Chapter 217 The imperial examination, a new ascending channel for Daqin! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

“Imperial examination scholars? Zheng’er, what kind of system are you talking about?” Zi Chu asked suspiciously.

This was still a word that never appeared in the Warring States Period, and Zi Chu naturally couldn’t understand it.

Ying Zheng calmly explained:

“The imperial examination system is a system for selecting talents, similar to the twentieth-level military merit system! It’s just that the imperial examination system selects civilian officials.”

When it comes to the selection of civil servants, Zi Chu’s brows frowned slightly!

Lu Buwei has also been listening to him. On the surface, there is no reaction, but he is extremely shocked in his heart, because the selection of talents is often linked to the distribution of power!

Just listen to Ying Zheng continued to say:

“The idea of ​​the imperial examination system has been brewing for a long time! Now, the time is basically ripe! Qin’s current atmosphere is very good, and it is very suitable to introduce the imperial examination system at this time!”

“In simple terms, the imperial examination system is to allow everyone, regardless of their background or status, to get the opportunity to be an official through fair selection!”

“At that time, Wu’an Jun was born in vain. It was because of the implementation of the military merit system that he was able to stand out from the common people! The imperial examination system advocated by the children was to select talents in the field of culture and governance, regardless of origin!”

Zi Chu frowned tighter, and asked solemnly:

“How to select?”

“Divide various academics into categories, list several subjects separately, formulate relevant examination questions, and target 357 questions in the school! According to the different grades, you will be qualified to serve as officials of various levels.” Yingzheng calmly said. .

At the beginning, Zi Chu was extremely excited because of the abundant reserves in the treasury, but because of the imperial examination system proposed by Ying Zheng, his face was already very solemn.

“Zheng’er, do you know what you are doing? Do you know how Wei Marting died back then?” Zi Chu stared closely at the victory.

“The son is not Wei Marting, and the father is not the King Huiwen!” Ying Zheng didn’t mean to compromise at all.

“But power is always power! The imperial examination system will threaten the entire Qing clan and scholar-bureaucrats! Don’t you know the reason why the anger is hard to commit?” Zi Chu didn’t want to oppose all the civil officials.

Many things are not unexpected, but impossible!

The Qing family is indeed a family, or a family.

Throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty, the system of enfeoffment was practiced. The emperor divided the princes, and the princes divided the princes. The princes had their own fiefs and fiefs, instead of the princes to manage the places, they became the courtiers in the dynasty.

Behind every courtier, there is actually a huge family supporting it!

It is these family forces that are integrated to form a complete vassal state.

The three families of Han, Zhao, and Wei divided the Jin, it was the three Qing clan that divided the Jin country, which shows the power of the Qing clan!

Therefore, the Qing clan and scholar-bureaucrats in the DPRK were all appointed candidates among the various families. This has always been the case! All important positions are in the hands of the Qing clan, and no easy changes are allowed.

The power of the royal family is of course the strongest. It is not a big problem to replace or erase a single Qing clan; but if you offend the entire Qing clan, it is no small incident!

“Father, what do you think is the end of royal power?” Yingzheng did not directly refute Zi Chu, but raised a more in-depth question.

“The end of royal power?” Zi Chu was puzzled.

“Shang Zhou is the emperor, and Wu Wang is a prince; Da Zhou is the emperor, and Qin is a prince; Jin is a prince, and San Jin is a prince! Isn’t it wrong for the children to say that? The end of Da Qin is also like this?”

After Ying Zheng said these words, Zi Chu couldn’t answer.

According to this logic, the end of the Qin Kingdom will also be replaced by the Qing clan!

As a winning government for future generations, he sees this kind of thing particularly clearly.

“Father, you don’t believe in the abilities of your ministers?” Ying Zheng looked straight into Zi Chu’s eyes, his gaze decisively.

Zi Chu shook his head and said firmly: “Father Wang believes you!”

Four simple words are worth a thousand words, and Zi Chu finally chose to support winning the government!

But Zi Chu’s decision was still very difficult for him.

The benefits of the imperial examination system can be imagined with a little thought!

The first (aibd) is for Jane to pull out real talents, and the second is to break the pattern of Qing clan controlling the court.

Once the imperial examination system can be implemented smoothly, then the kingship of Qin will be completely consolidated! Don’t even think about things like the division of the three schools!

It’s just that the risks involved are too great!

Choosing to support winning the government means that you are on the opposite side of the entire Qing clan, and if you are a little careless, it is the crisis of overthrowing the country!

Under the premise of unprecedented strength and unprecedented prosperity, taking great risks to make changes is often something that those in power are unwilling to do.

Yingzheng understands this truth.

But he still has to do it!

Change in the heyday and change in the chaos are two different concepts.

The former is to actively seek change and want to become stronger; the latter is compelled to change, and the country will perish!

Now that we know the existence of hidden dangers, the best time to solve hidden dangers must be when the country is strongest!

Especially winning politics to do this is the most appropriate thing, but he also waited for the time to be completely ripe before finally deciding to make changes.

In the Southern and Northern Wars, they gained military support; they supported farming and gained popular support; cheap paper gained the support of literati.

The hearts of the entire Qin State are on the side of winning the government!

In addition, the biggest reliance on winning politics is his own strength.

In the face of absolute power, simple tactics are all farts!

The cavalry of the Three Thousand Tiger Howl Army can ride horses and run wildly in any Qing clan’s territory! They can put down the vassals in an instant!

The personal cultivation base that won the government is even more not something that the Qing clan can contend.

King Zhaoxiang was able to possess such great power, mainly because of his innate ninth-ranked powerful martial arts! Winning government also reached the ninth-rank innate, and more powerful than King Zhaoxiang!

What is he afraid of?

“Once the imperial examination system is implemented, it is not a trivial matter! Those high-ranking Qing clans, don’t look at their admiration and respect for you on weekdays, but once they threaten their interests, they will never give up!” Zi Chu still couldn’t help it. Remind the winning government again.

Win political disdain:

“What can they do? Don’t they dare to rebel? If they dare to rebel, it will be easier for the children to change! It will be much easier!”

“They really don’t dare to rebel, but the small actions behind it must be indispensable! At the very least, you can no longer be so comfortable in the court! These people can’t directly attack you by force, malicious slander all kinds of methods, They are all experts!”

“I hope you are fully prepared for the imperial examination system!” Zi Chu said worriedly.


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