Chapter 216 Tianquan Mingdong! Imperial Examination for Scholars! [Third update, ask for customization]

After the death of King Zhaoxiang, Taiyi has not been walking around the palace for a long time, staying in the resident of Yin Yang family in the name of retreat.

Feiyan has not been out for a long time. One is that the practice of onmyoji has reached a critical period, and the other is that she feels that her cultivation is insufficient, and staying next to Yingzheng is a little helpless.

How can she endure the arrogant and arrogant woman since she was a child?

Ever since, the little girl made up her mind, she must practice hard and climb the peak bravely!

In a blink of an eye, Governor Ying reached eleven years old, Feiyan also grew to fourteen years old, and the little girl became a big girl~

In the evening of this day, the moon had not risen yet, and the stars above the sky were shining. It was the best time for the Yin and Yang family to watch the stars. Coincidentally, Feiyan happened to break through the second congenital stage, and the retreat was over.

“Concubine Yan, have you ever noticed any changes?” Donghuang Taiyi looked up at the starry sky, and at the same time asked Feiyan.

Fei Yan was also watching the stars, and the first thing she saw was the star of Ziwei!

That means winning politics!

The emperor star hung high and everything was fine. The little girl relaxed in her heart. After hearing Donghuang Taiyi’s question, she focused on the changes in the entire star map.

After a long time, Fei Yan frowned, and said with some uncertainty:

“The fourth of the Big Dipper should represent Tianquan Wenquxing, and Tianquan is moving. Could it be said that Qin is going to reinvigorate Wenzhi?”

According to the astrology, it may be such an implication.

But Daxing Wenzhi, for a farming and warfare country like Qin, there is always a sense of disobedience, as if seeing an eight-foot man holding an embroidery needle doing needlework!

When Fei Yan thought he had made a mistake, Donghuang Taiyi nodded affirmatively:

“Yes! That’s true! During your period of retreat, a lot of things happened! Hehe, it’s all related to winning politics! All the signs indicate that he really wants to promote Wenzhi!”

At the same time, in the inner hall of the Xianyang Palace, Zi Chu was discussing paper with his confidant Lu Bufengwei.

“Lu Qing, how about the Six Kingdoms Pit this time. 々?” Zi Chu Nuo said.

“The king laughed!” “Lu Buwei is more cautious in front of winning politics, and more casual in front of Zi Chu.

“Oh! Since the government was allowed to supervise the country, the widow has really been a little uncomfortable! I haven’t seen the court ministers mentioning anything that violates the ancestral system. Is the widow the Qin king so dispensable?” Zi Chu said. At that time, the expression on his face betrayed his sincerity.

Obviously, it is extremely proud, where does it mean to sigh?

Of course Lu Buwei could see all of this, and he took advantage of the situation to make up for it:

“His Royal Highness, a great talent, is really the blessing of my king! All the affairs of the court are handled in an orderly manner, and everything is updated! Qin is even more praised for the wiseness of the king and the prince! The old ministers are also happy for the king!”

Wear thousands of things, don’t wear flattery!

Zi Chu was very good at this flattery, the smile on his face was even worse, and he continued to ask about the paper:

“Lu Qing, tell the widow, how many pits have been made this time?”

Lu Buwei smiled awkwardly, hesitatingly said:

“Uh, not much! It’s all the prince planning in this, and I’m the old minister to help out!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, how much is it?” The less Lu Buwei said nothing, the more interested Zi Chu became.

In fact, the money had already gone into the treasury, but Zi Chu didn’t bother to check it out.

“About one hundred thousand taels of gold and one million taels of silver were sent to the state treasury. The six countries have more copper coins, but they have been replaced with various materials.” Lu Buwei said in a slanderous manner.

The reason why he has repeatedly avoided this question is because he doesn’t want to highlight his ability to make money! After some points of winning politics, Lu Buwei tries to distinguish himself from profit-seeking businessmen.

Sure enough, Zi Chu was still shocked by these numbers!

“How much? How much do you say? One hundred thousand taels of gold and one million taels of silver? Can it be said that a small piece of paper can be compared with the previous grain trading?” Zi Chu was almost excited.

“Actually, there can be more! But His Royal Highness said that his intention is not to make money, so the profits afterwards have fallen partly.” Lu Buwei simply put all the money-making things on the body of winning the government.

Resolutely not let the king misunderstand! The original state is not a businessman!

How can Zi Chu care about this?

“Go and call the prince to the widow! By the way, get the treasury accounts too!”

As a result, in the middle of the night, Victory was taken to the inner palace of the palace by Lu Bufengwei!

The accounts of the national treasury have been replaced by special three-proof paper to record, which is much more convenient than the previous bamboo slips. That’s the case, there are a few big books for all kinds of account statistics, a thick one.

Zi Chu looked at the various items very seriously, and the excitement in his eyes became more intense.

After a long time, it was boring to win the government, and Zi Chu finally went through the accounts as a whole.

*”The state of Qin today is truly rich than ever before! Compared to the heyday of King Zhaoxiang, it is much richer!” Zi Chu couldn’t help feeling full of emotions.

“Zheng’er, the father really has nothing to say! Daqin is lucky to have a prince like you, and it is also Da Qin’s luck!”

Winning the government is almost rolling his eyes!

In the middle of the night, father and son, what kind of affection are you inciting?

“Father, are you looking for a minister for this purpose?” Yingzheng said casually.

Zi Chu also clearly felt the attitude of winning the government, but he didn’t take it seriously?

The prince is too good, and the widow is under a lot of pressure!

Thinking of this, Zi Chu was not hypocritical. The relationship between the father and son was pure, and there was no need to say polite thanks.

“Zheng’er, about cheap paper, tell me about your plan! Father is very interested!

This (good Lihao) is Zi Chu’s real purpose for winning the government!

Paper buying and selling will inevitably make a lot of money. This is what Zi Chu expected, but he suddenly heard those amazing profits, and he couldn’t accept it for a while.

In fact, the money is still small for Qin.

What made Zi Chu very curious was that after winning a part of the money, he ended up suddenly!

Cheap paper, too cheap!

“Since the father asked, then Zheng’er should mention one thing by the way!” Yingzheng’s expression began to become serious.

Every time at this time, Zi Chu knew very well that his son must have some unique reasoning or idea about to appear!

“Erchen, if you want to start implementing a new system recently, you still need the approval of your father!”

“E? ​​New system? What kind of system?” Zi Chu asked boasting.

“The imperial examination system!”.

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