Chapter 207 Paper is all the rage, and the world is shaking! [Second more, flowers, comments]

Something similar to “paper” should have appeared in the Warring States period, but the texture was poor, and it could not be written well, and the craftsmanship was also very rough.

Therefore, paper did not become popular in that era. People generally use bamboo slips and wood chips.

Lu Buwei didn’t know the paper and couldn’t think of its purpose, so it was justified.

But with the live demonstration of winning politics, how can this shrewd businessman still not know the value of it?

Winning wants to give him this deal, he is naturally willing and willing!

“Nowadays, books in various countries are not well documented and it is difficult to effectively pass on academics. Some poor scholars can’t even afford bamboo slips; but bamboo slips are really cumbersome and troublesome to read!” Ying Zheng pointed out the reality.

“Yes, your Royal Highness made paper. It is really a blessing for scholars in the world! It is extremely convenient to record knowledge!” Lu Buwei was amazed by the invention of paper.

“But I don’t know what the cost of this paper made by His Highness?” Lu Bufengwei learned to win the government and picked up a brush to write on the paper.

It’s just that his handwriting is far worse than winning the government.

Even so, it was much better than usual, and writing on paper showed clearer handwriting than bamboo slips 350, animal skins, and cloth.

“This brush is different from what the old official usually uses!” Lu Buwei said while turning his eyes on the brush again.

“Hehe, Master Xiangguo’s observational power is really meticulous! The brush is also improved by the prince. According to different uses, different animal hair and bird feathers are used, and after many processes can it become a brush!”

“His Royal Highness is a great talent! Your Highness, this paper and the improved brush can make a fortune!” Lu Buwei’s eyes became more intense.

“Well, brushes can also be bought and sold! Both can be operated! As for the cost of paper that Mr. Xiangguo asked about, um, the cost of paper that is three feet wide and one foot long is about forty liters!” Ying Zheng pointed to the pure at hand. Waiting for paper in white.

“Forty texts! So cheap?” Lu Buwei was even more surprised, which was even cheaper than other writing materials.

“Forty texts are only the cost at this stage. If you continue to increase the scale of production and the proficiency of workers rises, the cost can be reduced by at least half!” Ying Zheng said indifferently.

In fact, wages accounted for the largest proportion of the cost. In order to find some loyal and reliable workers, it would be nothing to spend a little more capital.

A little increase in the price will have everything.

Yingzheng and Lu Buwei talked in detail for an afternoon and analyzed all the possible effects, consequences and chain reactions caused by the paper.

Lu Buwei is even more admired for winning the government!

As a businessman, Lu Buwei sees only business opportunities, profits; but winning politics does not use paper as a tool for making money at all. He has other plans.

It’s just that, at this time, he doesn’t mind using paper to make a fortune!

After half a month, a kind of writing material called paper began to circulate in the streets and alleys of Xianyang City.

All the senior officials in the Qin State are using paper, and most of the records of the court are also changed to paper as a carrier.

Along with paper, there are also various improved brushes.

Everyone who used the paper and the improved version of the writing brush deeply felt the convenience. The bulky bamboo slips and traditional writing brushes began to be replaced and eliminated by the sea.

One month later, under the vigorous promotion of the winning government, paper was passed to various local government offices in the Qin State, and other writing materials were completely marginalized.

But what’s very strange is that, except for office paper, which can be collected regularly from Xianyang, it is even more difficult to get it through other channels!

Only a small shop in Xianyang manages paper and writing brushes, and only sells a fixed amount every day.Although the price looks expensive, if you can really buy it, you can change hands at random (aibd). Times the profit!

Because they want to buy paper that is not available, there are too many people.

The paper in the shop is a standard three-foot-wide and one-foot-long paper, and a piece of paper has a thousand characters.

But outside the store, the price of a standard piece of paper will increase at least ten times!

This is just ordinary high-quality paper, rice paper and other advanced varieties of paper, and the price is simply too high.

The size of rice paper is only half of the standard size, but the price has reached thirty taels of silver!

Even so, rice paper is still very valuable to the outside world, and it is hard to find a single piece of paper.

It is because the output of rice paper is too low and the fineness is too good. The rich have already regarded the use of rice paper as a status symbol of superiority.

Things that can symbolize status are naturally more expensive!

Another month passed.

The hottest topics in the Qin Kingdom today, and the most popular conversations in the aristocratic circle, are paper and brushes!

In addition to some arty rich people, real celebrities are more concerned about rice paper and brushes for various purposes, especially some masters of painting.

In the past, paintings could only be done on some animal skins and cloth, or simply on the stone walls. It was impossible to show the mastery of each individual’s painting skills.

The appearance of rice paper and an improved version of the brush can be said to have pushed the creation of ink painting to a new level!

It is totally epoch-making!

Painting on rice paper can always improve the quality of the painting by at least one level, the picture is more real, more delicate, and full of charm.

In addition, these paintings can be kept for a longer time.

The first batch of masters who were lucky enough to use rice paper to paint, took out the previous paintings two months later, and they are still as good as they were when they were finished!

The various brushes specially used for painting also contributed a lot.

Sometimes, the most clear and vivid part of a masterpiece is that there is often a lack of such a special pen for painting!

The same goes for everyone in calligraphy!

The appearances of painters and calligraphers have pushed the enthusiasm of paper and improved brushes to a higher level! Under the active propaganda of these people, paper and brushes are just like sacred objects, and they have been passed on to the gods.

Suddenly, countless literati in Qin State were immersed in the enthusiasm for paper and brushes.

Inside Qin State, there was even a Renaissance!

There has never been a period when literati can enjoy such sought-after treatment in Qin.

At the time when such big changes occurred in Qin State, the appearance of paper and improved brushes began to spread to the outside.

The literati, businessmen, nobles, and those in power of the six countries, as well as the masters, scholars, and students of the various schools of thought, all knew the news of the emergence of the paper.

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