Chapter 220 As soon as the imperial examination comes out, it must make a sensation in the Seven Kingdoms! [Third update, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation]

As soon as the words of winning the government came out, all the officials in the court were shocked! This action directly sealed everyone’s mouth.

No one dared to oppose the imperial examination system in the face of it, because the banner of winning the government is for the prosperity of Da Qin!

If they continue to rely on the merits of their predecessors, they will become anti-Qin in nature, and this crime is not something they can afford.

However, the situation on the scene has developed to the current level, and the situation is temporarily controlled. The Changping Monarch of the Chu family and the officials of the Qing clan are already very satisfied.

Especially Mr. Changping, his face remained as plain as water, but in his heart he was completely dismissive of the one-year period of winning the government.

One year has caused a huge change in the land of a county? What is a huge change?

Relying on the simple talents among the civilians?

They have no experience in governance at all, and governance is not something that can be accomplished overnight!

Even for such capable ministers as Guan Zhong and Wu Zixu, it will take a long time for local governance to see results.

Thinking of 08 here, Lord Changping was even more unwilling to show weakness, and said tit-for-tat:

“His Royal Highness, the ministers are also dedicated to the country, and have no intention of offending! If one year later, as His Royal Highness said, the ministers will take the blame to the Prince’s Mansion, just for today’s disrespect!”

This is the end of the matter, and all the monarchs and ministers in the DPRK have witnessed this gambling battle.

This kind of opposition from the officials above the court is actually understandable from their standpoint.

For the rest of the small things, they absolutely strongly support any demand for winning the government, and they dare not go against it.The only system of imperial examination and scholarship has touched their fundamental interests!

This is their only little honor left.

When Wei Yang reformed the law, one of them was to “abolish Shi Qing Shilu”. At that time, Qing was the clan, and his opposition was even stronger, and the suppression he encountered was particularly tragic.

It was not until King Qin Huiwen took the throne and Cha Liwei Martingale that the Qing clan’s power was able to restore a few fiefdoms and restore some of the court status.

It is no longer allowed to be lost again!

If the imperial examination system of the winning government can be fully implemented, then the Qing can no longer be called the Qing, and can only be regarded as ordinary civil servants~

It was night, in the mansion of Lord Changping, the heads of the Qing clan gathered.

At the banquet, the old man who looked up to the sky and cried out solemnly lifted the wine glass and gestured to Lord Changping:

“For today’s matter, I am extremely grateful to Mr. Changping for his help! The old man only uses this wine, and I am a little grateful!” The old man said, and drank the spirits in the glass in one gulp.

“Don’t worry about the old man! On the court, the deeds of the prince are really chilling! All the Qing clan, all are the arms of the Great Qin, and it is not half inferior to the suppression of the national fortune by the Jiuding! Alas, the family of heroes, suffered How can I see this shame?”

As he spoke, Mr. Changping seemed to feel very worried, and he also picked up the wine glass and drank it in one fell swoop.

The remaining dozens of leaders of the Qing clan also spoke out one after another:

“I originally thought that His Royal Highness was Da Qin’s future, but now it turns out that it is so… mean and unkind!”

“The feelings have faded! I think at the beginning, when my ancestors fought side by side with the kings of Qin, how many young people in the clan sacrificed? The prince is really disappointing!”

“Not all of the royal family have forgotten the honor and disgrace of the past. Lord Changping is also the royal family’s clan. Today, he can still wait for the injustice for me! The old man is very grateful!”

“Humph! If the prince is not relying on the old Qin people, why is this?”

“Yes! Everyone is an old Qin, these guys who rely on military merits to stand on their own, and also claim to be orthodox old Qin people! In the past, these people were just civilians!”

“This is true! The Prince’s New Deal, to put it bluntly, is to recruit scholars from the common people. Among them, there must be the participation of the old Qin forces. These people are really too much! Not to mention the control of the army, and now they are still trying to control the government. ?”

“For today’s plan, the Qing clan is already a group of dragons without a leader, and everything depends on Lord Changping to preside over the overall situation!”

When Changping Jun and Qing clan were drinking together, there was also a gathering in the palace.

King Qin, Prince, Xiangguo!

“Zheng’er, aren’t you afraid of losing face? A one-year appointment is a hassle, right?” Zi Chu’s tone was more relaxed, not as worried as last night.

After Ying Zheng was pulled over by Zi Chu Qiang, he originally planned to return to the Prince’s Mansion.

The imperial examination system has been initially proposed, and the next step is to step up its implementation! As for the court gambling, hehe, winning the government is not at all concerned!

Is his cheap father still worried about this kind of thing? Ying Zheng chuckled and said:

“Father, just listen to the follow-up news! Since the son-chen has given a one-year period, he naturally has absolute certainty! The imperial examination system, the son-chen has already had a perfect execution plan, and he is not rushed. .”

Lu Buwei next to him is a bit cautious. King Qin and the prince don’t treat him as an outsider. This is a good thing! But knowing too much “insiders”, they can’t be sure whether it is a blessing or a curse.

But Lu Buwei is indeed a bit dry! Although there is no such powerful organization as the net, the movement in the court is still not hidden from him.

“His Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness, the Weichen thought that there is one thing that needs more attention! The 357 Qing clan and the Chu Family Changping Monarch are likely to come together! These two forces that are gradually declining still cannot be underestimated!” Lu Buwei Reminded.

Zi Chu nodded slightly, with a solemn tone:

“The Chu family and the Qing family are united, and they are more powerful than the old Qin people! The right to speak above the court, I am afraid that it will gradually move closer to Lord Changping! Even the widows have to worry about committing public anger. !”

Ying Zheng immediately took the conversation and said with disdain:

“What can they do if they are united together? Above the court, isn’t it still the only way to talk? That is to say, the father and the king are still thinking about the feelings of the past, otherwise, the children will inevitably kill one and do a hundred today! People are noisy!”

“Kill, kill, kill! You are the prince, don’t always put this word on your lips! On the battlefield, killing and decisiveness is a must. On weekdays, don’t make so much blood for no reason!” Zi Chu said slightly. Blame.

Winning the government’s indifferent Bianbian mouth, did not say anything to refute Zi Chu, turned his head to Lu Buwei and said:

“The prince has planned for the imperial examination system for a long time! Mr. Xiangguo, I will bother you this time. In the name of Da Qin, the news of the imperial examination system will be spread to the six countries.

“Be sure to let the people of the Seven Kingdoms get the news in the shortest time!”

“This prince is already looking forward to it!”.

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