Chapter 223 Recruiting talents! Take talents from the six countries! [Second update, ask for customization]

As soon as the news of imperial examinations came out, thousands of scholars from within the Qin State and in the six countries flocked to Baoyang, wanting to see the imperial examinations and gain an opportunity to become an official.

Following the promotion of paper, Prince Qin’s name for winning politics was once again passed down by scholars of the world.

Not to mention whether the imperial examination system can finally be promoted, this mode alone has broken the tradition of simple selection of talents, and provided a reference and reference for future selection of talents.


At this moment, the winning government is also in Baoyang County. He must personally preside over the first imperial examination.

The county magistrate of Baoyang has retired to the second place and even moved the office to other places. Sitting in the head of the county government is Ying Zheng, standing in front of him is Zhao Gao and Tian Yan.

“My son, now that we have completed three rounds of careful screening, there are still about 500 scholars left!” Tian Yan said respectfully.

Yingzheng nodded, quite satisfied with this progress.

Zhao Gao said cautiously:

“My son, it seems that the examiner can’t hold it anymore! Shouldn’t they-take a break?”

“Three days! After three days, start the next round of scientific expeditions!” Ying Zheng gave the order.

Tian Yan and Zhao Gao both breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

After reviewing the examination papers for half a month, those examiners couldn’t bear it. Tian Yan and Zhao Gao both took these things in their eyes and forced the examiners to continue. It was inevitable that there would be many omissions.

A wrong judgment is very likely to lose a pillar of the country!

It is not that the examiners are too inefficient, but that the number is too small.

Most of the civil servants in the middle of the DPRK are not willing to Zhao Jin in this muddy water. Only some civil servants among the forces of the old Qin people are the real support for winning the government.

Since they are unwilling to win the government, there is no way to forcefully demand it.

If the number of examiners is insufficient, it doesn’t matter.

Everything is difficult at the beginning! As long as you survive the massive screening process, the latter things will be much easier.

Three days later, the fourth round of imperial examinations began.

The scene of Wujue Jue has disappeared, replaced by 500 elite scholars participating in the selection!

At this stage, almost all five hundred scholars have the qualifications to participate in county governance. The only difference lies in who has the greater ability and who gets the higher position.

This time, Ying Zheng also personally participated in the process of scoring.

Reviewing five hundred examination papers is a trivial matter for Winning Government!

The role of the examiners is more to sort out the backgrounds of these scholars, combined with a person’s life and educational environment, which is of great help in identifying their abilities and expertise.

Sage Kong tastes words: teach students in accordance with their aptitude!

The same goes for being an official. Everyone has different abilities and different positions.

“At the beginning of the Qin Law, there was the first to move wood and establish a letter. The talent of the merchants, the world lamented, and the Qin Law was able to win the people’s trust.” Yingzheng muttered with great interest.

Xianmu Lixin tells the story of Shang Yang’s gaining the trust of the people at the beginning of the reform, and initially established the impression of the people of the Qin Kingdom on Shang Yang and Qin Law.

“Later, the prince broke the law, but the prince Qiang was tortured by the sword for his disadvantages in teaching. The merchants were respected by the legal person and passed between the counties and counties, ordering and prohibiting! The power of the Qin law, do not dare to violate it! It has been a hundred years.”

Seeing this sentence, Yingzheng frowned unconsciously.

Thinking that when Qin Huiwen and Wang Yingsi were the prince, he violated the law. In order to show the majesty of the law, Shang Yang insisted on asking the prince’s teacher, son, to be punished on his behalf. The stabbing (yi) meant cutting off his nose.

Gongziqian is not only Yingsi’s teacher, but also his close uncle, the royal family of Qin Kingdom!

Such a thing, even if a hundred years have passed, is still not a good talk, but a taboo, and no one mentions it in public.

Who would write such a paragraph in the test paper?

Ying Zheng skipped this paragraph, and then looked down.

“Qin’s law is strict, of course it is forbidden, and the law’s majesty is clearly in the world! Qin is located in the northwest, and there is a lot of Rongdi style, and the law is also right. Variety!”

“Five families are in the ranks, ten are nothing; one breaks the law, the other sits in a row, and every one is thoroughly investigated. I think that this order should be changed! The people of Qin are no longer in private fights in those days, and there is no gathering of people to make trouble! How can you sit alone if you are alone?”

There are also a lot of content behind, and Yingzheng has seen the end from the beginning.

0………Look for flowers…

Generally speaking, the article focuses on the harshness of the Qin law, advocates the abolition of corporal punishments such as joint sitting and gang punishment, advocates lightening of penalties, and implements the soft Qin law.

There are five hundred examination papers, and there are probably dozens of them involved in the Qin Fa. This one is the most insightful! Although it has a slight lack of understanding, it is considered a good one.

Yingzheng is more optimistic about this scholar’s article!

Moreover, judging from the sharp aura between the lines, this scholar must be a young man.

What others dare not write, he dares to write!

What others dare not think, he dare to think!

If you want to break those outdated traditions and want to make changes more effective, these young people are the most suitable candidates.


Yingzheng lifted the cover at the corner and saw the author of this article–

Han Fei!

Seeing this name, winning the government didn’t think it was any strange.

Although he studied under Xunzi of Confucianism, Han Fei will be “a master of legalism” in the future! Now Han Fei is just a young man, but legalism’s thoughts are also showing embryonic form, faintly beginning to form his own theory.

In addition, there are some fierce words in Han Fei’s texts, which are expected, and are in line with his image. It is this characteristic that makes Han Fei not always reusable.

It’s not that King Han is ignorant, but that Han Fei’s reform measures are too intense and not suitable for the weak Han country!

Ying Zheng, who is familiar with history, naturally knows these things.

After Han Fei’s examination paper was presented separately, Ying Zheng went on to review it again.

Soon, another very interesting test paper attracted his attention–

Rat theory!

“There are rats in the toilet, but they don’t eat food. Dogs close to people are scared. There are also rats in the barn.

“Human sage is like a rat, in the ears where you are!’

This scholar used a mouse as a metaphor for people, explaining that the quality of a person and the level of achievement depend on his own environment. The implication is that Qin’s environment can make him achieve something!

To put it bluntly is to show loyalty and flattery, but this flattery is reasonable, well-documented, and interesting!

After a chuckle, Ying Zheng saw a familiar name:

Liz! Factory,

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