Chapter 234 A cheap war knife forged by the steelmaking method! [First update, please customize]

As a winning government, there is nothing strange about wearing a weapon with him. Even before King Qin was driving, the father and son would not mind this, and the ministers certainly didn’t bother.

But what’s the matter with this standard war knife in the army? Look at the style of the scabbard, it’s exactly the same as the war knife used by the pawns in close combat.

“His Royal Highness, what does this mean? Could this standard long knife be produced by Baoyang?” Chang Ping Jun said calmly.

“Yes! This war knife is produced by Baoyang, and it is also a birthday gift presented by the prince!” Ying Zhengwu sipped the tea in front of him without even looking at Changping Jun.

Longevity? Standard sword as a birthday gift?

I have heard that His Royal Highness has a peerless sword, but few people have actually seen it. The sword may be suitable as a birthday gift, and it may even compete with the birthday gift of Lord Changping.

But what does this standard war “three six three” knife count?

The ministers present were in a kind of suspicion.

Chang Wenjun, who was waiting to see that Yingzheng was embarrassed, couldn’t resist the doubts in his heart, and asked Yingzheng:

“Shu Weichen is clumsy, dare to ask His Royal Highness, is this the standard sword used by my Daqin pawns?

“It is Daqin’s standard war knife, but it was just made by Daqin Steel Plant, and it is not equipped with the entire army.” Ying Zheng nodded slightly and explained.

“But I don’t know, what is the cost of the sword produced by Baoyang?” Chang Wenjun was a little bit confused about his intention to win politics.

If it’s just a standard war sword, holding this kind of thing as a birthday gift, it might as well not give it!

Winning Zheng didn’t care about the various surprised gazes at the scene, and said:

“If you don’t count the initial investment, the manufacturing cost of this sword is about twenty cents.”

Twenty texts?

There was a strong disdain in Mr. Changping’s heart: Compared with the sword made by the monarch with such a cheap product, I am afraid that the prince has managed to achieve a little achievement, and he has been fainted and can’t say for sure!

Either, it’s a poor skill!

“I heard that His Royal Highness is building construction projects in Baoyang. I am afraid that the Daqin Steel Plant alone will cost a lot of money? Is the final weapon that is this standard sword? Or is it a cheap product of twenty words?” Changping Jun said. In the middle, there was a faint ridicule.

This is exactly the effect he wants!

The reason why I chose weapons as my birthday gift is to use this to comment on the steel mills that have not achieved any results, so as to achieve the purpose of combating and winning politics.

Now it seems that everything is going well!

At this moment, Chang Wenjun next to him suddenly spoke:

“His Royal Highness, I’m afraid you have a problem with your cost? Not to mention the standard swords I carefully crafted by Daqin, the kitchen knives used in ordinary people’s homes, they should also be more than 20 liters! Weapons in the army, at least 500 Arts!”

Even if it is five hundred texts, Chang Wenjun has already said that there are fewer weapons of five hundred texts, and the weapons of the five hundred texts can only be the worst kind, belonging to the defective grade, and basically will not appear in the army.

As for the twenty-wen knife: Whether cutting tofu is easy to use is unknown!

Ying Zheng still looked as usual, without a trace of expression change, and said lightly:

“The cost is indeed twenty liters, it can only be less than this! But this prince’s sword is definitely more than the sword contributed by Changping Kanjun!”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone at the banquet was dumbfounded.

How could the sword of twenty characters surpass the sword of Lord Changping?

There is no comparison at all!

However, the rhetoric of winning the government hit the arms of Changping Jun.He was anxious to be able to suppress the winning government at the birthday banquet, but he did not expect that the winning government would come to the door by himself~

Changping Jun immediately seized this opportunity.

“His Royal Highness, since you said that the standard battle sword surpassed the sword, the Weichen naturally believed it very much, never doubted it! But with so many people present, there must be some who don’t believe it! It’s better to let the two weapons compare and test! What do you think?”

“That’s great!” Yingzheng showed a smile on his face and nodded in agreement with Changping Jun’s proposal.

Zi Chu, who was above the main position, saw the situation getting more and more uncontrollable, and wanted to make a statement to interrupt this kind of competition, but when he looked towards the winning government, he found that winning the government was completely like a winning ticket!

Zi Chu’s mood also calmed down, dispelling the idea of ​​preventing the competition.

“His Royal Highness, since it is to test weapons, you might as well find two people who don’t know martial arts, one holding a sword, the other holding a knife, and imitating the chopping and impact in battle. What does your Royal Highness think?” Changping Jun proposed.

“Yes!” Yingzheng happily agreed to 0

Jun Changping was overjoyed and raised his hand to call two little eunuchs:

“Great King, borrow these two ministers for one use!”

Afterwards, the two little eunuchs each took their swords and faced each other.

The weapon competition is already unavoidable!

All courtiers had seen Daqin’s standard swords. No one thought that such a thing could compete with the sword of Lord Changping. It was completely self-infuriating.

Meng Gao knows the standard war sword best, and the weapon that wins the government is indeed the military sword style.

But the moment the little eunuch drew out the battle sword, an invisible cold breath violently erupted, and the dark blade seemed to carry the iron and blood aura of the battlefield!

No! Something weird!

This kind of aura is definitely not something that the war knives in the army can have!

Meng Yu’s eyes suddenly lit up.

The two little eunuchs in front of the hall have also started the competition. They each waved their weapons and collided in front of them, with the blade facing the blade.



Two short, slight noises came out.

Then, it’s gone.

The hum of metal crashing in the imagination did not appear; the scene where the two little eunuchs were holding weapons and being together at the right time did not appear.

Just a slash, the competition is over.

Chang Ping Jun, Chang Wen Jun, Zi Chu, Lu Buwei, Meng Yu, Wang Jian, and the courtiers, all of them looked straight at the scene in front of them, and couldn’t believe their eyes.

I saw that the heavily gold-made “spiritual sword” was now broken into two pieces, one of which was stupidly held in the hand by the little eunuch, and the other fell to the ground.

The little eunuch with a knife was not too strong, and he was also shocked by his “strength”. Haven’t used internal force yet, why did you chop the “great weapon” in two?

It’s too fake!

Could it be said that I have achieved great skill?

It was too sudden! I didn’t feel anything at all!

Some of the courtiers had already recovered and looked at the two weapons again:

Where the sword broke, there was only an extremely flat cross-section, which was extremely smooth; the sword was unscathed, without any loss.

This kind of effect should only appear when cutting melons and vegetables, right?

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