Chapter 222 Teacher, disciple Li Si (Han Fei) wants to enter the Qin imperial examination! [First update, please customize]

The political ecology of the Six Kingdoms is very different from that of Qin State, but the aspect of simple talents is still extremely unfriendly to the underachievers.

It is difficult for a scholar without roots to get ahead!

Power is held in the hands of the royal family and the powerful, and the children of their own family are waiting for arrangements.Where will there be any vacancies left for outsiders?

Not to mention the poor scholars, even those pioneers and masters of the philosophers and hundreds of schools, their official careers are not so smooth.

Confucius, Mencius, Xunzi, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Han Feizi, plus Mozi, these are the seven pre-Qin scholars evaluated by later generations, and they all have unique insights in academic and political views!

These talents and sages have great reputations, but after they are promoted to official careers, their political achievements are extremely limited.

Just like the current Xunzi, he was just a small Lanling Order, and was eventually abandoned because of suspicion.

Xun Kuang served as the ritual wine of Jixia Academy for three times, and his own knowledge is constantly supplemented and perfected, and he has a lot of meaning to learn from others’ strengths, especially the legalism. Xun Kuang’s research is extremely in-depth.

“Qin’s Shang Yang reforms borrowed the experience of predecessors of the Legalists, such as Li Li, Wu Qi, etc., which in essence made Qin a country of farming and warfare, the name of strengthening Qin, starting from Shang Yang.”

“The reforms served the purpose of prospering the country and strengthening the soldiers, but the shortcomings are also obvious! The Shang prince relied heavily on the law by 357 and ignored the education of the saints, making the Qin people like a stagnant pool. If this goes on, the country will be in danger!”

In Xiaoshengxianzhuang, Xun Kuang was telling two disciples about the pros and cons of Shang Yang’s reform.

Han Fei’s flexible mind and quick response, immediately asked:

“What the teacher meant is that Qin’s strength can’t be sustained? Can’t be maintained? But the hundred years after Shang Jun’s reform, is Qin’s most powerful period?”

Xun Kuang nodded, if he gave Han Fei a deep look, he said:

“What the teacher wants to say next, especially for you from the royal family, you must remember!”

“The law is insufficient, the king can make up for it!

“The biggest evil result caused by a pool of stagnant water among the people is the fault of talent! Among the six countries, it is difficult for the poor to get ahead, and the Qin country is even worse! The Shang prince’s reforms led the people to the army and the civilization. All rely on the noble groups such as Doctor Qing.”

“But the kings of the Qin Kingdom are worthy of overlords and outstanding people! The order of seeking talents after Duke Xiao’s succession is just the beginning. The following kings Qin Huiwen, Wu Wang, and Zhaoxiang kings actively introduced talents from the six countries to Qin. Said to be thirsty for talents!”

(aibd) “On the one hand, it stabilized the strength of Qiang Qin, and on the other hand, it also checked and balanced the power of the Qing clan.

When Xun Kuang finished speaking, Li Si suddenly said:

“King Qin’s approach also has hidden dangers! Six foreign forces have formed factions in Qin, which is a potential threat! Moreover, foreign forces will also collude with the local Qing clan forces, and the tail will not be too big!”

Xun Kuang admired Li Si’s insight very much, showing a look of relief on his face, but then sighed:

“It would be okay if the State of Qin became weak, but the power of Qin kings in the past dynasties to control politics is too strong! It is not an exaggeration to say that it is not leaking! Especially the king Zhaoxiang, the political skills are simply horrible!”

Although it is mainly research knowledge, but the power of Qin State, Xun Kuang is unwilling to see it.

Academia has no national boundaries, but scholars have different nationalities. The identity of Xun Kuang is just a member of the Zhao Guoren who was defeated in Changping.

Speaking of these, the master and the apprentice were silent.

One is from the country of Zhao, one is from the country of Han, and the other is from the country of Chu, and they all share the hatred of Qin!

After a long time, Han Fei suddenly said:

“The teacher thinks that the current King Qin will win Zi Chu, and the prince will win politics. What about these two?”

This is a question that Han Fei wanted to ask for a long time, but was afraid to know the answer.

After pondering for a moment, Xun Kuang gave the answer solemnly:

“The ability to win Zi Chu is average, far inferior to King Zhaoxiang! As for winning the government, it seems that his future achievements are probably not under King Zhaoxiang! Moreover, he has begun to supervise the country! King Qin is still there, The young prince Jian Guo, this is something that has never happened before.

“The strange thing is that Qin’s courtiers didn’t object!” Li Si said.

“This is even more indicative of the ability to win politics!” Han Fei sighed, and then said again:

“However, although the person who won the government has made great achievements, he never took the initiative to provoke a war. With his military power and Qin’s national strength, it is surprising!”

Xun Kuang nodded affirmatively:

“That’s true! Compared to King Zhaoxiang, winning the government has more gentle methods. People don’t offend me, and I don’t offend people! And this son pays more attention to the national economy and people’s livelihood. It seems to be an intention to change the stagnant situation of the people in Qin! Winning creates paper, Yu Wenzhi’s conspiracy can be seen!”

“Paper is really a good thing! Copying classics and disseminating knowledge is of great help to my Confucianism! It’s just that the disciples’ wrists are really tight for the past few days~” Li Si complained a little bit.

Han Fei and Xun Kuang both laughed, and the atmosphere eased.

At this moment, Fu Nian, the current actual principal of Confucianism, walked into the room of the three masters and apprentices with an uncertain expression on his face.

“Uncle Shi, the disciples received the news that Prince Qin won the government in Baoyang County and opened the imperial examination for the first time, recruiting the world’s wise men!” Fu Nian’s respectfully reported to Xun Kuang.

He was still young after all, and when he met something of this level, he thought of discussing it with Xun Kuang the first time.

All three of Xun Kuang, master and apprentice, were puzzled.

What is the imperial examination?

Fu Nian explained in detail the news he had received, including the Baoyang County pilot project, the imperial examination and the selection of scholars, regardless of country or poverty, and so on.

This finally shocked the three masters and apprentices!

Just now, I was still discussing the plot to win politics on the rule of culture, but in a blink of an eye, I received this kind of news?

As literati, they all have their own political propositions, and they all have their own lofty ambitions! They devote themselves to learning, only in a situation where they are depressed! If they have the opportunity to show their strengths, how can they still feel like water?

The Warring States Period was originally an era of fame and fortune!

After being shocked for a long time, Xun Kuang first let out a sigh:

“This move to win the government is really an earth-shaking change! I’m afraid all the poor scholars in the world will swarm into Qin!”

Although Baoyang is only a small county system, those official positions are actually real official positions!

That represents the opportunity to enter the official career!

Just after Xun Kuang’s words were said, Li Si next to him was already eager to try:

“Teacher, the disciple wants to enter Qin! Participate in the imperial examination!”

Han Fei was not to be left behind, and respectfully bowed to Xunzi:

“Teacher, my disciple also wants to go to Baoyang, take a look!”

Xun Kuang: …….

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