Chapter 231 Horror output, the birthday of King Zhuang Xiang! [Second update, please customize]

The immigration policy of Winning Government has not stopped, but the various treatments have quietly changed.

Because the number of people in demand in agriculture has been basically saturated, there is no need to add more; and the construction of Baoyang requires a large number of workers to participate, and the immigration policy is guided by this.

Immigration matters are always under the control of winning politics, and farmers or workers can be easily adjusted.

Things like Cuju and football lottery have never stopped. All immigration offices continue to carry out these activities to ensure stability in various places.

Baoyang County, resettlement area.

The new immigrants still live in a simple thatched shed, the kind of a dozen people together.

But these immigrants are not dissatisfied. Instead, they think that life is very comfortable today. Although their jobs are different, the difference in treatment is not big.

Today is the day off for the Daqin Steelmaking Plant, and many workers are resting in the straw shed.

“In a few days, there will be several Cuju teams in Wuyang County. It is said that their strength is very strong! Lao Li, you are well informed, do you have any inside stories to tell everyone?”

“A good shit! Still insider? How can there be any insider! This time is an exchange match, the football lottery is not open! Besides, I have been idle for a while today. How can I pay attention to these things a few days ago?”

“Isn’t your farming always idle? It’s like workers like us, reporting to the steel mill every day!”

“Do you want a face? Who is idle? You take a break for seven days. We work every day, so how can you moisturize? The peppers are ripe and the tomatoes are ripe these days.

Listening to the two people chatting lively, other people in the shed also participated.

“Farming and workmanship, each has its own advantages, there is nothing to compare! How can it be better than those who go out to build roads! How far is it from Baoyang to Xianyang? These old folks are full of wind, meals and sleep. Far worse than us. 々!”

“Stop! Are you envious too? I didn’t even want to go! His Royal Highness promised that if he had done it, he would definitely pay a lot of money after the road was repaired, and Baoyang would arrange a house immediately! That was a free gift. !’

“No wonder so many houses have been built! By the way, that house is really good!”

At this moment, there was a constant “hissing” sound from inside the straw shed, and a young man was holding a red pepper. It was obvious that the pepper was bitten off.

Looking at this scene, Lao Li couldn’t help laughing:

“I told you that this thing tastes unusual, you can’t eat it casually, so you don’t believe it!”

“Am I particularly curious? This thing looks so good, who knows if you are a lie?” the young man replied.

Everyone in the straw shed laughed heartlessly.

“Xiao Linzi, you said that you weren’t at the time when you couldn’t eat at home. Wouldn’t it be guilty to have a taste of everything you saw? If you want to talk about the past, you can’t catch up with the meal for a few days, and you feel dizzy when you are hungry. ”

“Go! Don’t talk to Laozi about the past! In Baoyang, as long as you are not lazy, you can eat anything you want! Laozi is not lazy!”

“Cut! I don’t know good people! You think that tomatoes are red, and peppers are red too. The taste is almost the same, right? You deserve to be unlucky!”

“His Royal Highness is really a talent! I heard that Baoyang is all arranged by His Highness himself. Even peppers and tomatoes are the seeds and cultivation methods provided by His Highness!’

“I still met His Royal Highness in the steelmaking plant! The dignified prince, he is willing to deal with the hardships of us! This is absolutely impossible in our hometown!”

“His Royal Highness Rende!”

Everyone laughed and cursed together in the straw shed, enjoying the rare peace of mind.

In their hearts, they respected and grateful for the Prince’s victory.

At the same time, in the county government of Baoyang, Ying Zheng held a tomato in his hand and ate very satisfied. The seeds produced by the system and the tomatoes cultivated by the system have a really good taste.

Xiao Zhaogao walked in from outside: “My son, Master Xiangguo, please see me!”

“Oh? Lu Buwei? What is he here for?” Yingzheng asked questioningly, “Forget it, he probably didn’t tell you, let him in!”

Time is short, Lu Buwei Shiran walked to the room of winning politics.

“I have seen His Royal Highness!

“No! Lord Xiangguo don’t have to be polite! This time, it was my father’s arrangement? Would you like to see the changes in Baoyang?” Yingzheng asked straightforwardly.

“The old minister was indeed ordered by the great king, and he has arrived the day before yesterday. I heard that His Royal Highness is busy, so I dare not interrupt!” Lu Buwei said respectfully.

He is also telling the truth. He was not in Baoyang two days before winning the government and only came back today.

“In two days, eh! It is estimated that Lord Xiangguo has a general understanding of Baoyang’s situation? How? Can you still see it under the rule of the prince?” Yingzheng laughed.

」Of course, no one can question your Highness’s methods! The old minister has been admired so far! Han Fei and Li Si, these two people, the old minister has also met! Very good! His Royal Highness’s imperial examination system is considered to be among the talents of Jianba. It succeeded. “Lu Buwei complimented.

After that, his words suddenly changed, and he said in a serious tone:

“The old minister came here with a few words from the king, and there are a few more questions, which the king wants to know.”

“My father has something to bring over? Haha! Maybe it’s because of some doubtful voices in Chaozhong, which annoys him, right?” Yingzheng smiled relaxedly.

Lu Buwei said with a wry smile:

“Almost, it’s because of this!”

“The king would like to ask. His Royal Highness has dispatched hundreds of thousands of immigrants to repair roads in the wasteland. This project is a bit too big? In addition, although the investment of Daqin Steel Plant is not comparable to that of road construction, it is costly. It’s not a lot, but the income is a little (good king is good) I haven’t seen it!’

Yingzheng had long guessed that this kind of problem was caused by the Chu family and the Qing family in the court.

“Master Xiangguo, you will bring me a message back and say that everything is well and that everything is proceeding according to the plan. There is nothing wrong with it! If those voices of doubt are really annoying, I will send someone to solve them all. ”

Lu Buwei looked embarrassed and said again:

“.. When the old official was leaving, there were two things the king deliberately confessed! The first one is to ask His Royal Highness not to punish the hero easily; the other one is the birthday of the king in a month, and it is best to make something out of it. If the results come, otherwise, there will be countless people watching the jokes.”

Ying Zheng nodded and said casually:

“Don’t worry! Everything is under control! Master Xiangguo just take my words back!”

After receiving such a reply, Lu Buwei had a certain number in his mind, he was polite and went straight back to Xianyang. .

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