Chapter 212 The actions of the philosophers! [Third more, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation]

The two great schools of Confucianism and Mohism are actually the evaluation of the two schools made by Han Feizi in the later period. At that time, Mohism had been divided into two distinct schools.

One is to study academics, especially natural sciences; the other is to practice martial arts, later called it Moxia.

Whether it is Wenmo or Wumo, the core ideology of Mohist school has not changed. The disciples of Mohist school have been adhering to an almost harsh self-requirement.

All-round love, non-attack, upholding the virtuous, the same, the festival, the funeral, the non-music, the non-fate, the gods, and the ghosts, and finally, the love and mutual benefit at the same time!

These core ideas have almost perfected human morality to the extreme, which is very difficult for normal people to achieve.

The main reason why so many people will join the Mohist school is still because of culture!

Among the hundreds of families, the peasant family is equivalent to illiterate, and they are all peasants. The disciples of the Mo family are also a group of people with lower backgrounds who are dissatisfied with reality.

They are eager to acquire culture, eager to learn knowledge!

But Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism and so on, do not have certain economic strength and inheritance, and it is difficult to achieve success.

You can’t even step into the threshold!

The Mohist school provides such a group of people with an opportunity to gain cultural heritage.

From this perspective, the Mohist has made a great contribution to the popularization of culture.

The win-government plan benefits ordinary people more than the Mohist school, and there are not so many moral constraints.

The folks of the Seven Kingdoms, poor scholars rarely have the opportunity to get in touch with book knowledge, and there are few channels to exchange knowledge.

Academic schools have a fixed circle, and it is even more difficult for ordinary poor people to get in.

This also objectively formed the cultural monopoly of the powerful family!

One of the purposes of winning paper is to break this monopoly and break through this blockade.

Books made from bamboo slips are too costly, and they are not easy to read and preserve; if the various books circulating in the world are printed into books and cheap and light paper are used to spread the culture, the poor will at least have a learning culture. chance.

At present, paper is still a very expensive luxury, but Yingzheng is ready for a big price reduction.

Xianyang, Prince’s Mansion.

In the guest room, Ying Zheng and Lu Buwei sat opposite each other.

“Master Xiangguo, the paper and brushes sold to Six Nations have made a lot of money?” Ying Zheng asked with a smile.

“Everything can’t be concealed from your Highness! According to the plan under the aibd, the old minister had disclosed the news in advance at the beginning of last month! The batch of papers tomorrow is the last batch of this year!” Lu Buwei replied respectfully.

“Well, very good! These dignitaries of the Six Nations have accumulated a large amount of paper! Tomorrow will be the last batch, ha ha! I hope they can always maintain a good attitude!” Can’t help but laugh.

Lu Buwei also couldn’t stop laughing, and echoed:

“Hope! But after this cooperation, I am afraid there is no possibility of cooperation~”

Kingdom of Chu, the inner hall of the palace.

King Kaolie was admiring Chunshen Jun’s picture of green pine, and he couldn’t stop nodding when he saw the beauty.

“Master Ling Yin’s painting skills are really amazing! This rice paper and wolf pen are really good things!”

“Big Wang Yingming! If it weren’t for you to host, I’m afraid we would have missed these good things in Chu State! Qin State’s Lu Xiang said that tomorrow will be the last batch of paper, and after tomorrow, I want to buy paper from Qin State again. , That’s next year’s business!” Li Yuan smiled.

“Well, you did a good job this time! Most of the paper hasn’t been sold yet, right? After tomorrow’s paper is received, it can be sold in large quantities!”

“Weichen understands that everything has been settled.

Qi State, Xiang Guo Mansion.

Quan Qing’s victory was due to Qi Wangjian’s biological mother’s younger brother, that is, Qi Wangjian’s uncle. Relying on this relationship, he has been monopolizing power for many years.

The biggest shortcoming of this person is that he is greedy for money.

In the food trade of the former, the latter win is the most profitable among all! Under the deliberate arrangement of the winning government, Lu Buwei did not even receive the rebate.

The paper transaction this time made Hou Sheng very dissatisfied.

He had secretly sent someone to inquire about it. The amount of paper purchased by the other five countries far exceeded him. Basically, Qi Guo just got a fraction!

“Lv Buwei, old bastard! Where is my Qi country? Obviously it is such a good deal, and all six countries are involved. At least it should be evenly divided? I actually underestimate my Qi country!” Hou Sheng grumbled dissatisfied.

There was another guest sitting in the room. Hearing Hou Sheng’s complaints, he couldn’t help but smile:

“The blessing of misfortune lies, and the blessing lies behind! Lord Xiangguo, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon! There may be some hidden facts in it, but I don’t know!”

“Oh? What did Master Xun say?” Hou Sheng was a little confused.

The guest in the room is exactly Xun Kuang!

Xun Kuang came here also because of the paper issue. As he used to serve as a sacrificial wine in the academic palace, he had also dealt with Hou Sheng. Moreover, Qi State valued the scribes, and Xun Kuang had a nominal official position in Qi State.

The Confucian disciples sent before came, but Hou Sheng didn’t give a good face, and Xun Kuang was a little annoyed! Turning to buy from Chu State, Chu State only sold a little bit, and the price was still very expensive!

King Kaolie and Chunshen Jun were fighting the idea of ​​a hundred schools of thought. They always wanted to increase the price and sell them to the hundred schools. How could it be so easy to make a move?

After the Qin State is out of stock, you must raise the price to the highest level to make huge profits!

King Kaolie was already bleeding heavily in order to buy paper. You all want to get it. How can you do it without dropping a piece of meat?

Therefore, Xun Kuang did not get much paper in Chu State.

As a last resort, he decided to personally find a relationship with the latter, holding the attitude of giving it a try.

Hou Sheng was indeed nostalgic, received Xun Kuang respectfully and told the truth.

Xun Kuang took the gray beard under his jaw and said slowly:

“As for the degree of closeness, the relationship between Qin and Qi far exceeds the other five countries! Besides the personal relationship, Lord Xiangguo and Qin Luxiang have no enmity!”

“Therefore, Lu Xiang of the Qin State must want to make friends with you, Master Xiangguo! This is basically certain! We can use the result of this hypothesis to reverse it! Maybe we can get the answer!”

“Reverse it?”

Hou Sheng felt that what Xun Kuang said was very reasonable. Lu Buwei did deliberately make friends in the last grain trade, which also shows that Xun Kuang was correct.

“The appearance you see in front of you may not necessarily be the truth!” Xun Kuangruo took a deep look at his victory.

Although it is still uncertain, Xun Kuang has a vague guess in his heart.

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