Chapter 219 The horror of the Qing family! A year-long appointment! [Second update, please customize]

Ying Zichu did not speak, but sat firmly on the throne, with no happiness or anger on his face, making it impossible for people to speculate and judge the opinion of King Qin.

After a long time, the court was still silent.

It wasn’t until this time that Zi Chu finally made a few comments!

“All the princes, what’s going on? Today is the day of the Dachaohui, so feel free to speak up! The new policy proposed by the prince, don’t you say that you don’t have any opinions? The widows are also waiting for your opinions!”

After a long time, no one spoke.

Zi Chu exhaled heavily, and said solemnly:

“If there is anything wrong with the Prince’s New Deal, the princes may point out! The brief and talent involved is a major event related to the future of Qin. If the princes have any ideas, the prince will humbly accept it, and the widows will also fully support it!”

After a long period of “three, five and seven” again, an elderly doctor finally stood out from the crowd.

The old man’s face was already full of tears, and most of his gray beard was wet, and his expression was extremely sad and indignant, extremely heroic!

That expression state clearly suffered a great injustice!

I saw the old man raised his stubborn and old head, and looked at Zi Chu with teary eyes. After staring for a while, he looked towards the victory. Suddenly, his figure moved, his knees bent, and he was kneeling directly. In front of the victory!

“His Majesty, His Royal Highness, is it possible that the old ministers are too old to be unusable? Or do they think that the ministers are too good to be the master?”

“Never before! Absolutely never! What did the old man say? The widow has never thought about it like this before!” Zi Chu quickly shook his head and waved his hands, his expression was very anxious.

“In that case, the king and the prince want to take the officials and wait for these heroes to perform the operation! The ancestors of the past, if you are alive in the sky, please open your eyes and look at your children and grandchildren! Look at how humble they are! ”

“Princes of the past! I beg you to take a look at Daqin today! The deeds of the courtiers who were born and died for you and fought in the North and South, their deeds have been forgotten! Their descendants are suffering humiliation!”

When the old man said this, the tears in his eyes couldn’t stop flowing down, his two arms still maintained a posture of looking up to the sky, and his two knees were still humblely kneeling to the ground.

This situation can be said to be sad for those who hear it, and tears for those who see it!

Above the court, all the ministers wept in tears, miserable and miserable, incomparably sad.

There were even some courtiers who could not shed tears because of eye diseases. In order to express their grief, they squeezed their eyes forcibly, even if they didn’t!

If you still can’t shed tears, you can only smear the saliva from your mouth on your face secretly.

At this moment, a loud and awe-inspiring voice sounded above the court:

“Majesty! His Royal Highness’s New Deal cannot be implemented in any way! It is simply a child’s mischief! The serious consequences are not considered at all! It is absolutely impossible!”

Zi Chu looked in the direction from which the voice came, and turned out to be the current principal of the Chu family, Lord Changping!

“Mr. Changping, this is serious, right? You are just talking about why it is not feasible? What are the serious consequences?” Zi Chu’s eyes landed firmly on Mr. Changping, waiting for his answer.

“The Great King Rongzi! The new policy of the prince is undoubtedly to absorb the scholars among the common people to the court! Replace the position of the descendants of the heroes! This move is inevitably chilling!

“If it is really implemented, Qin will die!”

After all, Lord Changping did not show any expressions, but stood with his head upright on the court. His body looked so tall in the eyes of many officials of the Qing clan.

First, there was the old man who was heartbroken and wailed up to the sky, and then there was Mr. Changping who stepped forward and spoke out of righteousness.

The atmosphere of the whole court is exaggerated with a layer of generosity!

What a pair of lonely servants!

As far as Mr. Changping is concerned, his choice to play at this time is completely impossible for people to fault. It is just a performance just now, and it has won the favor of all the doctors present.

Yingzheng sees all this in his eyes.

The reshuffle of the Chu family has made Changping Kanjun the absolute leader of the Chu family, but the current state of Qin is at the lowest period of the Chu family.

Zi Chu greatly weakened the power of the Chu family in the court, and winning the government was to completely pull out the Chu family from the net. All this gave Changping Jun a strong sense of crisis.

In order for the Chu forces to continue to exist in Qin, he must find reliable allies!

The introduction of the new imperial examination policy gave him this opportunity and made him give up the forbearance he had always maintained.

This bitter drama of the Qing clan forces is even more exciting, and even the winning government wants to applaud.

This acting skill must be affirmed!

Obviously, they are all powerful figures who are respected and powerful, and they have acted abruptly into a disadvantaged group.How can such acting skills not be admired?

That is to say, winning the politics can cause this situation in front of you. If you are someone else, I am afraid that you have already been in a different place.

Although everyone can’t hide their minds from others, the situation in front of them still needs to be broken!

Mindful of this, Ying Zheng said leisurely:

“The new imperial examination policy is for the purpose of simplifying and recruiting talents, for the great Qin Wannian! It is not to replace anyone! The loyal generals who have been killed for my Da Qin bloody sages, won’t forget to win the government! And Da Qin has not wronged all the loyal ministers afterwards. Bar?”

The old man kneeling on the ground, hearing a few words from the victory, stood up immediately, and after hesitating, he still put on the expression of grief and indignation, and questioned:

“His Royal Highness, can it be said that we loyal ministers will not be able to be talented afterwards? His Royal Highness wants to simplify talents, and countless outstanding young people from all races can be selected by His Royal Highness. Why do we need to have imperial examinations? Why bother? Want to recruit talents from all over the world?” 1.3

Jun Changping also echoed:

“The old man is true! When it comes to talents, the children of the various Qing clan, talented people come out in large numbers! Is it possible that the talents drawn by the imperial examinations must be so outstanding?”

After Mr. Changping finished speaking, he won the government calmly and said:

“Since Mr. Changping doesn’t believe it, then this prince can prove it to you!”

While speaking, Ying Zheng turned his head to face Zi Chu, and said seriously:

“Father, please temporarily hand over the area of ​​a county to your minister! Your minister will use the talents drawn by the imperial examination scholar Jane to manage the county!”

“Whether it is a real talent or not, and what kind of results can be achieved, we will see in a year! If you can’t make a big change in the small county, win the government and ask yourself to stay in the ancestral hall of the heroes, and please blame the ancestors of the past!”.

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