Chapter 235 A knife is not precious, mass production is scary! [Second more, please customize]

The result of the sword test made everyone present dumbfounded. Even if Zi Chu had already seen some clues, he did not expect such a shocking effect.

Lu Buwei in the seat suddenly recalled the trip to Baoyang a month ago, and remembered a sentence said by Yingzheng at that time:

Everything is under control!

Sure enough, they are all under control, and His Royal Highness has never disappointed people.

The civil and military officials also gradually awoke from the shock, and the exclamation that was delayed for a long time came out one after another:

“My god soldier! This is definitely my god soldier! Cut gold and jade, cut iron like mud!”

“The most precious treasure in the knife! It is indeed a birthday gift presented by His Royal Highness, really!”

“The sword of Lord Changping is not a mortal thing. I didn’t expect it to be so unbearable when I met the sword of His Royal Highness?”

“The steelmaking plant in Baoyang is amazing, amazing!

The unanimous praise of the officials made Changping Jun’s face changed again and again, and finally turned pale.

This result is too unacceptable.

In order to build this peerless sword, he spent countless money!

The original 08 was to be given to King Xiaowen Yingzhu, but the result was too early, and it was hung up before the completion of the construction; now it is given to Zichu, but it has caught up with the opportunity, and it can also suppress the victory.

As a result, such a sword was easily cut into two pieces!

Heavenly meteorite, overseas immortal gold, underground white sand, all the materials for sword-making are all top-notch! The craftsmanship of sword-making is not to mention, inherited from the master Ou Yezi, and the skills are more proficient.

Why is it just a standard war knife?

Looking at the broken sword, Changping Jun’s body shook uncontrollably and almost fell to the ground.

Zi Chu was the most excited.

After recovering from the shock, he immediately laughed:

“Good! Good! The prince’s birthday gift, the widow is very satisfied! It can be the title of a peerless soldier!”

Ying Zheng had long anticipated that this would happen, and his expression remained unchanged.

Chang Wenjun also woke up from the shock, staring at the sword, his expression gloomy:

“His Majesty, isn’t it deceiving the king? How can such a peerless sword cost only twenty liters? I am afraid that even the cost of materials is more than that?”

Hearing these words, Lord Changping also calmed down, echoing:

“Such a magic weapon, if there is no expert guidance, and no top-quality materials are used, it will definitely not be successful! Why does His Royal Highness have to deliberately conceal it?”

Ying Zheng did not directly refute Changping Jun and Chang Wenjun, but turned his attention to Zi Chu and said:

“Father, in fact, the birthday gift of the son-chen is not this war knife!”

“Huh? What does Zheng’er say? It’s not this one, which one is that? Could it be that you are reluctant to give it to the father?” Zi Chu was in a good mood and couldn’t help but teased his victory.

“Father Rongjing! What Erchen meant was that a total of 1,000 swords of this standard were prepared! A whole batch of standard swords, this is the birthday gift of the children!” Yingzheng explained.


At the banquet, it was as if the pan was fried, and everyone was once again in shock.

If it is really the same as what the Prince said, isn’t there a thousand weapons of this kind of magic weapon? This number is too terrifying.

“Zheng’er, can it be said that… this level of war knife can really be mass-produced?” While Zi Chu was happy, he also had some doubts.

Winning Zheng simply nodded and replied at will:

“Of course, the standard battle swords must be equipped with my Daqin army soldiers. Mass production is normal. Daqin Steelmaking Plant will build more! And not only battle swords, long swords, long swords, long swords, these weapons are all Anyone who can reach the level of a war sword can be mass-produced.”

The civil and military officials are making a noise again! The voice is full of voices!

“Baoyang’s steelmaking plant can compete with this ability? It is really incredible!”

“How many master-level casting talents does this have? God weapons and sharp weapons can produce energy? His Royal Highness’s ability is really admirable.”

“In just three months, His Royal Highness has recruited so many casting talents in Baoyang, it is unimaginable!”

“If my Da Qin soldiers are equipped with such magic weapons, who else can stop them? The holy prince has boundless merits!”

“Yes! His Royal Highness has made great contributions to my Great Qin!

The generals of the military are most delighted, and they also know the meaning of standard weapons best.

If the pawns can be equipped with such a war knife, they only need to cut and slash frontally in a battle. It is estimated that except for the heavy shield, other weapons and armors will not be able to withstand it at all.

The situation on the battlefield will evolve into a one-sided situation because of this standard war knife!

Mr. Changping also thought of this, and understood the great role of magic weapon as a standard weapon.

But this kind of thing is absolutely utopian! It is impossible to achieve!

“His Royal Highness, the mass production you are talking about should not be the level of the current sword? The most important thing to build a magic weapon is the material and skill! The clever craftsman can still be found, how can I find the top materials?

“If Weichen’s expectation is not bad, the material of this war knife should be the essence of the meteorite iron from the sky? But how rare is the meteorite iron from the sky? It is absolutely impossible to mass-produce a large number of war knives of the same quality! ”

367 Mr. Changping was extremely convinced of his own view.

“In terms of materials, there is no need to worry about Lord Changping! Daqin Steelmaking Plant has enough ability to obtain these materials! Moreover, it is not a meteorite iron! The swords that will be cast in the future will be exactly the same as the current one!” He replied faintly.

Despite this explanation of winning politics, the officials were still more willing to believe Changping Jun’s statement.

The frenzied enthusiasm passed, and the minds of these courtiers were restored to clarity, and they were no longer as excited as they were at the beginning.

Zi Chu, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly started asking questions at this moment:

“The steelmaking plant in Baoyang County, the widows have also heard about it for a long time. If you take this opportunity to visit Baoyang, one can see the changes in Baoyang; second, the truth of the mass production of war knives will naturally be revealed. ! How does the prince think?

“Father is going, naturally you can go! The adults in the court can also go together!” Yingzheng doesn’t care about these things. It’s not a fraud. What should I worry about?

Moreover, some secrets inside the steelmaking plant can not be understood by just looking at it for a few days, and there is no possibility of leakage of the secrets.

“Okay! In that case, Zhu Zheqing, after today’s banquet is over, you will go back and prepare separately! The sooner the Baoyang trip, the better! The widow can’t wait to take a look!”.

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