Chapter 211 The envy, jealousy and hatred of the philosophers! [Second more, please customize]

The conversation between Gongsunlong and Liuzhi Black Xia continued.

“The Mohist and the Qin state have different fundamental ideas. It is impossible to imitate the peasant family. Mr. Gongsun does not have to test!” The six-fingered black man picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said:

“It is a fact that the farmer and the Mo family have good relations, but it is only in the past! Since the farmer returned to Qin, the relationship between the farmer and the Mo family has long ceased!”

“It’s just that although the Mohist has no good feelings about the Qin tyranny, it is really unexpected that Yingzheng is willing to spend a huge amount of money to write books for the peasants!”

Gongsun Long nodded slightly and sighed:

“Haha! It’s not a temptation to be here! It’s just that the farmers are all rude villagers, and it’s really embarrassing to have this achievement now! For hundreds of years, the farmers have not had any doctrines, but they don’t want to, and they will cost hundreds of thousands in one shot. Everyone in the world is looking at the published Agricultural Code!”

“Slanting eyes? It should be jealous, right!” Six-fingered black man said lightly.

In the territory of Qin State, Taiyi Mountain, here is the place of Taoist Tianzong.

The founder of the Taoist school is the number one person in the world, Laozi Li Er, the only person in the legend to reach the realm of Shattered Void!

When I thought that when I left Hangu from the west, Ziqi came to the east for 30,000 miles. With a feeling, I wrote the eternal gods “Tao De Jing”, and Laozi also built a great road because of this.

Time has passed and the inheritance of Laozi is still there, but it has split into two sects of heaven and man, and even another yin and yang family.

The current head of Tianzong, Chisongzi, with the “Agricultural Code” in his hand, stands respectfully in front of the stone platform.

A thin arm stretched out and took the “Nongdian”.

After a long time, the old man on the stone platform let out a long sigh:

“Oh! Farmers, come from behind! I’m ashamed of the Patriarch!”

“Master, this book is from the State of Qin. It is rumored that it was edited by several sages from the peasant family. Prince Qin Yingzheng produced hundreds of thousands of copies and distributed it to the people under the rule!”

The master of Chisongzi is precisely Bei Mingzi, the highest-ranking and strongest surviving Taoist.

“Three hundred years! The two sects of heaven and man have been split, and it has been three hundred years! Now it seems that it is only a laughing stock! It is impossible to carry forward the ancient gods handed down by the ancestors, but it is all people! A right or wrong, ridiculous, extremely ridiculous, 々!”

Bei Mingzi looked excited and mad, completely lost the image of being a master of Taoism in the past.

“Master, this agricultural code is used to guide the farming process. It is really extraordinary! But how many points can it be touched by the three thousand roads? It still can’t be compared with my ancestors and gods!” Chi Songzi said unconvinced.

“This is where I am waiting for the ridiculous! There is no god’s work in hand, and you can’t carry it forward! The works of the peasant family can be passed down to the world, but the master’s work is not too good!’

Thousands of miles away, Yu Yue, Jinghu Medical Village.

The youngest master-level figure of the doctor, Nian Duan, is practicing the doctor’s exercises in the wooden house.

A young girl walked in with a grin.

“Master, someone in Zhuangzi got a weird thing with a lot of text on it, but Rong’er didn’t recognize it! Master, you can help Rong’er take a look.” The little girl Duanmu Rong reached out and handed a book.

At this time, the only thing that can be described as “ben” is the “Nongdian” of course.

The moment Nian Duan took over the Agricultural Code, his face changed slightly.

Qin country text!

Taking a deep breath, Nian Duan turned over the cover and read it carefully.

After turning a few more pages, Nian Duan’s expression could no longer remain calm, and he asked hurriedly:

“Rong’er, who did you get this thing from?

“A big brother, Rong’er doesn’t recognize it! He said that he wanted to let the master have a long experience! He also said that this was something made by Prince Qin!” Duan Mu Rong lowered her head and glanced at her master secretly.

“What will Qin State look like now?” Nian Duan muttered to herself, her expression a little bitter.

“Prince Qin is amazing! Big brother said that Prince Qin is about the same age as Rong’er!” Duan Murong opened her eyes wide, dreaming of the appearance of a little boy in her heart.

What Nian Duan considers is not a matter of winning politics or not!

That ten-year-old boy has done so many things that shocked the world, it must be very powerful!

Now, are you willing to spend such a huge amount and use expensive paper to publish books for farmers?

If the knowledge of doctors can be recorded in this way, more lives will be saved!

Qi State Sanghai, Xiaoshengxianzhuang.

Xun Kuang and a few disciples surrounded the case again.

This time, what they are studying is not rice paper and brushes, but the Agricultural Code that shocked the world!

“Funian, are you sure that the information you got is not wrong? Yingzheng really distributed hundreds of thousands of copies of this kind of stuff? This requires a lot of fortune!” Xun Kuang Jingzhen looked at the opposite Fu read.

**” Uncle Master, don’t doubt, this matter is absolutely true! Only Qin is the only one who can have this kind of financial resources in the world! Want to come to this is also one of the conditions for farmers to join Qin. “Funian is very sure.

“Violence, Qin is really big!” Han Fei scratched his head.

“Using expensive paper to record these farming matters, the disciples always feel that there is a sense of treasures and natural objects~” When Li Si looked at the Agricultural Code, he felt a little distressed and distressed the paper!

“Learning is learning! Farming is the foundation of the country, and the knowledge of farming can benefit the people of the world. It should not be underestimated!” Xun Kuang was also jealous of the advent of the agricultural code, but did not demean the farmer’s knowledge.

“The teacher taught me!” Li Si respectfully bowed.

Xun Kuang sighed:

“Oh! Everyone, who doesn’t want to be like a farmer? Who doesn’t want to record their knowledge on paper? Everyone wants to do things that are famous all over the world! But the price of paper is too expensive, and It’s not easy to get!”

“As soon as this book was published, the reputation of the farm family (good Li’s) has actually ranked first in the hundred! No one can spread the knowledge so widely!” Fu Nian analyzed rationally.

As the actual principal of Confucianism, Fu Nian feels very bitter.

He also wanted to write books and disseminate knowledge for Confucianism, but the price was too great! With the financial resources of Confucianism, he wanted to write and spread the knowledge of the saints as books, and the money gap was too big! Moreover, this investment is really real. It’s a bit uneconomical.

“I am a little bit admired for winning politics!” Han Fei suddenly said, “His behavior is undoubtedly a real recognition of the farmer’s knowledge, no matter how much he invests, he will never hesitate! Just this kind of respect for knowledge is really impressive. admire!”

Xun Kuang nodded, also very emotional.

“The peasant family is also considered a good move! The publication of the book “Nongdian” will not be ashamed of Shennong Patriarch in any case! The income of the peasant family is incalculable!”.

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