Chapter 210 Is a book made of paper so extravagant in the State of Qin? [First update, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation]

It has been more than a year since the peasant family came to Daqin.

During this year, the peasant disciples witnessed the harvest of sweet potatoes and potatoes, the prosperity and well-being of the people of Qin, and the powerlessness of the six countries in the face of disasters.

After the fall of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, there were also peasant disciples who followed up, and the State of Qin distributed relief food to win the hearts of the people. Under the guidance of peasant disciples, sweet potatoes and potatoes were also promoted to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

During the period when Yingzheng introduced paper and brushes, and during the period when the Six Nations became obsessed and sought after by them, the Zhu family witnessed a bumper harvest of the people of the former Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

No one is going to oppose Qin’s occupation anymore, and the people’s actual living standards have improved.Who will complain about the Great Zhou royal family?

What are the benefits?

At this point, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty completely returned to the Qin, the land, and the hearts of the people.

The Zhu family also unswervingly chose to support the State of Qin!

At the same time, the “Agricultural Code” compiled by the six sages of the farmer and all the experts who are proficient in farming has been formally written after numerous deletions and revisions.

Yingzheng personally watched 08 “Agricultural Code” again!

The entire production process of wasteland reclamation, cultivation, seedling cultivation, and sowing has been specifically explained; millet, corn, rice, common grains and crops can all find targeted cultivation methods.

Of course, sweet potatoes and potatoes are still kept secret, and the most basic seeds and seedlings have not appeared in the agricultural codes for the time being.

All in all, the first epic work of professional guidance on farming in the Warring States Period was born!

There are similar books in Yingzheng’s literary library, but they are mainly applicable to later generations, and the ones that are really suitable for the current specific production conditions have to be agricultural codes.

“The value of this work is very high! The farmer’s sages must contribute! This is the knowledge that really benefits the world!” Yingzheng has read the Agricultural Code and gave the highest evaluation in the presence of the Zhu family and the six sages.

All of them were extremely excited!

Because of the compilation of the Agricultural Code, they have had many exchanges with Yingzheng, and some of Yingzheng’s insightful theories have provided them with great help.

The current Agricultural Code can be said to be a masterpiece that combines countless available theories of the Warring States and later generations, and is truly of great guiding significance!

It is no wonder that the six sages and the Zhu family are excited to be recognized by the “agricultural master”-level figure of Yingzheng.

“The farmer’s knowledge is worth promoting!” Yingzheng said affirmatively.

“His Royal Highness means, do you use paper and publish books?” The one who spoke was the teacher of one of the six sages.

“That’s natural! Isn’t this what you want to see? It should be the wish of the peasants to allow the people of the world to get the correct theoretical guidance?” Winning the government took it for granted.

“But doesn’t your Highness’s strategy need to be unified and then promoted? Moreover, if you want to publish a book, the required paper is not a small amount, and many scholars are required to participate in copying, manpower, financial resources, and material resources. Very expensive!”

Thinking of this, the Zhu family was a little worried, and said all his concerns.

“Haha, it doesn’t matter! This prince has his own plans!” Ying Zheng chuckled, not paying attention to the concerns of the Zhu family.

Because these issues that the Zhu family are worried about, in the eyes of Yingzheng, they are not a problem!

Manpower, financial resources, and material resources are nothing more than the cost of publishing books. Winning government has even made paper. Of course, movable type printing is not a problem. The cost of paper is even less worth mentioning for Winning government.

He has already prepared for all of this!

The Black Ice Publishing House dedicated to Prince Qin officially began operations.

In less than a month, hundreds of thousands of copies of the “Agricultural Code” were printed!

Yingzheng called Lu Buwei again and ordered him to transfer all the printed “Agricultural Code” to the hands of the people of Qin.

In fact, there are only a small number of people who can really understand the words. The significance of winning the government is nothing more than letting this masterpiece spread.

The population of Daqin has reached more than 20 million. Naturally, there will not be a single book for hundreds of thousands of books. Roughly ten households can have one book, which is very good.

This time the distribution is all at no cost and completely free!

This is the first time people in the world have seen paper-bound books, and they treat them as treasures! Especially for this material, the price of paper is also circulating in the market. Such a book is even more precious.

The Renaissance of Qin State is still in the right place, and the heat remains unabated.

On this occasion, the Agricultural Code almost caused a national sensation in Qin in the shortest possible time!

Many literate people have spontaneously joined the tide of explaining the “Agricultural Code”. The knowledge in the book has been popularized. With the specific guidance and operation of farmers’ disciples, Qin’s agricultural development has once again reached a new level.

The status of the entire farm family in the hearts of the people has been greatly improved.

State of Zhao, Jinyang City.

Due to the immigration policy of the winning government, the area near Jinyang is already full of houses and nine empty spaces, and all of them have gone to Qin! Even in the city, the number of residents is extremely small.

In a quaint courtyard, two middle-aged people are sitting on a stone table enjoying tea.

With a rare horse call, the white horse in the courtyard was expressing its dissatisfaction. The rein was tied to a boulder, which restricted its activities.

The owner of the horse is the famous Lijianbai school, Gongsunlong.

350 At this time, Gongsun Long’s dissatisfaction with Bai Ma completely ignored, Yuan Zi looked at a delicate little book in his hand:

“Agricultural Code”!

“Mr. Gongsun, your school’s white horse is not a horse theory and the two theory of Jian Baishi are well known. Why should this horse follow suit?” the middle-aged man in a black cloak joked.

“The giant’s words are wrong! The white horse is tied to the heavy stone, this is the latest theory in the next!” Gongsun Long shook his head and explained it.

“The white horse is tied to the heavy stone again? Haha!” The man in the cloak chuckled, stretched out his hand, and held up the teacup.

That hand is different from ordinary people, the fingers are thick, covered with thick calluses, and there are six fingers.This person is the contemporary giant of the Mo family, the six-fingered black man!

Only when Gongsunlong on the other side replied:

“The Mohist and the Confucianism are known as the two great schools of the world, slurs! Unexpectedly, they are now taken the lead by the farmer! The white horse is tied to the heavy stone. This theory, I think, you may also be able to specialize in the Mohist!”

The six-finger black man heard Gongsun Long’s implication.

The white horse is tied to the heavy stone, referring to the peasant family and Qin country tied together!

The status of the peasant family, with the advent of the Agricultural Code, is no longer the same as before.

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