Chapter 237 The shock of Daqin Steelmaking Plant! [Fourth update, please customize]

King Qin Ying Zichu led the civil and military officials to Baoyang County. Ying Zheng had already informed the officials in the county in advance, that is, the scholars who were selected by the imperial examination.

Left and right Si Kou Han Fei, Li Si, Daqin Steel Plant’s acting director Fang Ping, and other officials, together with Wei Mo magnate Shen Lang, all the senior officials in Baoyang County moved and waited.

In addition to nervousness, there is more excitement and pride!

Most of these people came from poor families. It is undoubtedly an honor to be able to see the most powerful King Qin in the world, and to be responsible for the reception as a local official.

As an ordinary citizen, it is enough to brag for a lifetime.

Ying Zheng looked at the officials under him with such a senseless appearance, and couldn’t help feeling extremely amused.

A cavalry of the Tiger Howling Army, riding alone, reported King Qin’s itinerary first, and Ying Zheng chuckled towards the group of people behind him:

“Let’s go out to meet you in advance, the king’s guard of honor is already close to Baoyang!”

After accepting the pilgrimage from Baoyang local officials, Zi Chu and the ministers rushed directly to the Daqin Steelmaking Plant.

“That Zuo Si Kou Han Fei is a member of the royal family of Han country? This young man is good, looks very capable 367! Right Si Kou is called Li Si, right? Young and old, with a calm demeanor! The imperial examination system has indeed recruited many talents!” Chu was next to Yingzheng, speaking quietly.

“Father and the king said that these two teachers are famous! Our Daqin scholars are also very good. The acting director of the steelmaking plant is a local talent in Baoyang! He is here to serve, and it can be described as a fish in water and a job. Very good!” Ying Zheng raised his finger and pointed to Fang Ping, who was leading the way.

The conversation between the two was not loud, but Fang Ping was very close to them, and he heard them very real.

His Royal Highness actually introduced me to Wang Qin as a small acting director? Fang Ping was extremely excited.

I heard that the father and son continued to talk and talked about the steel plant.

“Zheng’er, the chimney of your steelmaking plant is too high, right? There is no need at all!” Zi Chu looked at the towering chimney in front of him, puzzled.

“Father Wang Rongzi, the height of these chimneys is closely related to Baoyang’s overall plan. The thick smoke produced by the black ice steelmaking needs to be discharged to a farther place, otherwise it will have a great impact! Those thick smoke can It’s not a good smell.”

“Therefore, only when a certain height is reached can it have an effect and let those thick smoke drift in the wind. These are all the scholars selected by the imperial examination scholars, and they have made plans and designs. Below the chimney in front, is Create the area of ​​the saber.

When Ying Zheng was explaining these things, he deliberately raised his voice a bit, so that the important court officials around him listened carefully.

“Huh! I’m making mystery! It’s just to build the chimney higher. How can there be so much truth?” Jun Changping snorted in his heart, extremely disdainful.

He observes the surroundings very carefully, for fear of any omissions. If by any chance you miss an opportunity to criticize winning politics, it would be a big mistake.

The ministers also have their own ideas.

If you don’t talk about the one-year appointment of the imperial examination system, and the mass production of war knives on birthday banquets, these people should be even more amazed at the changes in Baoyang County.

Baoyang belongs to the frontier of the Qin State, and it is regarded as a strategic buffer between the six countries. It was extremely desolate before, but now it is not desolate at all.

Exquisite houses, neat streets, huge steel mills, and orderly immigration offices, as well as those colorful fruits and vegetables

There is a breath of prosperity everywhere!

Although it is still inferior to Xianyang, the embryonic form of a new city is already in place. In particular, the population here is only immigrants from six countries. Those who settle here in the future will be a million-dollar base.

To conduct pilot projects, resources must be tilted, and mobilizing immigrants is also justified. In this way, Yingzheng cannot be regarded as pursuing public for personal gain. It is Daqin who ultimately benefits (aibd).

As they walked, everyone came to the workshop where the saber was built.

There are not many workers here, but the movement created is not small. The roar and the clanging metal collision sound never stop for a moment.

Fang Ping, the acting director of the factory, led Zi Chu and his party to the side of a huge fire.

“King, this is a special steel melting furnace. The material for the war knife is produced here! The basic raw material pig iron will be processed in the furnace, and various other materials will be fused, through different temperature control, to form a unique strengthening. characteristic.”

Yingzheng did not require Fang Ping to keep this information confidential. There is no need at all. This principle is already known in the six countries. The difference lies in the difference in the materials used and the difference in temperature control.

Later, Fang Ping led everyone to the next process and continued to introduce:

“The prototype of the battle knife was produced in the mold. These molds are specially made and the materials are more expensive! Not only can they be used for a long time, but also play a great role in the surface treatment of the battle knife.

One after another, Fang Ping led everyone through every process of building a sword.

In this process, the mentality of many officials has changed a lot.

If at the beginning, I didn’t believe that the war sword could be mass-produced at all, then it is now dubious.

Because of a seemingly simple weapon, the process of its creation is extremely cumbersome! Moreover, the execution of each step is strictly prohibited, and no error is tolerated.

This delicate operation is more convincing than the traditional method of refining weapons.

It is not surprising that the weapons created in this way have reached the level of magic weapons!

Mr. Changping, who wanted to find the flaws, not only failed to find the flaws, but he began to waver. Even he believed that the steel mills had the conditions to build magic weapons.

The last process is to sharpen the edge!

After quenching and forging, the knife blank sent here has been shaped, and the heavy and cold breath is completely different from before.

The blade was faintly glowing with cold light, exuding a breath of iron and blood.

Everyone’s attention was focused on Shen Lang’s body!

Because the cutting process was demonstrated by the giant Wei Mo himself.

I saw him steadily fixing the knife blank on a pliers, holding a special crystal blade, and slowly moving at the edge of the war knife.

From the bottom to the tip of the knife, the crystal blade swept across, over and over again.

The cold light at the blade’s blade continuously strengthened in an incredible way. As Shen Lang’s arm slid for the last time, the blade of the saber’s blade became sharp and sharp.

The sword of the magic weapon, success!.

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