Chapter 218 The new imperial examination policy! The officials are shocked! [First update, please customize]

Although he was confident about the means to win the government, Zi Chu still inevitably worried. What he has to do next is even more difficult than facing the six-nation union.

This worry was almost written on his face, and Yingzheng saw it at a glance.

“Father, you don’t have to worry! Don’t say anything else, you don’t know the force of the children? It’s really urgent, the children are not sages like Confucius and Mencius! If you want to use thunder, no one can handle it. Live!” As he spoke, the evil spirit of Ying Zheng began to spread.

Peerless force is close to you, what’s the fear?

Big deal, kill it!

Obliterate all the Qing clan!

Zi Chu laughed bitterly,-quickly persuaded:

“Zheng’er, don’t mess around, one size fits all is not a really good solution! It’s not a last resort, there is no need to kill them all! As long as those who can be ranked among the Qing clan, it is not after the heroes who assist the royal family to fight the world together!”

Ying Zheng casually retreated his momentum, chuckled lightly, and said:

“Isn’t your son afraid that your father will worry about it? Don’t worry! The sons know it! And those Qings are not fools, if you go hard, huh, I guess they don’t have the courage! At most, they just do some tricks in secret and play tricks. That’s nothing!”

After such a disturbance, Zi Chu’s worries have indeed alleviated a lot.

“Lu Qing, are you still there?”

“Don’t! Majesty, old ministers can’t be regarded as a high-ranking clan! Absolutely not!” Lu Buwei quickly waved his hand to explain that he was indeed frightened by the evil spirit of winning the government.

On weekdays, I just feel that the aura of winning the government is strong and majestic, and I have never personally experienced the evil spirit of the rash! Today can be regarded as seeing the other side hidden by the prince.

How can the commander who has fought bloody battles on the killing field have no suffocation?

“Hehe, Lord Xiangguo, it’s getting late, you go back first, tomorrow will be the meeting, the prince will propose the imperial examination at the meeting, at that time, we will discuss again!” Winning the government very generously let Lu Buwei leave. .

Lu Buwei was originally not eligible to participate in this kind of dialogue! This was a decision made by the royal family. What is it that he is listening here?

Lu Buwei, who was like an amnesty by an alliance, left the palace in fear.

The father and son chatted a few more casually, and Ying Zheng was also about to leave. At this moment, Zhao Ji appeared outside the door.

“Zheng’er, why don’t you want to please your mother? You want to leave?” Zhao Ji said dissatisfied with her hands on her hips.

Just now, I was still full of evil spirits to win the government. In front of his mother Zhao Ji, there was really no way to do it, and she was forced to go to Zhao Ji’s bedroom.

Yingzheng has always been busy, and the mother and son have not seen each other for a long time. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Ji left her son in the bedroom and said that she didn’t go to bed until late.

In the early morning of the next day, Ying Zheng left Zhao Ji’s bedroom early and returned to Zhao Prince’s Mansion.

Every morning, Tian Yan sorts out the important information collected by Luo Net and Hei Bingtai, and puts it in Yingzheng’s study. Yingzheng will also grasp some important developments in Qin and abroad in the first time.

This has become a habit.

The current snare is truly a snare that belongs to the winning government, and even Zichu won’t bother. The eyes and ears of the various factions before have been cleared out a long time ago.

After grasping the first-hand information, Ying Zheng also came to the hall of the court in advance, waiting for the beginning of the court meeting.

This is also a habit.

Since winning the government and starting to supervise the country, the efficiency of the court’s handling of political affairs has increased how many times!

Some ministers in the DPRK have also developed a habit along with the victory.

Promote your daughter and granddaughter!

Yingzheng is eleven years old and still has no marriage contract. Although the relationship between him and the genius girl Fei Yan from the Yin and Yang family is well known, it is impossible for Ying Zheng to marry only one wife, isn’t it?

Everyone has a chance!

Therefore, a period of time before the beginning of the early dynasty, it became the time for various ministers to promote sales, and they would sell them every other time! I can’t wait to just stuff my daughters and granddaughters into the Prince’s Mansion.

Especially those of the Qing clan, there are so many little girls available for recommendation at home! They are the most diligent!

If you want the continuation of the family, you want the power to last forever, and be able to form marriages with His Royal Highness, that is simply great.

It is the same with today’s Great Court. The doctors in the DPRK took the trouble to introduce people to the winning government, and the winning government was politely rejected one by one.

After a short while, Zi Chu came to the hall, and the dynasty meeting officially began.

0……Look for flowers……

After the routine government affairs were summarized, the winning government came out.

“Enlighten my father, my son has drawn up a new policy, please father to make a decision!”

“Oh? New Deal? Today is the Great Dynasty, but it’s okay to talk about it!” Zi Chuban pretended not to know.

“Since the advent of paper, countless scholars have emerged in Daqin, and the grand occasion is unprecedented! It seems that the folks are also Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons, and the children were unexpected!”

“I have been in charge of government for some time. I have discovered some of the shortcomings of Daqin for a long time. In the final analysis, I still lack talents! Since the people have talents, why not promote them?

“Erchen drafted a system of imperial examinations to recruit scholars to simplify the selection of civilian talents and enter the DPRK as officials!

Yingzheng directly said about the imperial examination candidates! Especially the sentence added later, made a comment for the imperial examination candidates, and the courtiers in the DPRK all guessed the intention of some imperial examination candidates.

“What is imperial examination? Prince, you might as well talk about it in detail!” As Zi Chu continued to act, his face showed great interest.

Yingzheng had already prepared a speech, and immediately introduced it:

“The imperial examination means to divide the knowledge into different categories, form several major subjects, and formulate the corresponding examination questions!”

“For example, agriculture! If we want Jane to appoint a group of agricultural officials, then we will write the knowledge of farming into the exam questions and let the candidates answer! While the candidates have achieved excellent results, it also means that they have entered the DPRK. Qualifications to be an official!”

“The same goes for some other positions, with similar test questions corresponding to them! The talents selected in this way are more targeted, and at least they understand some basic theories.

Winning the government was above the Dachaohui, and gave a detailed explanation of the system of imperial examination.

From the choice of learning, the formulation of examination questions, what kind of grades can be served as an official at which level, Yingzheng has explained each link thoroughly.

The courtiers were filled with shock.

They all thought of the impact of this so-called “New Deal”!

Until Yingzheng had finished speaking, the whole court fell into collective silence, and there was no voice. No one expressed an opinion at this time. factory,

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