Chapter 238 Cut iron like mud, blow hair and break hair! Collective shock! [First update, please customize]

At the moment when the sword was born, Shen Lang’s eyes were extremely solemn, but with a touch of tenderness.

It is a kind of craftsman’s love for his own work, and the feeling that he has devoted himself to it, which is difficult for outsiders to understand.

But this does not prevent others from paying attention to the sword!

Shen Lang stood on the spot, put his hands flat, put the sword on the top of his palm, bowed slightly, facing ~ Ying Zheng.

Although his original intention was to present it to the king of Qin to win Zichu, this behavior is no different from that of the king, and he also knows the pros and cons.

Yingzheng walked up to the front at will, raised the sword in his hand with one hand, and handed it back to Zi Chu.

“Father, please taste it!”

Judging from the appearance, this battle knife is no different from the one that was presented at the time of the birthday. What it lacks is just a scabbard.

Zi Chu grabbed the one-piece knife handle, observed it several times anyway, and nodded slightly:

“Yes! This freshly baked sword is indeed similar to the one in the palace!”

After speaking, he handed the saber back to Yingzheng.

In fact, Zi Chu is just doing it. He has already confirmed the fact that the sword can be mass-produced.

Because when Yingzheng returned to Xianyang, in addition to the gift, the other nine hundred and ninety-nine had also been taken back to the palace.

A thousand standard weapons can definitely explain the problem.

It’s just that those war knives were not issued immediately, and the officials were not aware of it.

Ying Zichu’s visit to Baoyang this time was mainly to inspect Baoyang’s national economy and people’s livelihood. The mass production of the sword is just a matter of confirmation.

It’s the fact that the production process of the sword is true to his admiration.

Ying Zheng handed the sword to Shen Lang again, and Shen Lang took the sword, turned and walked towards the curtain.

Zi Chu here has truly confirmed the mass production of the sword, and he is also completely relieved and excited:

“The prince has made another great contribution this time! With such a sword, once equipped with the army, I am afraid that Da Qin’s military strength will truly be in the world! Even if the six kingdoms are combined, they will have no resistance!”

“Father Wang Mingjian!” Ying Zheng agreed with a smile.

But after saying this sentence, he suddenly found something abnormal around him!

The important civil and military officials all had a shocked look. The boss with an open mouth did not make any sound, and his eyes were round and staring without blinking.

Following the sight of these people, it was Shen Lang’s direction!

The sharpening of the sword is already the last step. The bladed war knife is a finished product, and it can be distributed directly to the army with a scabbard.

Therefore, the warehouse of the war sword is beside it, hidden behind the curtain.

Shen Lang held the sword in his hand, opened the curtain, and prepared to put the sword in the warehouse. Then the officials saw the scene of the warehouse.

Several large rows of weapon racks, on the upper and lower floors, are all hanging the same swords!

Neatly and densely packed.

Judging by the number, there are at least more than two thousand!

Two thousand sharp swords of the gods appeared in front of everyone, and they were immediately stunned, completely unable to believe the scene they saw.

Finally, Meng Yu was the first to return to his senses, his expression was extremely excited, and he sighed:

“My Daqin Tiger Wolf Master is completely invincible in the world! No one can stop it!”

The rest of the courtiers also began to express their shock:

“Two thousand magic weapons! The Daqin Steel Plant was officially completed in just over a month. Could it be said that the monthly output has exceeded two thousand?”

“This kind of efficiency is far superior to previous weapons workshops! It can definitely be regarded as mass production, or super high output!”

“If you sell this kind of war knife to the Six Nations, I am afraid that every one is a sky-high price, and it will definitely be endlessly sought after!”

“No! Never! Only I, Da Qin, can possess these war knives! If it is spread, these war knives are likely to be slashed at Da Qin soldiers in the future.”


Jun Changping was also in shock, but he didn’t want to accept this fact psychologically!

This kind of psychology became the words in his mouth.

“His Royal Highness, everyone has seen the mass production of war swords. The steel mills are indeed producing very quickly! It is really rare that the monthly output can reach more than two thousand! But this kind of mass-produced war swords may not be able to reach the king. The level of the gift, right?

As soon as this remark came out, the rest of the people also thought of it!

It’s just that they are similar in appearance, so there is no way to count them.Aren’t the standard swords in the Great Qin Army all the same shape?

Everyone is waiting for Yingzheng’s answer.

0……Look for flowers…

Yingzheng just glanced at Jun Changping lightly, and said casually:

“Mr. Changping, if you have any questions about the war knife, you might as well try it yourself! The war knife in the warehouse is a finished product, and you can choose one. There is no shortage of various metal materials in the Daqin Steelmaking Plant. The thing for a knife test is perfect!”

Lord Changping will naturally not show weakness at this time!

He clasped his fists and gestured, and walked straight into the innermost part of the warehouse. On the lowermost layer of the knife holder, where it was most inconvenient to use, he raised a war knife.

As everyone watched, Lord Changping took a few pieces of copper and iron leftovers in the scrap area, and slashed with a knife!

Of course there will be no surprises!

The texture of each war knife is the same, cutting copper and iron is no problem at all.

Looking at the copper and iron scraps on the ground, with the continuous chopping, it has become more finely divided, and the cut is also extremely smooth, and there is no effective block against the sword at all.

It’s just like cutting melons and vegetables!

Mr. Changping was dumbfounded and silent.

Facts have proved everything, the steel mill’s war knife is still a magic knife!

At this moment, everyone confirmed this point of view.

Just listen to the victory and say:

“It’s nothing to cut iron like mud. These standard war knives have another ability called blowing hair and breaking hair! Changping Jun, you can try it out together.”

Lu Buwei saw that Jun Changping was stupid, so he walked over and took the sword in his hand.

“His Royal Highness means that if the hair falls on the blade, a light blow can break the hair?” Lu Buwei tentatively asked.

“Yes! This is what the prince meant. It’s best for Master Xiangguo to demonstrate!” Ying Zheng affirmed.

Lu Buwei was also very curious about this “blowing and broken hair”. He immediately squeezed a piece of hair on the top of his head and wanted to test it. At this time, the rest of the ministers also gathered around, wanting to witness it with their own eyes.

I saw Lu Buwei pinching the long hair with two fingers, bringing it close to the edge of the blade, and then blowing it over with a light breath.

Silently, the long hair broke in two when it approached the blade!

Inside the steel-making plant, the awe-inspiring voices of the ministers sounded.

Jun Changping saw this scene, and his heart became even more flustered, and he almost collapsed! The factory.

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