Chapter 227 Take refuge in Mohist school, steelmaking method! [Second update, ask for customization]

The imperial examination in Baoyang is over. Most of the candidates in the fourth round were appointed and formally became a member of Baoyang County and became officials of the Qin State.

Even those candidates who failed the exam did not treat them badly for winning the government.

Travel expenses, food expenses, and whole reimbursement are all carried out in accordance with extremely high standards.

These little money, of course, won’t care about winning the government.

But just because of such a small move, the reputation of winning politics among scholars has improved a lot.

At the same time, the faraway country of Yan is performing a big drama!

The protagonist is Mohist school.

The current giant of the Mo family, the six-fingered black man, formally recruited Prince Dan from the Kingdom of Yan to join the Mo family.

Enrolling a little disciple is naturally nothing! But enrolling Prince Yan Guo, the meaning behind this move, everyone is very clear.

Following the peasant family’s refuge in Qin, the Mo family among the hundred families has taken refuge in Yan’s kingdom!

This is an era of fame and profit.

With the help of Yingzheng, the farmer’s hundreds of thousands of copies of the “Agricultural Code” have pushed the farmer to the top of the hundred.

The six-fingered black man is very envious, envious, jealous and hateful! 360

Under this situation, he also moved his mind.

Since the peasant family can, why can’t the Mo family?

The power of the vassal state is powerful, and the financial resources are not even comparable to that of a single sect. If you get the support of the princes, the various knowledge of the Mohist school can also be spread!

Among the six nations, only the prince Yan Guo expressed his importance and was willing to join the Momen personally and become a disciple of the Mo family.

But the six-finger black man’s thoughts did not get the support of Mohist school.

Some high-level leaders, under the banner of the Mo family rules, questioned the six-finger black man’s decision to the face!

In the end, he blatantly tore his face, and no longer recognized the identity of the six-finger black man as a giant.

Under the general trend, the Mo school split into six civil and military six inks! Among the six countries, each has one ink.

There is no Mohist in Qin.

Chivalrous, banned by martial arts! Qin will not allow this to happen.

The Baoyang County government is thinking about a new thing.


After becoming the prince of the State of Qin, the system was updated again and a “seed bank” was opened. Seeds of various crops can be obtained through points purchase.

Yingzheng likes spiciness very much, so after the seed bank opened, he got the seeds of the peppers first. The diet in the past few years is simply too indifferent!

Originally, hot peppers were originally produced in America, and only reached China during the Ming Dynasty, but they are now much ahead of schedule.

While Ying Zheng was studying all kinds of peppers, Tian Yan walked in quietly.

“The son, Shen Lang, the Mohist tycoon of the Wei State, came to see him. Now he has reached the gate of the county government.” Tian Yan reported respectfully from Beijing.

“The Mo family giant? Wei Mo’s Shen Lang?” Ying Zheng frowned and thought, “Let him come in!”

Time is short, and a middle-aged man who looks extremely tough appeared in front of Yingzheng.

“Shen Lang has seen His Royal Highness the Saint Prince!” The middle-aged man’s attitude is still relatively respectful, with proper etiquette.

“No! Wei Mo’s giant, we don’t have any intersection, right? I don’t know what the giant is here, why?” Ying Zheng asked lightly.

Tian Yan had already reported the news of the separation of the Guan family, and Yingzheng was very clear about this matter.

Shen Lang showed a proud look on his face, clasped his fists and arched his hands, and said straightforwardly:

“I’m coming here next time, and I want to use my unique skills in Wei Mo to exchange for a half-office position in the State of Qin! If you want to come to your Royal Highness, you should be willing to take it in?”

It’s such a thoughtless sentence, but it is extremely confident!

The most famous among the Mohists, in addition to some academic ideas, there are also various exquisite organ techniques and natural sciences, which are unique in the Warring States Period.

Yingzheng is very clear about these matters and is willing to recruit (aibd) Mohists.

As long as you abide by the laws of Qin and serve Daqin wholeheartedly, all the capable people and lofty people of the various schools are welcome!

But talking about the conditions in front of him and changing official positions with technology is a bit of a deal.

Such behavior is not only inconsistent with the system, but also makes winning the government unhappy!

“I don’t know what kind of technology the giant wants to use in exchange for what kind of official position?” Yingzheng asked calmly on the surface.

“His Royal Highness, please take a look. This is the latest steelmaking method studied by my Mohist school, and there is also a research result of mine! It can be guaranteed that no one among the Seven Kingdoms knows so far, and no one can surpass it!” Shen Lang While speaking, he took out a drawing from his arms.

The paper used by Yingzheng is still used~

Tian Yan, who stood by Yingzheng’s side, moved over and took the drawings and gave it to Yingzheng.

Ying Zheng took the drawing and took a faint look, then raised his hand, threw the drawing back into Shen Lang’s hand, and said:

“This prince already understands!


Already understood?? What does this mean?

Shen Lang only felt that his head was a little confused, and he couldn’t understand it at all. I saw that Yingzheng’s face was not the slightest strange, there was no joy or sorrow, and his face was expressionless.

Didn’t it mean that Prince Qin won the political power? Could it be that I can’t see the meaning of my steelmaking method? It shouldn’t be this kind of reaction! This expression is too calm! It simply doesn’t take the steelmaking method into consideration at all. !

It is estimated to be young and frivolous, and I don’t know the importance of steel for the time being.

Mindful of this, Shen Lang decided to “call” to win politics:

“His Royal Highness, my Wei Mo’s steelmaking method far exceeds that of everyone in the world! If you use this kind of steel to build weapons, it will undoubtedly be a magic weapon; building a battle armor is even more indestructible!”

Later, he was still worried about the pros and cons of winning the government and couldn’t figure out the pros and cons, as if he said boldly:

“Shen Lang is willing to use the head of the Xiangshang as a guarantee, if His Royal Highness is going to expedition to the Six Nations in the future, equipped with such war equipment, it will definitely be as powerful as a tiger, and it will not be profitable!”

Ying Zheng looked at Shen Lang who was vowing, and suddenly felt extremely funny. He turned his hand back and took a book on the table behind him and threw it to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang took it suspiciously, and took a look at it in his hand:

Steelmaking guide?

Just listen to Ying Zheng casually said:

“I Daqin already owns the steelmaking method, and I don’t need you Wei Mo to provide it.”

This sentence can be regarded as stimulating Shen Lang!

Among the seven countries, which country has steelmaking methods, but how can the methods be the same? How can the things manufactured be the same?

Shen Lang looked at the “Steelmaking Guide” in disdain and opened the cover.

Immediately, the Mohist tycoon fell into shock.

The whole person is struck by lightning!

The two eyes became bigger and bigger, and even the eyelids were reluctant to blink, as if they had gotten a rare treasure! The two rough palms even touched the paper in their hands to death, for fear that others would snatch them away!

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