Chapter 209 Popular paper and brushes!! [Fourth update, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation]

With the emergence of paper in the Six Nations, unknowingly, the collection of various functions of brushes and paper has also become a status symbol among the Six Nations.

Especially for rice paper, copper coins can no longer be used in rice paper transactions. It uses gold and silver that are not in circulation on the market.

Yellow and white things are also a status symbol. Most of them are in the hands of the monarchs of the six countries, and they are all given out as rewards.

Only the more rare rice paper can be worthy of trading with gold and silver.

A piece of rice paper three feet wide and half a foot long was fired to the sky-high price of five taels of gold, and it is still hard to find a piece of paper!

Qi State Sanghai, Xiaoshengxianzhuang.

Sanghai is located on the west side of Laizhou Bay, far away from Linzi, the political center. The scenery is also extremely beautiful, which is a good place for learning.

The reason why the relocation of the Confucian “three to five zero” family happened has a lot to do with Xun Kuang’s personal experience.

Chu State went north to destroy Lu, Chun Shenjun recruited He Kuang to govern Lanling. Later, a villain provoked Xun Kuang from his post in Lanling Order by Chun Shenjun.

Xun Kuang felt deeply that the Confucian doctrines and political ideas were humiliated. Looking at the seven countries, no country was willing to adopt the Confucian philosophy of governing the country!

Disheartened, he simply transferred the Confucian disciples from Jixia Academy to Xiaoshengxianzhuang. Without talking about politics, just doing academic studies, it would be clean.

In the guest room, four people, Xun Kuang, Fu Nian, Han Fei, and Li Si, were surrounding a table, sighing.

“This is rice paper? I really don’t know what kind of material it is made of. The color is bright and full, and it is warm and moist like jade. It is in line with the image of our Confucian gentleman!” Xun Kuang held a small piece of rice paper in his hand and praised it.

“Teacher, in fact, rice paper is a bit too extravagant. This kind of ordinary paper is enough for writing a book! Look at the handwriting on it, clear and clear, and it will last forever. It is most suitable for writing and preservation! Much!” Han Fei explained the true purpose of paper.

“These patterns at the edges are also ingenious! I really don’t know what kind of skill can be used to put these patterns on them! But they are still neat and uniform, generally not two!” Standard texture.

Fu Nian was holding a brush and said with interest:

“The word “li” on the paper is written with this brush, and it makes people feel free to drink and enjoy the water!”

Everyone sighed at the paper and brush for a long time.

In the end, Xun Kuang made a face, and said with a mysterious expression:

“Do you know who made this brush and paper?”

Several disciples shook their heads one after another, indicating that they did not know.

They were indirectly obtained paper and pen from the Xiangguo Housheng of Qi State. The real source is unknown.

“The one who developed the paper and this brush is the Prince Qin who won the government! As early as two months ago, these things had been used in the court of Qin, but only recently have they spread to the Six Nations.”

Xun Kuang’s seniority is extremely high, and he has served as the wine sacrificial wine of the Yijixia Academy three times. His disciples and students are all over the world. He had already received the news of the emergence of paper in Qin State earlier, but he had never been able to see it.

“The crown prince of Violent Qin won the government? I only heard that he has a unique talent in martial arts, and that there is a special research in the matter of Wenshu?” Han Fei was very surprised.

“Don’t talk about the violent Qin and the Qin! From the Han royal family, you have your position. This cannot be changed. But look at the current situation and analyze the current situation. Don’t take your position! Otherwise, you are very good. It’s hard to draw a correct conclusion!” Xun Kuang scolded, scowling.

“The disciple has been taught!” Han Fei respectfully bowed.

He knew in his heart that the teacher did it out of good intentions, and the teacher’s truth was extremely correct.

“Confucian governing the world requires no knowledge of articles! The emergence of paper is a great help to the prosperity of my Confucianism! Although the price of paper is a bit expensive, it is also worth the money! We still need to get more paper!’

Xun Kuang’s words represent the position of Confucianism.

If you want to write a book and spread your knowledge, Confucianism cannot do without paper! The more the better!

Not only Confucianism, but the rest of the scholars are also very aware of the value of paper and brushes, and they are all caught up in pursuit and fanaticism.

Some records or writings that originally required a lot of bamboo slips to complete can now be done with only a few thin sheets of paper. Not only are they more processed, but also more convenient!

With paper, the heavy things like bamboo slips are really not suitable for learning.

For the literati, the appearance of paper is no less than the rain falling from the sky!

King of Chu, Ling Yin Mansion 0

Chunshenjun Huang Xie is painting at his desk. The paper is rice paper, the pen is wolf hair, and the painting is a vigorous and powerful green pine.

His expression is extremely solemn, and every movement is extremely cautious.

This is the pinnacle painting of his life!

As the last stroke fell, a big bright red seal was buttoned on the lower right corner of the painting.


Huang Xie let out a long suffocating breath, and his mind also relaxed, but the excitement in his heart still did not disappear.

“What a rice paper! What a wolf pen! What a masterpiece! Hahaha!

Looking at the paintings in front of him, Huang Xie was very proud.

There was another person beside him, Li Yuan, the eldest brother of King Kaolie, who had been a guest of Jun Shenjun.

Li Yuan was responsible for the paper transaction between Chu State and Lu Buwei.

Knowing that Chun Shen Jun likes to paint, Li Yuan sent a large amount of rice paper for Chun Shen Jun to use.

Sure enough, the old guy is very satisfied!

“This kind of superb rice paper can truly exert its value in the hands of Master Ling Yin! Look at this pine and cypress, towering to the sky, and it implies the deep meaning of the pillars and pillars of the country! Between the world, except for Ling Yin My lord, no one can paint such a charm!”

Li Yuan’s compliments were sent to Chun Shenjun 1.3.

Chunshenjun Huang Xie was in a good mood, and he was also very happy to hear Li Yuan’s compliment.

“I heard that there are many rich young masters and young ladies who are also collecting paper and pens? Haha! It is a treasure! What do they know?”

“Even if they have collected a full set of brushes, can they write calligraphy or paint? Give them the best rice paper, but it’s just shelved! Hey!” Chun Shenjun felt a little inexplicable melancholy.

“The adults are right! Those young masters and ladies just use paper and pen as a tool to show off! Cherish there are some, and they will not be used easily, but the value of paper and pen is also buried! It is far inferior to adults! “Li Yuan made up another flattery at the right time.

Dignitaries and nobles, all the scholars and families, all fell into the obsession and pursuit of paper and pen…

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