Chapter 228 Daqin Steelmaking Plant, the enthusiasm of Wei Mo! [third update, please customize]

Yingzheng dared to make bold words on the court and to make Baoyang change drastically within a year, naturally, he has a comprehensive plan and calculation.

As he said to Han Fei and Li Si, Baoyang will introduce various changes! Yingzheng wants to build Baoyang County into a “special zone”!

The first step in the construction of Baoyang Special Economic Zone is to build it into the first industrial base during the Warring States Period.

One of them includes Da Lian ~ Steel.

The “Steelmaking Guide” was specially purchased by Yingzheng in the system for this purpose, and it was revised and printed. The steelmaking work will soon be carried out in Baoyang County.

The giant Wei Mo, Shen Lang, rubbing the “Steelmaking Guide” tightly, his expression became more and more excited, and he was fascinated by it.

“How about my Daqin’s steelmaking method? Does it look good?” Ying Zheng’s faint voice came out.

Shen Lang was reading attentively, nodded subconsciously, and said:

“Wonderful! Wonderful! This kind of steelmaking method”

Halfway through the conversation, he stopped again, seeming to have thought of something.

With difficulty moving his gaze away from the book, Shen Lang raised his head and looked towards the winning government.

“His Royal Highness, could it be that other Mohists have already received support?” Shen Lang hesitated to ask, but then he shook his head again and again, and he denied this idea:

“No! It’s impossible! The Mohist’s steelmaking method, I all know, my steelmaking method is born out of this. It must not be compared with your Highness’s steelmaking method!”

When Ying Zheng saw Shen Lang shaking his head and shaking his head, he also felt extremely funny, and couldn’t help but jokingly said:

“Didn’t the giant just say that your Wei Mo’s steelmaking method far exceeds that of everyone in the world? Isn’t it as good as my Daqin’s steelmaking method?”

In fact, Shen Lang is not a person with deep intentions, but a simple heart, like a child’s heart, simple and pure.

He has been specializing in steelmaking methods for many years, and has repeatedly made breakthroughs on the basis of Mohist steelmaking methods. It is natural to have such achievements, and it is natural to want to show off.

Coming here to seek refuge in Yingzheng is mainly because of his fame. He wants the steelmaking method he has researched to truly invest in the vassal kingdom! Let this technology be passed on.

This is also one of Wenmo’s current ideas.

It’s just that his technical method is really insignificant in the face of winning politics. It is not worth mentioning. The ridicule of winning politics makes Shen Lang even more blushing.

“The Mohist’s steelmaking method is unparalleled in the world! But after all these years, it hasn’t improved much. Our Wei Mo’s steelmaking method has achieved a technological breakthrough, and this has surpassed in one fell swoop!”

“I have also discussed with the masters of the entire Mohist school who are intensively researching steelmaking methods. Their steelmaking methods are still in the past! Therefore, my Wei Mo’s steelmaking methods are absolutely top-notch! Under the world, I Wei Mo The theory is the most advanced and efficient!”

Speaking of this, Shen Lang’s face showed a look of pride and pride.

This look only lasted for an instant, and immediately dimmed again, helplessly said:

“But Daqin’s steelmaking method

“Alas! Compared to my Wei Mo’s steelmaking method and Daqin’s steelmaking method, the gap between the two is really indescribable! It has exceeded my life’s research, and it has exceeded too much!”

Suddenly, Shen Lang fell to his knees with a plop, which was extremely unexpected.

His face also glowed, as if he was a person who was dying frequently, and he saw the hope of living again!

That kind of enthusiasm and excitement can’t be concealed at all.

“His Royal Highness Prince! Shen Lang has an unrelenting request, please fulfill it!” Shen Lang said firmly.

Through this period of observation, winning politics can be regarded as seeing Shen Lang’s temperament clearly. This kind of true temperament and dedication to academics is very appreciated.

There is a trait of a scientific madman!

The bad feeling when we first met has disappeared without realizing it.

“Giant, please! If you have anything, you might as well just say, this prince can consider it appropriately!” Ying politician said.

However, Shen Lang was determined and unmoved. He must get an affirmative answer before he could get up. Then he said his merciless request:

“I want to see the predecessors who wrote this steelmaking guide! The master who can raise the steelmaking method to such a realm, if His Royal Highness can coordinate from it, so that Shen Lang can follow him.

“Shen Lang will never forget this kind of grace and this virtue, and he will definitely do his best to repay it! I only want His Royal Highness to fulfill it!


A heavy ringing knocked on the ground.

0……Look for flowers…

Um, the look of Yingzheng is a little weird~

The “predecessor” who wrote this steelmaking guide and the “master” who raised the steelmaking method to such a level, it seems that Yingzheng himself can only carry this “pot” down!

However, with the current state of mind of winning politics, he quickly accepted the reality frankly.

In addition, although the steelmaking guide is not his own work by Yingzheng, the knowledge in it has indeed been thoroughly mastered by Yingzheng. It is not too much to say that it is a master in the steelmaking industry.

“The giant wants to follow this master?” Ying Zheng wanted to confirm Shen Lang’s thoughts once again.

“Follow the footsteps of the predecessors to the death! No change in this life!” Shen Lang said very firmly.

“Haha!” Ying Zheng chuckled, “Actually, this steelmaking guide is the work of the prince!”



Shen Lang’s expression was incomparably shocked. He looked at Ying Zheng in disbelief, his eyes widened.

He never dreamed that this book, which pushed the steelmaking method to a whole new level, turned out to be the work of the Prince of Qin in front of him, Ying Zheng?


How could there be such an accomplishment?

However, Yingzheng’s eyes are extremely clear, and his expression is even more composed, and he doesn’t seem to be deceiving others in the slightest.

What’s more, with the prestige of Ding Tianjun and Saint Prince, how can he deceive Shen Lang?

After a little thought, Shen Lang recalled the scene of the meeting just now.

When he presented Wei Mo’s steelmaking method to Winning, the expression of Winning was completely dismissive!

He just took a casual look, and had already seen Wei Mo’s steelmaking method thoroughly.

If there is no corresponding attainment, let alone dismissive, you can’t even read it at all! This also shows from the side that Yingzheng is a master of steelmaking!

Moreover, the things on learning cannot be faked anyway.

Otherwise, just ask some technical difficulties casually, isn’t it just showing up?

Thinking of this, Shen Lang’s eyes became hot.

The master of the steelmaking method is right in front of you!

“His Royal Highness, please be sure to take in Shen Lang!”

The giant Wei Mo began to “bang, bang, bang,” kowtow, and kept the factory for a while.

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