Chapter 213 The paper mill, accept the hearts of the people below the sky! [Fourth update, please customize]

Heibing County, the residence of the winning government.

“You can still take advantage of this person after you win! Greed of money is a good thing, ha ha!” Ying Zheng sneered.

“According to His Highness’s instructions, the old official only sold a small amount of paper to the post-victor. It is estimated that he is still aggrieved now, not knowing what is good or bad!” Lu Buwei shook his head and sighed.

“This person’s role in Qi country should not be underestimated! Master Xiangguo, if you have a good relationship with this person, at the very least, if there is anything to do with him, Qi country will not participate.” Clicked.

“See you, my prince! The old minister worships!”

As early as when talking about food trading, Yingzheng formulated different policies. Qi’s post-victory is the most profitable person among the six countries!

Today’s paper trading was originally designed to pit the six countries, but as a result, the winning government alone let go of the victory!

Although Lu Buwei does not see any specific benefits in the latter’s victory, he will not question the decision to win the government.

From Handan to Xianyang, at the moment of winning the government and returning to Qin, the moment of meeting in Xianyang city, the impression of winning the government on Lu Buwei is getting more and more deep!

If before the grain strategy, the prince showed personal force, then after the grain strategy, the prince showed an unparalleled strategy.

There is no need for any doubt at all, the strategy formulated by the prince only needs to be executed, and that is enough-enough!


“The paper shipment volume has been completed according to the predetermined target?” Ying Zheng asked indifferently.

“His Royal Highness, it has been completed! The behavior of these people’s domestic products is exactly the same as what His Highness expected! According to the estimation of the old minister, the amount of paper in their hands has reached an extremely considerable amount!”

Yingzheng nodded in satisfaction and affirmed:

“Well, Master Xiangguo has worked hard! In this way, you can start the next step!”

At this time, Lu Buwei showed hesitation and wanted to speak, but he didn’t know whether to say it or not. Ying Zheng saw it at a glance and asked directly:

“Master Xiangguo, have any objections?”

“The old minister dare not!” Lu Buwei shook his head and waved his hands in panic.

“This prince can guess a little bit! Master Xiangguo thinks that we shouldn’t sell paper at a low price, shouldn’t we?” Ying Zheng raised his brows and looked at Lu Buwei playfully.

“I can’t hide it from your Highness!” Lu Buwei admitted with a wry smile. This was his only doubt.

“Hey! Master Xiangguo, you are now the prime minister of Qin, and your future achievements are likely to be even higher! The pattern needs to be liberalized! More money is no longer meaningful for Da Qin today! ”

“This prince researched paper and an improved version of the writing brush. The purpose is not to make money, but to pass on culture and disseminate academics, in order to…receive the hearts of the people in the world!”

This remark is definitely a reprimand!

But as Xiangguo Lu Buwei, apart from shame, there is only gratitude in his heart.

Because if you win the government, it is not only a reprimand but also a point, and it is more important!

“His Royal Highness has a broad mind, and the old minister is ashamed!” Lu Buwei bowed his head respectfully, thanking Yingzheng for his advice.

“Fine, Master Xiangguo doesn’t need to be like that!” Ying Zheng raised his hand to release a soft innocence, lifted Lu Buwei up, and then continued:

“Heibing County still has some stocks that don’t need to be sold out and kept for personal use. If you want to spread the paper completely, the production scale of Heibing County is no longer enough.”

“The prince has already secretly opened a Daqin paper mill in Wuyang County, Master Xiangguo, go there to pick up the goods, and someone will take care of it!,

While speaking, Ying Zheng Jiang placed a strange token in front of Lu Buwei.

The appearance of Wuyang County nowadays can be said to be completely new.

Rows of neatly constructed exquisite houses, flat bluestone streets everywhere, magnificent gymnasiums, and previously desolate frontiers have initially shown prosperity.

Immigrants from the six countries live and work here, there is no war, no poverty.

From beginning to end, the winning immigration policy has not stopped!

Even if the famine has passed, the immigration policy is still going on. Daqin welcomes people from all over the world to come and go.

Among the immigrants who came later, Yingzheng selected five thousand people to join the production and construction of Daqin Paper Mill.

When Lu Buwei came to Wuyang County, what he saw was a large-scale paper mill, dozens of times bigger than the paper mill in Heibing County!

And it’s still being expanded!

There are many Qin soldiers guarding the periphery of the paper mill, and they are solemn and solemn; however, inside the paper mill is steaming hot air and loud voices.

0………Look for flowers…

The mass production movement in full swing continues non-stop.

Like sweet potatoes and potatoes, at this stage, papermaking is also within the scope of confidentiality. If you want paper, the only way is to buy it in Daqin.

For a long period of time, I’m afraid this can only be the case.

Lao Liu, the person in charge of the factory, led Lu Buwei to the warehouse. Stacks of papers were neatly stacked in the warehouse, which was shocking.

“Master Xiangguo, this is what the prince confessed. The output must be completed before the end of the month. We have already completed it ahead of schedule!” Lao Liu said with great pride.

“Master Liu has worked hard!” Lu Buwei arched his hands.


“Don’t dare! Lord Xiangguo is too serious, but I can’t afford it!” Lao Liu also told the truth. He is an official in an office, temporarily independent of the court, and has no actual official position. .

Lu Buwei insisted on calling him Master Liu!

Being able to secretly preside over the paper mill must be the confidant of His Royal Highness, who would dare to underestimate it?

“Master Liu has a great contribution, haha! The output of paper is of great importance, and the state is also exhausted! If you can’t complete the instructions of His Royal Highness, then you will have no face to return to Xianyang to meet His Royal Highness!” Lu Buwei Sincerely praised it.

“Master Xiangguo is true! His Royal Highness has also said something to me. Therefore, since these days, the entire paper mill has been working day and night, and the wages have been spent a lot! Fortunately, there is the support of His Royal Highness! ”

Immediately afterwards, Old Liu You sighed from the bottom of his heart:

“His Royal Highness deserves to be my great prince of the Great Qin! Paper, something like this, is simply the sacred object of all the people in the world!-Once it is popularized, it will inevitably create a prosperous and prosperous world!”

“As long as you are a literati, you must sing praises to His Royal Highness! Otherwise, hum, is he worthy of paper? And if you want to get paper, don’t you have to go to my Daqin to buy it?”

Lu Buwei laughed, but he became more ashamed.

A small official who has no rank understands the truth, the dignified Xiangguo is actually blinded by money.

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