Chapter 236 The pattern of the prince, few people can match! [third update, ask for customization]

The distance between Baoyang and Xianyang is very long, and the road is extremely bumpy. Even if you take a carriage to go there, it will take several days.

However, no one opposed Zichu’s temporary decision.

On the one hand, these people want to confirm whether the Supreme War Knife can be mass-produced; on the other hand, Baoyang has been an imperial examination pilot for three months, and people are very curious about how much change has taken place there.

It was night, Zi Chu left Yingzheng in the bedroom, and the father and son plus Zhao Ji, sat around.

After not seeing her son for a long time, Zhao Ji was naturally very excited, with a smile on her face, her mouth talking non-stop, and all kinds of parents were short and cold.

Zhao Ji has a great influence on winning politics.

This kind of meticulous care and the true feelings between mother and child are especially valuable in the era of fame and fortune.

In the first half, Zhao Ji and Yingzheng’s mother and son were reunited. In the second half, it was Zichu and Yingzheng talking about some major national events.

Although the current Zhao Ji is still that kind of silly and sweet temperament, her knowledge has not grown very much.

But she is very measured and sensible, knowing when to say and when not to say.

When Zi Chu talked about Baoyang’s reform, Zhao Ji naturally stopped telling those trivial matters.

“Baoyang’s steelmaking plant, the battle knife thing, really can mass production?” Zi Chu asked expectantly. He had been holding back for a long time, and he couldn’t help it.

Let Zhao Ji go on talking endlessly, it is estimated that he can keep going all night!

“Father does not have to doubt, it is really just an ordinary sword, which can be mass-produced. The son came back this time and brought a thousand, all of which are left in Heibing County. Father can arrange for someone to retrieve it tomorrow. First replace the palace guard’s sword with a part.”

After getting an affirmative answer, Zi Chu’s heart became even more excited. He absolutely believed what his son said, and he looked forward to his visit to Baoyang even more.

But thinking of Baoyang, Zi Chu thought of another thing.

“Zheng’er, the road between Xianyang and Baoyang is bumpy! If you want to build a road, my father can understand it. But tens of thousands of people were dispatched at a time and it cost countless. Isn’t it too rush? That is, the treasury is full, otherwise If you do, Father Father will not allow you to make such a big move. 々.”

Ying Zheng chuckled lightly and said:

“Father, are you afraid of being poor? When your grandfather was alive, he fought for years, and his treasury was emptied! I’m afraid you still have a fresh memory of that period, right?”

“Actually, there is no urgency in what Erchen does. There is only need and no need. My Daqin’s national strength is no longer comparable to that in the past! Since I want people, money, and money, I don’t have to care about actions. It’s not too big, it needs to be built, so build the road!”

Originally, Zi Chu’s question was slightly blamed. At this time, he heard Ying Zheng’s interpretation, and he couldn’t refute it~

It makes sense!

Shaking his head and sighing, Zi Chu smiled bitterly:

“Zheng’er’s layout is indeed incomparable with the father, hehe! However, you have sent such manpower to build roads, do you want to complete the work before winter? This is a big project!”

“Everything can’t be hidden from the father! This road will come in handy!” Ying Zheng complimented.

A dialogue is also going on in the residence of Lord Changping.

“Stealing chickens can’t eclipse the rice! Winning the government and doing things is really hidden! It is too difficult to shake his foundation!” Changping Jun said with a frown.

“That’s true! I thought that the use of peerless magical soldiers could attack Baoyang’s steelmaking plant in the government. I didn’t expect to win the government and was prepared for it. He brought a better war knife to tit for tat. Chang Wenjun felt helplessly.

“The warning to win the government is really hateful! I can’t swallow this breath!” Chang Ping Jun’s face was full of anger, and his brows were frowned.

“His force is too strong to be invincible! Whether it is warning or threat, at least let us know his bottom line! On wisdom and strategy, the two of me may not necessarily lose to win politics! This trip to Baoyang, perhaps again It’s an opportunity!” Chang Wenjun’s words are very meaningful.

“That’s right! How could the Peerless Divine Soldier be mass-produced? It must be to win politics! This time, we have to watch carefully, and we must not let him get through it! At that time!”

“Even if it is the king’s defense no matter how the crime of deceiving the emperor is in front of him, how can he distinguish between winning the government? His power will be greatly affected! More importantly, such deceiving the emperor, the holy prince I’m afraid he won’t be able to keep his name! His reputation is bound to plummet!

“At that time, hum! Let’s see how he ends up!” Chang Ping Jun’s vicious words are quite different from his usual awe-inspiring appearance.

The civil and military officials of the Qin State were also in their respective interest groups, discussing the battle knife and some things in Baoyang County, and analyzing the various possibilities.

Most people have similar views as Mr. Changping, how can the peerless magic soldier achieve mass production?

This is impossible in everyone’s cognition.

However, there are also some people who firmly believe in winning politics, thinking that His Royal Highness can not be a mystery, and will not do things that are uncertain.

Most of these people are old Qin forces and military forces, and they are equivalent to hardcore supporters of winning politics.

Especially with regard to the battle sword, if mass production can be achieved, Qin’s military strength will undoubtedly rise to another level.

An unprecedented peak height!

Yingzheng did not stay in Xianyang for a long time. He set off to return to Baoyang the next day. Before leaving, he gave an explanation to the Tigers and the Raid.

A few days later, Zi Chu and his courtiers arranged the government properly, leaving behind the officials in charge, and they officially started the Baoyang trip (Good Wang Zhao).

The Tiger Howl Army escorted the whole process, the Janitor was in the middle to respond, and the net was also secretly responsible for defending.

Finally, the absolute top of the Qin State came to Baoyang Special Economic Zone.

Only in the periphery of Baoyang, monarchs and ministers have been attracted by all kinds of novel things.

The northwest of Baoyang, which is close to Xianyang, is a large agricultural area, planted with various colorful plants, which is more attractive than the beautiful scenery of flowers.

Especially the kind of vegetables called peppers can actually produce fruits of different colors. The locals in Baoyang call that kind of peppers as colored peppers, which is very attractive.

As Qin’s emperor and ministers continued to move towards Baoyang County, they saw some very weird buildings from a distance, blowing thick smoke, blowing into the distance along the breeze.

This is the iconic building of the Daqin Steelmaking Plant, and everyone has long heard of it.

Daqin Steelmaking Plant, here it is!

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