Chapter 233 Qin Wang’s birthday! Present treasure! [Fourth update, please customize]

In a blink of an eye, three months have passed since the imperial examination in Baoyang County, the midsummer has passed, and the early autumn has arrived.

Zi Chu’s birthday is in autumn.

Originally at his age, he had never thought of doing things like birthdays, but because of the continuous national funerals, Qin needed to do something festive, and Zichu’s birthday banquet was set in this way.

Even the birthday banquet of Queen Zhao Ji will be held at that time.

On this day, it finally came to Zichu’s birthday, and the inner hall of the palace was fully prepared for a feast.

The prince winning politics is one of the most important figures. Naturally, he will not be absent. He also made a special trip back from Baoyang.

The magnificent palace has changed from the solemnity of the past, and everyone’s face is full of joy. The Qin King’s birthday is just a cause, and what really celebrates the great Qin’s national peace and peace.

Everyone came to the place where the birthday banquet was held in advance, and took their seats according to their respective positions.

Of course, Lu Buwei’s position is relatively high, next to Yingzheng. Before the birthday banquet has begun, he wants to ventilate with Yingzheng in advance.

“His Royal Highness, this birthday banquet may have a gift-giving link, I wonder if your Royal Highness can be sure?” Lu Buwei said in a small voice.

“What are you not sure about? It just means! The whole Daqin is under the control of the father, what is the result of a little birthday gift?” Ying Zheng sneered.

“Fortunately, the old official said that some people in the DPRK are waiting to see the joke!” Lu Buwei looked worried.

“Master Xiangguo, what do you say?” Ying Zheng raised his brows lightly.

“It seems to be related to the Daqin Steelmaking Plant, and the veteran doesn’t know anything more specific! However, if your Royal Highness can’t give a birthday gift with enough value, I’m afraid he will.”

Before Lu Buwei’s words were finished, Ying Zichu had already walked out of the apse, and the officials immediately got up and said in unison:

“Congratulations to the king on his birthday!”

“No! Today is not a court meeting. The officials should not be too cautious and take their seats!” The expression on Zi Chu’s face was very excited, and he waved his hand to make everyone seated.

Everyone sat down one after another, and another birthday greetings and various respectful words were delivered. The monarchs and the ministers celebrated together, and the scene was full of joy.

After some banquets, the atmosphere became active, and the “gift-presenting battle” carefully prepared by Lord Changping kicked off!

“Now I am in peace with the Great Qin Kingdom, and in time for the King’s birthday, the Weichen specially prepared a small gift, and invited the King to taste it!” Chang Ping Jun sat on the seat, clasping his fists and arching his hands.

Originally all the courtiers had prepared quite expensive or novel gifts, but Zi Chu certainly would not accept them on the spot, lest the courtiers compare with each other and it would be out of date.

All the gifts were stored in a separate place and were not brought to the banquet.

Mr. Changping said to “please the king to taste”, that must be something very remarkable. At the very least, the value of the gift can overwhelm other gifts!

Zi Chu’s face is still pleasant, but he is very clear in his heart! He has long received Lu Buwei’s memorial report, and it is said that Changping Jun wants to sweep the crown prince’s face by offering gifts!

I just wanted to refuse, but I heard Chang Wenjun echoed from the side:

“My lord, it’s just a banquet during the banquet, which is boring! Since Lord Changping dared to present a gift in the hall, it must be extraordinary if he wants a gift. The lord must let the ministers and others have a long experience!”

The rest of the Chu and Qing officials also began to echo:

“I heard that Lord Changping has carefully prepared a treasure. Your lord, please let him present it. The ministers and others also want to appreciate it together. It can also be regarded as an adjustment during the feast!”

“Great King, let the minister wait for a long time to see!”

The matter is now, Zi Chu is not easy to refuse, and said indifferently:

“Go and fetch Lord Changping’s gift, and taste it with all the fellows of Daqin!”

The eunuch standing next to him agreed and hurried out.

Time was short, the eunuch held a long wooden box and returned to the banquet.

“Hand it to Jun Changping, let him explain it first!” Zi Chu gestured.

Jun Changping got up and took the wooden box, his face was proud, but he did not open it directly:

“The king, the gift prepared by the minister is really a sharp sword! Without the permission of the king, the minister would not dare to open the wooden box!”

“Quasi! Let the widows also know what kind of weapons can be worthy of the sharp sword of the gods!” Listening to Chang Pingjun’s words, even Zi Chu was a little looking forward to it.

Jun Changping first bowed and bowed to Zi Chu, then raised his hand and lifted the cover of the wooden box.

If you want time, the already bright interior, centered on the wooden box, bursts with dazzling brilliance!

Everyone was surprised!

It wasn’t so dazzling until the wooden box was fully opened, and the light couldn’t gather. When I looked again, I saw Chang Pingjun holding a jeweled sheath long sword in both hands.

Those rays of light were released by the jewels on the scabbard.

The scabbard is so extraordinary, not to mention the sword inside? But the sword was not out of the scabbard, except for the scabbard, everyone could only see a jade hilt, which was exquisite and unusual.

“Mr. Changping, the widow will allow you to draw the sword!” Zi Chu’s eyes have been focused on the long sword, admiring and looking forward to it.

With Zi Chu’s permission, Chang Ping Jun didn’t hesitate anymore, holding the scabbard and hilt in both hands, and slowly drew out the long sword.

The sound of the sword being unsheathed alone is like a gurgling stream hitting the rock, ethereal and clear, it is an auditory enjoyment!

After the sword was completely unsheathed, the crimson sword body with a faint metallic luster finally revealed its true colors.

“Good sword!” General Meng Gao was the first to praise.

Regardless of position, this is pure appreciation!

Meng Yu is naturally an expert in identifying weapons. The luxury of the scabbard is not important. What he praises is the texture of the sword itself.

“This sword was cast by the descendants of the former sword-making master Ou Yezi, and it lasted for a whole year! Although it is not as famous as the Yuewang Eight Swords, the materials and skills for casting this sword are definitely above the Yuewang Eight Swords! ”

“The great king has always lacked a magical weapon, and the Weichen always remembered it! After looking for it, he found the famous teacher and was able to cast this sword!” Changping Jun vowed to express his loyalty to Xiang Zichu.

“Mr. Changping is interested! This sword is very good, and the widow is very satisfied!” Zi Chu approvingly said.

If the gift is over, then everyone is happy, but Changping Jun’s intention is obviously more than that. His words turn directly towards winning the government!

“I heard that His Royal Highness spent a lot of money in Baoyang. He built a steel mill and is also building weapons, but I don’t know how the weapons built by His Royal Highness?”

Ying Zheng didn’t panic when he heard the words, and directly untied the sword that helped the diagonal straddle and placed it on the table in front of him. factory,

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