Chapter 226 The future of the Fa School belongs to Qin! [First update, please customize]

The contending of a hundred schools of thought in the Warring States Period was a cultural feast in China, which continued to influence later generations for more than two thousand years.

But every era will inevitably have its limitations, and culture is also accompanied by such limitations.

The later generations have entered a period of knowledge explosion, and the knowledge of the predecessors has been interpreted and learned countless times. Various opinions and propositions, their pros and cons, and the limitations of learning have all been dug up thoroughly.

Yingzheng’s own ideological realm has reached an extremely clever level, plus some ideological systems of later generations, put it in the Warring States period, it is stronger than the founding patriarch of a hundred schools!

Absolutely worthy of “learning everyone”.

How can Han Fei and Li Si’s dramatic expression changes be kept from others? Ying Zheng had already seen all this in his eyes, knowing that the two had already agreed to the invitation in his heart.

It’s not an invitation to recruit people!

Winning politics is like Xunzi for both Han and Li; Baoyang County is no longer the Qin land in the region, but a treasure land for verifying knowledge.

To be able to verify knowledge in a place like Baoyang, and to get the guidance of “learned masters” like Yingzheng, this kind of opportunity is simply a blessing for Sansheng!

After almost a stick of incense, Ying Zheng coughed slightly:

“Ah! Two people, how are you thinking about it?”

Han Fei and Li Si finally discovered their gaffe, and they both immersed themselves in a longing. It was as if they had experienced a dream, and for a while they forgot that the victory was still in front of you~

“His Royal Highness loves you! Han Fei/Li Si, dare not refuse!” The two gave a salute and replied in unison.

In the imperial examination, the knowledge and ideas of the two have been demonstrated very well! Getting an official position in Baoyang County is also the meaning of the question.

Coupled with Yingzheng’s personal appreciation of Han Fei and Li Si, this official position will of course be extremely suitable.

“The officials of Baoyang County’s magistrates, county chiefs, master books, etc., have all been chased away by the prince, haha! All positions have been vacated. With your knowledge, you can serve as Baoyang County’s left, You Si Kou, 々!” Ying Zheng looked at both Han and Li with a smile on his face.

Si Kou is in charge of the law and corresponds to the Legalist school. Both Han and Li are very happy.

Although Si Kou at the county level is not the same as the Si Kou above the court, it is not easy to reach the county level directly as a Bai Ding.

Both Han and Li were extremely excited, and immediately thanked them for winning the government. They were very grateful for such an arrangement.

Know the person and use it wisely!

Before summoning both Han and Li to come to the county office, Yingzheng had already known the background of the two.

Han Fei is the ninth son of Han Wang’an, and he is talented; Li Si was once a junior official in Chu Country, and then worshipped under Xunzi, as Han Fei’s younger brother.

There is some discrepancy between the life experience of the two and the vague records in history, but they are consistent with the nine songs of Tianxing. It is no wonder that Yingzheng is not surprised by this situation.

Especially after seeing the two in person, their appearance is not different from the image in Jiuge.

In any case, the talents and achievements of the two will be limitless in the future.

Han Fei, the master of the Legalist school; Li Si, the prime minister of the Great Qin Empire!

The best in the entire era, how can winning politics not be reused?

Han and Li’s impression of winning politics is that the changes have been even greater.

From the initial hatred, to the admiration after the appearance of the paper, until after seeing the knowledge of winning politics in person, I was really impressed!

Those who possess this kind of knowledge will one day inherit the throne and will surely be Sheng Shiming Jun!

Such a person is worthy of the name of the Prince of Great Qin, and is worthy of assistance!

“His Royal Highness, I don’t know when will I take office?” Han Fei couldn’t help asking.

The opportunity to show off what he has learned in his life has been obtained, and he becomes more and more impatient.

“Haha, Master Zuo Sikou, you have already taken the post!” Ying Zheng chuckled, “It’s just that, you are still in name and no one is available. You have to wait until the rest of the candidates are all arranged.”

“In the last few days, let’s study this!” After speaking, Ying Zheng threw a thick book around him to Han Fei.

“Special laws in Baoyang County?” Han Fei read a few large characters on the cover while flipping through the contents.

This is a decree prepared by Yingzheng ahead of time. It has been slightly adjusted on top of the Qin Law and is applicable to Baoyang separately.

The most special place is the internal laws of the book, the interval between each article, leaving a large gap, marked with the word “remarks”.

“This Prince’s plan is not only to use Baoyang as a pilot for imperial examinations! This will become a base and center. All governance measures and reforms will be tried in Baoyang, and changes in the law will also be carried out!” Win Zheng said lightly.

After Yingzheng explained, he was as intelligent as Han Fei, and naturally understood the meaning of “remarks”, which was for the purpose of perfecting and revising the law!

On the contrary, Li Si paid more attention to the words of winning politics.

It’s not just the imperial examination pilot!

This is the key!

Just listen to Ying Zheng to continue:

*”The imperial examination system is only the first step! Only when Jane pulls out the right talents can the Prince’s follow-up plan be carried out. The law reform in it will fall on the two Lord Sikou!”

“The interior of Baoyang County is more complicated. Because the geographical location is the closest to the six countries, there are not only immigration offices, but there are even more unkind people in each country. Such an environment, the role of the law, It’s a big deal! Two Master Si Kou have to bother!”

The tone of Yingzheng was very sincere. He was completely treating Han Fei and Li Si as his own, and didn’t mind their identities of Han and Chu.

After listening to Han and Li, they were even more moved!

The scholar dies for the confidant!

It’s just that after a few scientific expeditions and a short one-hour meeting, winning the government not only handed over the important official positions of the master’s law (good king) to the two, but also trusted them so much.

This can be regarded as the grace of knowing and encountering.

“Han Fei/Li Si is willing to die for His Royal Highness! The heart and soul are stubborn, and I will not hesitate!” The two Han and Li were completely convinced to win the government, with great gratitude in their eyes, kneeling and bowing in front of the winning government.

The reason why this effect can be achieved is that in addition to profound knowledge and insights, Yingzheng itself has a subdued momentum, or personal charm.

It has something to do with the emperor’s conjugation art, and it is related to the emperor’s qi.

More importantly, it is the kind of mind and pattern!

But among the young people who have some real skills, which one is not talented and arrogant? Which one is not rebellious?

Han Fei and Li Si do the same.

Only by winning politics will not only crush them in the strongest place, but also tolerate and reuse them in the mindset!

The future of the Fa School belongs to Qin!

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