Chapter 221 Poor scholar! Opportunity for class mobility! [Fourth update, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation]

There is a small county in the eastern part of Qin State, named Baoyang, which is located to the west of the original Eastern Zhou State and to the east of Hangu Pass.

Baoyang was originally an inconspicuous small county, but now it has become different. It has become an experimental county for the imperial examination system.

This was specifically requested by Yingzheng, and no one raised objections, just because the trial county is selected here, the difficulty will only be higher.

This originally belonged to the Han country, but after nearly a hundred years, the local people in Baoyang have become accustomed to their own identity as Qin people.

They abide by the laws of the State of Qin, use the measures of the State of Qin, and learn the language of the State of Qin.

Fang Ping is a native of Baoyang County and has lived here for generations. His ancestors were still a small nobleman in the Han country, but he declined later and became no different from ordinary people.

There must be a difference, that is that Fang Ping’s family still maintains the tradition of reading and writing, and the father has continued throughout his life. In Fang Ping’s generation, he is a scholar, right?

However, Fang Ping never mentioned the matter of reading and writing to the outside world.

There are a bunch of tattered bamboo slips in the house. What can I do if I can read some characters?

Basically, there are no civilian officials in Qin State!

Apart from farming and joining the army, Fang Ping couldn’t do anything at all, and there was no other way to go.

Fortunately, life is fairly stable.

When the Qin Dynasty was defeated in the third Jin Dynasty the previous year, Baoyang was abandoned by Meng Yu because it was outside the Hangu Pass.

But it was not long. His Royal Highness personally led the army to defeat the Three Jins and regained the land outside Hangu Pass. Baoyang County returned to Qin’s rule.

These things did not have any impact on the peace of the local people. Life still has to go on, and the farming still has to be farmed. In his spare time, tracing the fuzzy writing on the bamboo slips is Fang Ping’s greatest pleasure.

Happiness came too suddenly!

After the Battle of Hangu Pass, sweet potatoes and potatoes were promoted to Baoyang not long after.

Moreover, sweet potatoes and potatoes have a bumper harvest every time. King Qin also cut taxes on the cake, and Fang Ping’s family has a lot of money.

After hesitating for a while, he was still not willing to spend money to buy bamboo slips.

When he really wants to write something, Fang Ping will take out the linen cloth specially used to practice calligraphy, wash it off after writing it, and use it repeatedly.

The only regret is that many insights have also been washed away with the ink

A few months later, Fang Ping heard the news of the publication of paper, and heard that it was the most suitable thing for writing! It was also made by His Royal Highness!

Things are very good, but too expensive, so expensive that ordinary people don’t dare to have extravagant expectations.

Fang Ping, as a poor scholar, was depressed for a long time because of this matter and couldn’t let go of it.

At this time, cheap paper turned out!

Throughout the counties and counties of the Qin Kingdom, there are special shops everywhere, and you can buy a lot of paper with a small amount of money.

When Fang Ping took home a thick stack of white paper and an improved version of the brush, he couldn’t wait to lift the brush and wrote five large characters on the whole piece of white paper:

Saint Prince Ten Thousand Years!

After finishing writing, Fang Ping couldn’t help leaving his eyes

That was his heartfelt feeling, and his gratitude to His Royal Highness!

From sweet potatoes and potatoes, to paper and writing brushes, His Royal Highness changed the entire Qin State and changed the living conditions of all the people.

The statement of the Prince Daqin is worthy of the name!

On this day, Fang Ping was about to run out of white paper. He wanted to go to the paper store to buy some more. When passing by the county government, he found that there were countless people watching there. .

“Taking scholars from the imperial examination? His Royal Highness the prince Rende! He gave us a way for the poor scholars to enter the official position, 々!”

“My brother is right! Those of us scholars who want to enter the official career in Qin are as difficult as climbing! Now there is a fair opportunity!”

“His Royal Highness has always been concerned about Wenhua matters, otherwise there would be no paper and improved writing brushes! Your Highness is the hope of my fellow scholars!!

“Holy Prince Wannian! Great Qin Wannian!”

A large group of people were so excited that they were not willing to leave around the announcement, as if seeing the announcement, they had already become the county leader.

It took a lot of effort for Fang Ping to finally squeeze in and see the content above the post with his own eyes.

The essay first pointed out that Baoyang County became a pilot for imperial examinations, and then focused on the specific situation of imperial examination candidates, which subjects are divided into, how to register, and when to register.

Various rules, procedures, and foreign wines are full of words!

Looking at it, there were tears on Fang Ping’s face, excitement and joy, long droughts and rain!

He has lofty ambitions! He also wants to enter the official career! He is not reconciled to farming, sowing for a lifetime!

However, in the territory of the Qin State, ordinary people without roots cannot enter official careers. Officials, large and small, are controlled in the hands of the nobles and nobles, and they will never open up to civilians easily.

The Fang family has been waiting for several generations, always wandering outside the official career, completely helpless!

Finally, this opportunity was equalized by Fang.

That’s why he was so excited, so excited that he couldn’t restrain himself!

There are many people who share the same mood and thoughts as Fang Ping, and they express themselves in different ways. Some people are singing praises for winning politics, while others are mad and talking nonsense.

The movement of classes has never stopped since ancient times.

No one wants to stay at the bottom of society forever. Normal people will want to move closer to and merge with higher classes, but it is too difficult to truly realize this kind of rush from the bottom to the top!

There is only one thing like Lu Buwei’s transformation from a lowly (good Li Zhao) businessman to a state minister.

Most of the gorgeous turns, in fact, rely on reading! Being an official!

Not to mention that in ancient times, even in modern times, why not?

The vast majority of parents take their children’s studies so seriously, and essentially want to achieve corner overtaking and achieve stratification of classes.

The imperial examination system that won the government provided an opportunity for the poor scholars to move from the peasants to the nobles!

Of course, this opportunity is fair. The poorest scholars can participate in the imperial examination, and so can the wealthy children.

Even scholars from the other six countries, as long as they are willing to participate in the imperial examination, as long as they have achieved good results, they can also become a member of the official ranks of the Qin State.

In fact, it is the scholars of the Six Kingdoms who make Yingzheng high hopes!

The news of the imperial examination, Lu Buwei, has spread to the six countries under the direction of the victory. .

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