirmed, and there is no more controversy.

Lord Changping looked at the neat rows of war knives in the warehouse, and bursts of weakness appeared in his heart.

How can there be any delusions? How can there be any confusion?

The Daqin Steelmaking Plant really has the ability to mass produce magic weapons!

Even the unheard of things like blowing hair and breaking hair changed the concept of magic weapon, Zi Chu and all the courtiers were all rejoicing.

“As soon as the peerless sword comes out, no one can compete with Da Qin! The old minister congratulates the great king! He congratulates the great Qin!” Meng Yu saluted Zi Chu with excitement on his face.

“Congratulations to the king! My Qin country’s military strength is even further! To subdue the six kingdoms is like turning back!

“Weichen is really unable to speak “Three Seven Zeros” now, Great Qin Wannian! Saint Prince Wannian! Great King Wannian!”

Each group of officials expressed their inner excitement and joy, and congratulated Zichu and Yingzheng continuously.

Lu Buwei was also full of joy, walked in front of Zi Chu and Ying Zheng, and said loudly:

“His Majesty, Your Royal Highness, there is no specific name for my Daqin’s standard sword. Naturally, it can’t be the case with such magical blades produced by steel mills! The old minister suggested that this sword should be named Baoyang sword! Baoyang sword! , Worthy of the name!’

“Lu Qing’s words, Dashan! The name Baoyang Dao, um, has to be decided by the prince!” Zi Chu smiled and gave the decision to win the government.

“Master Xiangguo gave a good name. However, this knife is a result of the wisdom and hard work of many scholars after the imperial examination was implemented. It is of great significance! After Baoyang, you might as well add the word’Shi’, such a thing. Come on, the murderous things are also a little more literary!” Ying Zheng put forward his own opinions.

“His Royal Highness is extremely true! Adding the word “Shi”, the Tiger Wolf Master of Da Qin can also be infected with some righteousness, um, I can grow anger when I say it!” The old general Wang Yi immediately spoke in support.

The other ministers also agreed.

A small name, because of the proposal of winning politics, condensed the commemorative significance of the imperial examination system, and further expanded the influence of the imperial examination system.

Although these things have little to do with the imperial examination system, Yingzheng insisted on saying that. Who can deny it? Outsiders simply don’t know the truth.

“Okay! The prince’s proposal also makes sense. After the first victory in the imperial examination system, the sword was named Baoyang Shidao!” Zi Chu slapped the naming matter, and then he smiled again:

“But I don’t know, when can this Baoyang official sword be equipped to wear the whole army? Prince, your steel mill has a heavy responsibility! It is related to the improvement of Daqin’s military strength, and we must hurry up.”

“My father is right! The matter of Baoyang’s official sword dressing and wearing the whole army is certain, sooner or later! It’s just that there are so many workers in the Daqin Steel Plant, and the huge investment in the early stage. “Ying Zheng looked at Zi Chu with a playful look.

A fool can understand what it means to win the government, let alone King Qin wins Zichu?

“Prince, just tell me if you want money, why cover up?” Zi Chu smiled.

“My son is not selfish, and I hope my father will be sympathetic! It’s just that Baoyang County is now spending money everywhere, and the treasury is running short! Just talk about the construction of this steel plant, and the construction cost is huge! Manpower, materials, and officials. Salaries, all require a lot of money.”

“In addition, the Baoyang Battle Knife supplies the entire Daqin armaments with the power of a factory. It should be sold, and it is impossible to contribute freely.” Ying Zheng explained a little bit.

“As long as you can provide the Baoyang Shidao, how much money is okay! This is common sense, undisputed! Compared to the increase in the military strength of my Great Qin, what is a small amount of money? Prince, let’s make a price!” Zi Chu With a wave of his big hand, his pride rose suddenly.

The father and son openly started a business transaction in front of the civil and military officials~

But when others see this scene, they are only envious. It is foreseeable that Daqin Steelmaking Plant will inevitably make a fortune through Baoyang Shidao!

“According to the current level, the labor and cost of each war knife are evenly spread, about 20 cents! But including the early investment, the construction of steel mills, the mining of various minerals, and the improvement of equipment, The price of five hundred wen is definitely not high!” Yingzheng offered the price.

The price of five hundred texts is really not high.

Normally, the cheapest weapon in the army is the kind that requires five hundred characters, which is incomplete. Normally used standard weapons, the original price of this standard war knife has reached a thousand liters!

The Baoyang Shi knife produced by Daqin Steelmaking Plant has not only improved the quality super hugely, but also reduced the price a lot. Everyone has a fixed number of these things.

“His Royal Highness, this price is a bit low!” Wang Jian calmly walked to Ying Zheng and reminded him in a low voice.

Wang Jian and Wang Yi were all specially transferred by Zi Chu for this trip to Baoyang. The escort is still second, mainly to let them know about the battle knife and know what they are.

Not only Wang Jian felt that the price of five hundred texts was low, but Zi Chu also knew it.

“The Daqin Steelmaking Plant has made a contribution to the country, and the widow can’t owe it to the hero! Baoyang Shi knife, sell it to the military in batches at a price of 1,000 yuan each, and the finances are settled in the treasury!” Zi Chu said, The final word.

In terms of Qin’s national strength, where is such a small amount of money? It is almost negligible!

“I can’t thank you! What is Zhu doing there?” Ying Zheng shouted at the dazed acting director Fang Ping.

Fang Ping and the high-level steel-smelting factory behind him were just like a dream, Fang awakened, turned from the huge surprise, and kowtowed his head on the spot to thank you.

“Daqin Steel Factory, thank you for your compassion! Thank you for your reward!” everyone said in unison.

Zi Chu laughed loudly:

“Haha 1.3, everyone, please! The widows should thank you for creating such a magic weapon for Da Qin. Don’t worry! Don’t worry, all the rewards will be implemented in accordance with Qin’s laws and you will not be wronged!

“Now I want to come, at the birthday banquet that day, this Baoyang official sword of the prince is really the best birthday gift! Congratulations to the Great Qin! Great Qin Wannian!”

King Qin Yingzi Chu looked excited, generous and violent. All his courtiers immediately chanted “Great Qin Wannian” together. Inside the steel plant, there was a voice of praise and praise, which even overwhelmed the roar in the steel plant.

The workers who are in production seem to have more power gushing out of their bodies, and they have become more vigorous when they work.

Only Changping Jun, Chang Wenjun, and some officials of the Chu family and Qing clan were extremely sad and lost in their hearts. .

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