Chapter 208 Business war! The thrilling six kingdoms! [Third watch, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation]

After Zichu handed over the affairs of the government to the government, he rarely appeared in the court except for the Dachaohui, and the government of the government was indeed organized in an orderly manner.

His basic understanding is too strong, his mind has reached a level that ordinary people can’t reach, and everything is twice the result with half the effort.

In addition, Ying Zheng holds the net and the black ice platform in his hands, and he is in control of the trends in all parts of the world. He himself has also practiced too much astrology, and even his ability to observe words and colors far exceeds other people.

However, Zi Chu never went to court, and he was worried about winning the government. After all, the father and the son are really affectionate.

Today, Zichu was absent from even the Dachao meeting.

After the meeting, Ying Zheng hurried to the inner hall.

It turned out to be a little bit cold and sick, and Zhao Ji sat and waited on her side.

“Father, you have to pay more attention to maintaining your body! Do not fall in martial arts practice. It is best to practice some exercises to strengthen your body. Your body is a bit weak!” Ying Zheng said with concern.

If you follow the historical trend, Zichu’s life will be less than a few years, and the victory is very clear in his heart.

But now is not history, and the trend of history has also changed. Not everything can be matched.

“Hehe, it doesn’t matter! Father’s body is indeed a little weak. A few years ago, I took some pills and forcibly improved some martial arts cultivation skills. Since then, I am a little weak. Why is it like you? Long Jinghu fierce. !” Zi Chu teased weakly.

Zhao Ji was very quiet, did not talk as much as usual, for fear of disturbing Zi Chu’s purity.

“By the way, Zheng’er, the paper you produced, I heard that you are thinking about the Six Nations again?” Zi Chu is very interested in this topic, and he is more energetic.

“What Lu Buwei told you? Hehe, the son is indeed thinking about the Six Nations, just to do it easily! The real purpose is not here.” Winning does not care, and there is no need to conceal Zi Chu about these things.

“Huh! Bad boy! I started thinking about others at a young age, how can I get it when I grow up?” Zhao Ji pretended to be very dissatisfied, and wandered out of the room.

She knows that the father and son are going to talk about some important military and political affairs.

The father and son looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

“It’s a good thing to be able to make money for Daqin, but my father always feels something is wrong! Daqin has always emphasized agriculture and restrained business, and I have been overly dependent on commerce, hurting people’s morale! In the long run, it may not be a good thing!” Zi Chuyu said with earnest heart.

He worries that his son takes business too seriously, turning the cart before the horse, and even this kind of opportunistic thing will affect people’s character and judgment.

“The four people of the country, scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, this order is reasonable! Whether to emphasize agriculture and suppress business, it depends on the specific situation and cannot be generalized!” Yingzheng put on a very serious expression.

“Oh? I would like to hear the details!” Zi Chu knew that his son was going to make sense again, and he was very cooperative and arched his hands, so that the son is not like a father and son talking, but like a student asking him for advice.

Seeing this weird look, Ying Zheng couldn’t help but smile, and continued:

“Whether it’s Daqin or the Six Nations, I emphasize agriculture and suppress business to a certain extent! The main reason is insufficient food output!”

“Insufficient food, then more people are needed to cultivate, and the circulation of food and other materials is restricted! The situation is the same in all countries, and the overall emphasis on agriculture and business has been formed.”

“Nowadays, Daqin has had a bumper harvest year after year, and even in the years of catastrophes, it did not panic! There is no need to suppress commerce anymore. Instead, commerce should be used as a means to weaken the six nations!”

On the other side, Lu Buwei is making money according to the instructions of the winning government!

The last time Lu Buwei sold food, Lu Buwei had already established relationships with some real powers in the six countries. Yan Chunjun of Yan State, Mujuluhou of Zhao State, Qi Wuye, Emerald Tiger of Han State, and so on.

Of course, these generous “old friends” will not stay out of the paper business this time!

The sense of smell of businessmen is extremely sensitive when facing money. They tried every possible means to find the source of the paper. It was Lu Buwei, the Xiangguo of Daqin.

So what else is there to say? The last time the business was all about the guests and the host, this time we naturally have to work together!

The Emerald Tiger came to Xiangguo Mansion.

“Master Xiangguo, I haven’t seen you for many days, I really miss it!” Jade Tiger said hello with a smile on his face.

“Hehe, tiger, I’m afraid you don’t go to the Palace of the Three Treasures for nothing, right?” Lu Buwei also smiled and joked.

0……Look for flowers……

Normally he is not like this!

As the Xiangguo of Qiang Qin, how could he pretend to be a color to anyone casually? But for people like the Jade Tiger who come to ask for money, Lu Buwei doesn’t mind being amiable.

“I can’t hide anything from Master Xiangguo! Why didn’t you tell your old friends when you got out of the gods like paper? It’s a little unkind!” The emerald tiger started to get close, preparing to bleed.

Of course, Lu Buwei will not let it go easily. Traders will always find ways to maximize their profits! This is also the reason why Ying Zheng handed over the paper to Lu Buwei.

“Oh! I really don’t lie, my brother, not only your country, but other countries have sent people over! They are all friends, brother, I am also very difficult! Let me tell you a secret, the paper is obtained by His Royal Highness. !”


“Presumably, the prince is in charge of the administration of the court, you know about it, brother? When his highness was in charge of the administration, he found that the bamboo slips were too heavy and unfavorable for the handling of the affairs of the court. This was the result of a paper and an improved version. Brush! This is for political affairs!”

“The output of paper is extremely limited, and the skills are cumbersome, and the raw materials are also very rare. That is, the old brother, I, relying on the thin noodles in front of the prince, can I get some to sell, but I don’t want to be widely praised by the people! This is all an accident!

“But the raw materials of this thing can be obtained at most one batch a year! After it is used up, it can only wait until the next year, and it is not possible to expand production! On the one hand, it is necessary to maintain the internal use of the court, and on the other hand, it must take care of old friends. Friendship, it’s really hard to die old brother!”

After some discussions, Jade Tiger represented the night and became the general agent of the paper and brush business in Han country!

The situation in the other five countries is similar.

The price they paid, naturally, will not be less!

However, paper, such a rare thing, can be sold at a price that is several times the price, and there is no need to worry about selling it at all!

In order to maximize their benefits, big businessmen like Jade Tiger hoarded most of the paper they received, and sold very little to the outside world.

The price of paper is getting higher and higher!

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