Chapter 224 Sage inside and king outside! Rule the country by law! [Third update, please customize]

Within the county government of Baoyang County, Han Fei and Li Si saw the victory for the first time.

The two brothers didn’t know that it was Yingzheng who summoned them, but when they first saw Yingzheng, they already knew the identity of the victory with absolute certainty.

The eleven-year-old winning government, even if it completely reduced his tyrannical aura, the natural coercion still made Han Fei and Li Si feel a lot of pressure.

Where is a young man sitting on the top? It is simply a king and overlord with supreme majesty!

When you face him, you will automatically ignore his true age, you can only worship with fear!

Yingzheng is also looking at Han Fei and Li Si in their youth.

Han Fei’s personality is more detached, his thoughts are even more imaginative, and his insights are unique. Ying Zheng can see the general clues from his rich expression.

Although “Three Six Zero” Li Si is a junior and younger than Han Fei, his personality is very calm, barely reaching the realm of “happiness, anger and anger are invisible”.

“Two Confucian wise men, don’t have to be polite, sit down!” Ying Zheng said lightly.

“Han Fei/Li Si, I’ve seen His Royal Highness!” The two brothers and sisters lied together and didn’t dare to really sit down.

It is not that the two are too unbearable, but the power of winning the government, too heavy!

The people on the court of Qin Dynasty, because they are often able to see the winning government, they are more or less immune. If they are outsiders, it is indeed difficult to bear.

“Haha! There are no princes today, just to verify each other’s knowledge! Two, sit down!” Ying Zheng chuckled lightly, alleviating the atmosphere in the room.

At the same time, he deliberately suppressed the natural coercion, showing an approachable side.

It wasn’t until this time that Han Fei and Li Si’s fears faded slightly. They didn’t dare to violate the victory again, so they had to sit down respectfully, their expressions still cautious.

Winning politics doesn’t care. When outsiders first see themselves, most of them are like this. Forcing people to relax is also unrealistic.

“This prince has read the two articles. The two masters of Confucian Xun, why do not see the Confucian knowledge in the article? Han Fei, since you say that the Qin law is harsh, then in your heart, is it self-contained? Fadu?” Yingzheng first asked Han Fei.

When it comes to learning, Han Fei slowly recovered.

This is what he is best at!

People are like this. When talking about their expertise, they tend to talk endlessly, and in the process of speaking, they have an inexplicable self-confidence.

“The master has presided over the Jixia Academy three times, and his knowledge is profound! It’s not a boast, the master’s knowledge has already learned from others, not just the principles of Confucianism. Although Han Fei is a disciple of Confucianism, his philosophy is biased towards Legalism!” Han Fei Respectfully said.

Yingzheng nodded, expressing understanding.

Just listen to Han Fei continuing:

“The disciples dare not compare themselves with masters, nor say they are good at Legalists. They only have some insights into the Qin law! The articles on the imperial examination are just my humble opinion.”

“Han Fei believes that the Qin law was extremely applicable at the beginning, and the courage of the people of the Qin country is unknown to the six countries! Under the Qin country back then, private fights became a common practice, and the use of severe penalties was appropriate!”

“But the current Qin people have already adapted to the Qin law, consciously abide by it, and will not deliberately violate it! Even the punishment of sitting will hurt the innocent. It is completely unnecessary! The corporal punishment should be abolished immediately! The Qin people already know it. To abide by the law, why bother to be severely punished and deterred?”

This opinion of Han Fei can be regarded as insightful! He is not rigidly obsessed with the results that have been achieved, but puts forward different targeted strategies.

“Li Si, your rat theory is very interesting! But I don’t know whether you specialize in Legalism or Confucianism?” Ying Zheng turned around and asked Li Si.

“His Royal Highness, Li Si’s knowledge is also biased towards the Fa school! It’s just that the students’ talents are far from being compared with the seniors, so they are not mentioned in the examination paper.” Li Si explained.

Li Si in his youth was obviously older than Han Fei and was very humble.

They all worshipped the famous teacher Xunzi and learned the same principles. Even if there is a real gap, Li Si’s knowledge will not be too far away.

In history, Li Si assisted in winning politics and accomplishing his imperial career. His deeds are still remarkable, and his real achievements surpass Han Fei.

“It’s okay for the same legalists! Han Fei advocated that Qin Fa cherish softness and abolish even sitting and corporal punishment. Li Si, what do you think?” Winning the government calmly threw the same question to Li Si.

After pondering for a moment, Li Si said steadily:

“Students think that the senior brother’s understanding of Qin Fa is very correct! It is indeed necessary to make some gentle adjustments! As for even sitting and corporal punishment, it is better to have targeted reservations! There are some illegal acts, if severe punishment is not imposed, it is very Difficult to act as a deterrent 0 ”

Although they are brothers, there are still some differences in the concepts of the two.

Yingzheng also nodded, did not say much, but had an appraisal of the two people in his heart.

Under Confucianism and intensive study of Legalism, one should absorb the knowledge of the two at the same time, so as to make their theory more perfect. Obviously, Han Fei and Li Si have not yet achieved this.

After all, they are still young and immature!

Eleven-year-old Yingzheng thought silently~

“Master Kong Sheng founded Confucianism, and all kinds of doctrines have been passed down to this day. This prince is very respected! The thoughts of teaching but not class benefit the common people even more, and it can be called benevolence and virtue in the world!”

“The sage has a saying that “learning and excellence will lead to officialdom.” The students step into the official career and show off what they have learned throughout their lives. This provides a theoretical basis for scholars all over the world to enter the officialdom, and it benefits the students even more!

“The Legalists are more important than techniques. If they can combine the principles of Confucius, then it will be more perfect.” Yingzheng made a vague mention-the two brothers of the next master.

This insight made Han and Li feel ashamed and began to admire the knowledge of winning politics.

Ying Zheng glanced at the expressions of the two, and then said:

“1.3 A simple legal system change is essentially the same as in Daqin, no matter how the law is lenient or strict. It may have a role, but it is of little significance.”

“The first teacher of Taoism Zhuangzi, author of “Tianxia Pian”, there is a term in it called’Inner Sage and Outer King’, this prince agrees! Confucianism also has similar knowledge, but the name is different.”

“Inner sage requires the improvement of people’s moral concepts and the pursuit of the sage’s moral height; the outer king is to formulate various ritual systems to restrain people’s behavior.”

“This prince believes that the rule of law is the perfect way to govern the country!

As soon as these words came out, Han Fei and Li Si were immediately shocked!

The three theories of Confucianism, Law and Taoism are perfectly combined here to interpret the real way of governing the country.

Compared to a single legalist, is it more than a clever one?

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