Chapter 229 Steelmaking guide, Zi Chu’s expectation! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

The giant Wei Mo was so polite, he was a little sorry to win the government, and he raised his hand and waved a real anger to help Shen Lang up.

Shen Lang’s heart was even more horrified!

He is also an innate master, and he has no ability to resist in the face of winning politics. Although that infuriating energy was gentle and wouldn’t hurt him, it was absolutely impossible to resist it.

This kind of force is basically consistent with the rumors.

In another sense, the name of the Saint Prince and the many deeds that have been praised for winning politics should not be false!

As a result, Shen Lang became more convinced of winning the government.

The author of the “Steelmaking Guide” must be the holy prince!

In the end, Yingzheng still agreed to Shen Lang’s request and officially left Shen Lang.

“Wei Mo itself is located in the “Three Six Zero” Wei State. Since you have made a breakthrough in the steelmaking method, why don’t you tell King Wei? Instead, you came to Baoyang all the way back?” Yingzheng doubted.

Mentioning this incident, Shen Lang had a trace of anger on his face, and he was really angry in his heart! But in front of Yingzheng, he was respectful, afraid to make mistakes, and answered cautiously:

“His Royal Highness! It’s not that we didn’t tell King Wei, but that King Wei himself didn’t take it seriously! Thinking of what happened that day, I don’t feel like it! Although Wei Mo is not as strong as the previous Mo Family, the Mo Family’s background is still there! All kinds of knowledge are still top-notch!”

“It’s just that King Wei is a superficial person and doesn’t understand the meaning of the steelmaking method! What’s more, King Wei accuses me of being a giant of the Mo family and not doing business properly, and that I am embarrassing the Mo family! Alas!”

“That’s why you came to me?” Ying Zheng chuckled lightly.

Shen Lang was a little embarrassed, and his figure became even more cramped, he hehe dryly laughed a few times.

In fact, Yingzheng did not care about these. Among the Seven Kingdoms, there are many similar things! Talents are sent to the door, and they are not reused. They are everywhere, and it is not surprising at all.

Feeling that the Saint Prince didn’t care, Shen Lang relaxed his mind. He was very afraid that Yingzheng would drive him away for this reason.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately added a few compliments, which was also true:

“After I got angry from King Wei, I went to Mr. Xinling again. As a result, Mr. Xinling didn’t put the steelmaking method in his eyes, and even me as a giant was also insulting! It was even more exaggerated than King Wei! After thinking about it, the world can see the value of the steelmaking method, I am afraid that only your Royal Highness is you!”

The performance of Wei Wang and Wei Wuji was also expected to win the government, he said with a smile:

“This prince has dealt with these two people, and he knows Wei Guo better. Among the Wei Guochao, the one who really has some skills is only Wei Wuji alone! But since the Battle of Hangu Pass, the Wei Wang has become more and more indifferent. He, I heard that he himself has become disheartened.”

Shen Lang also agreed:

“His Royal Highness is quite true! When I saw Lord Xinling that day, it was already three poles in the sun. Lord Xinling was still not awake from a hangover. The rumors said that he was addicted to wine and spent the whole day in sorrow. It was all true. ”

“Wang Wei is an out-and-out idiot! He doesn’t understand what Wei Mo’s steelmaking method represents! If he is willing to adopt it vigorously, and then provide sufficient manpower and material resources, it will take no more than a year, Wei Jun’s The combat effectiveness can be increased by at least three times!

The giant Wei Mo, who was nearly middle-aged, was full of anger and took a good breath of venting. He constantly criticized the stupidity of the emperors and ministers of the State of Wei. He didn’t know people and didn’t understand the value of Mohist techniques.

The smile on Yingzheng’s face was even worse, looking at Shen Lang’s hands playfully.

At this moment, Shen Lang is still holding the “Steelmaking Guide” in his hand, and there is no point in letting go!

Following Yingzheng’s gaze, Shen Lang immediately understood the meaning of it, and understood what Yingzheng was laughing at, and said with a little embarrassment:

“Of course, Wei Mo’s steelmaking method is definitely not worth mentioning in front of the palace! If His Highness’s steelmaking method is passed to the Wei State, the strength of the Wei State army must be increased by at least ten times! No, at least twenty times, Even thirty times!”

This flattery doesn’t have any technical content, but it also shows the simplicity of Shen Lang. He is not a person who talks and can’t do this kind of thing.

“But why did the prince pass the steelmaking method to the Wei army?” Ying Zheng couldn’t help but jokingly asked.

“Huh?” Shen Lang’s mind was a little short-circuited, stuck there. He didn’t understand the meaning of winning the government for a while, and suddenly woke up, pulling his head again in a daunting manner.

Indeed, why did the holy prince of the Qin state pass on the steelmaking method to the Wei state? This kind of skill is definitely to be popularized in the army of Da Qin, and it has nothing to do with the Wei state?

Thinking of Da Qin’s army, Shen Lang thought of a terrible consequence again!

The already extremely powerful tiger wolf division, once equipped with more sophisticated weapons and combat equipment, then Da Qin’s army will be even more difficult to contend.

This will be a disaster for the Six Nations!

But now Shen Lang is not worried about the power of Qin State, he has already taken refuge in the sect of the Saint Prince.

Xianyang, the inner hall of the palace.

Zi Chu had just left the court and returned to rest in the inner hall.

Zhao Ji had calculated the time, and was waiting for him in advance.

“Majesty, Zheng’er hasn’t been back for a long time! I miss him! It’s really unreasonable to run to a place as far away as Baoyang alone.” Zhao Ji complained.

“Why don’t the widows think about it? Since the court meeting that day, Zheng’er has shed the heavy responsibility of supervising the country and ran to conduct the imperial examination pilot. The days of imprisoning the country.

It was so easy back then!

“Why don’t we call him back? Don’t do any imperial examination pilots! I heard that there are a lot of oppositions in the DPRK? Why insist on this?” Zhao Ji tentatively asked Xiang Zichu, with hope that 1.3 .

She just missed her son purely and was not influenced by others.

Zi Chu shook his head, did not agree, and explained softly:

“Madam, Zheng’er is no longer a child, he has his own ideas and ideas! What’s more, how can a national event be a trifling matter? Just do it if you want to do it, don’t do it if you don’t want to do it, isn’t that a joke?”

“In addition, Zheng’er’s plan is far more than that of the widow, and his plan is even bigger! It’s not just a simple imperial examination experiment!”

While speaking, Zi Chu took out a thread-bound book from a secret compartment–

“Steelmaking Guide”!

After getting Zhao Ji’s eyes, he shook his eyes and said with a smile:

“Look, our precious son is so proficient in everything! I don’t know how he got so much knowledge! This was given to me before he left, and he said he wanted to give me a surprise!”.

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