Chapter 230 Baoyang Special Zone, the cradle of Daqin military industry! [First update, please customize]

Shen Lang’s resentment towards Wei Wang and Wei Wuji was so deep that he even remembered all the conversations that day.

When encountering a sensible person like Yingzheng, Shen Lang finally found someone to confide in. It was a good time to complain! At the same time, he also scolded Wei Wang and Wei Wuji again.

Yingzheng just listened quietly, nodding from time to time, without interruption, and without being impatient.

One is to express his importance and to appease this soul-wounded subordinate; second, he also uses Shen Lang’s description to further improve Wei Wangwei’s personality characteristics in case of emergency.

After a long while, Shen Lang finally finished speaking, and said that he was tired~

It was Yingzheng’s turn to speak.

“The monarchs and ministers of the State of Wei don’t understand the meaning of the steelmaking method. This is their loss! The prince can reuse you, but the requirements will be higher! Do you have the confidence to do a good job?” Ying Zheng looked straight at Shen Lang.

“Yes! Subordinates are confident! And the entire Wei Mo, all subordinates, will come to Baoyang! They all have a certain degree of research on steelmaking methods, and their ability is still very strong!” Shen Lang gave a 08 guarantee .

“Okay! Very good! Let them come, this prince will reuse it!” Ying Zheng said with satisfaction.

Shen Lang was even more excited, with joy on his face:

“His Royal Highness, as long as you give us Wei Mo this opportunity, then Wei Mo will not let His Highness down! We will contribute all the technology we have to Da Qin!”

As a local scholar in Baoyang, Fang Ping took the first imperial examination and was fortunate to get the coveted opportunity to become an official.

Fortunately, he was also personally summoned by His Royal Highness the Prince.

Finally, he was appointed by Ying Zheng as the acting director of the Daqin Steel Plant!

Fang Ping, whose head was dizzy, didn’t understand what kind of official position the “acting factory director” was. He only knew that he was in charge of a large number of workers, all of whom were immigrants from six countries mobilized by the office.

Fang Ping knew about copper smelting and iron smelting. His ancestors were specialized in these things in the Han country. The temperature requirement for ironmaking is higher than that for coppermaking, but what is steelmaking?

In addition, it is the first time that Fang Ping has served as an official. With so many workers, he feels that he has a great responsibility!

Fortunately, his mind is more flexible, and his methods of dealing with things are also very flexible. Some of his professional talents are in his hands as soon as possible.

If he wanted to do the things that His Royal Highness explained, he couldn’t do without the help of these people.

Some who know how to build, some who know how to analyze materials, and some who know how to calculate

All kinds of talents, craftsmen, everything is covered, most of them are simply drawn from the immigrants.

The local immigration offices directly under His Highness the Prince provided a large number of personnel support to Baoyang County, and there is still a steady stream of immigrants coming to Baoyang.

The population size is constantly expanding!

With manpower, materials were prepared well in advance, and the construction work went smoothly.

The local people in Baoyang are very curious about such a huge area, but no one understands what it is for.

One by one, towering and huge chimneys rise from the ground, and from time to time there will be a period of black smoke, floating in the distance, a little choking.

Most of the time, there is no problem. The steel mill is located at the downwind position, and the black smoke is falling in the uninhabited wasteland.

Fang Ping had asked His Royal Highness in advance and got a positive answer:

This is a smelting factory! Smelting a new type of metal that is tougher and more durable than iron.

Regarding the ultimate goal of the Daqin Steelmaking Plant, winning the government also did not hide it, just to build a battle tool!

Weapons, battle armor, etc., all the equipment needed in the army will be produced here.

The acting factory manager is also the factory manager, an absolute high-level, Fang Ping still has to master what he needs to do for the factory he is responsible for.

Within a month, according to the drawings of His Royal Highness, the infrastructure of the Daqin Steelmaking Plant has been partially completed and can be started one after another.

At this time, smelting masters from Wei Mo appeared in large numbers, and they directly joined the actual production of the steel plant, serving as various guidance tasks, gradually training the workers, and being able to perform various operations proficiently.

In fact, these Wei Mo have already come to Baoyang, but they have been in “advanced studies” and are fully participating in the “Steelmaking Guide”.

Those workers are still being recruited, and the wages are sufficient. Many local people in Baoyang have also actively participated in doing things for His Royal Highness. They have no worries.

It’s just that the prince has too many things to do, all of which require manpower, which disperses the workers in the steel plant.

In the early stage, it is mainly about running-in and adapting. In addition to the construction of various infrastructures, the first batch of skilled trades are trained, even if they are qualified, the number of workers required is not that many.

Still the same sentence: Everything is difficult at the beginning!

Everything in the Daqin Steelmaking Plant is still in a stage of groping and running-in. Winning the government does not expect to produce benefits immediately, which is unrealistic.

Even Wei Mo giant Shen Lang and Fang Ping, who has inherited smelting technology from generation to generation, have not thoroughly understood the “Steelmaking Guide”, let alone others?

There are also differences between theory and practice!

No matter how advanced the concept of winning politics is, when 360 is actually operated, various problems will still arise, and these require constant breakthroughs.

The temperature control of the furnace and the processing of various processes have to go through a lot of practical operations, and it is possible to sum up the experience that is really useful.

The biggest difficulty lies in the fusion of materials!

In accordance with the requirements of the steelmaking guidelines, if you want to create ultra-high-strength metals, you need not only iron and carbon, but also more materials to join them.

There are some materials that are simply unheard of!

This is the first step to find the ores of these raw materials; later, we need to smelt, extract, and master the timing of fusion and the amount of various materials. Any mistake, the finished product will be very different.

That is, no one dared to question the knowledge of His Royal Highness, otherwise, these technical operations and attempts would be really difficult to proceed.

A large part of the operation process is incredible!

Except that the basic principles make sense, other places are simply incomprehensible.

Large sums of money have been spent, and various experience summaries have been continuously carried out, but the real results have not yet been revealed.

Fang Ping, the acting factory director, is full of anger~

エPeople have no complaints, the steel mills are paid enough to make everything possible!

The shelf of the Daqin Steelmaking Plant has already been set up and it is considered to be in operation. .

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