Chapter 200 All the luck of the Great Zhou Dynasty belongs to Qin! [Third update, please customize]

King Ping moved to the east to divide the Great Zhou Dynasty into two generations, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty.

The reason for this division is really inseparable from the two important decisions of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

First of all, before King Ping moved east, there was a famous incident of the princes of the beacon play in history!

In order to win a smile from the beauty, King Zhou You caused himself to lose faith in the princes. Not to mention his own miserable fate, Baonu was also taken away by barbarians.

In the end, all the beauties were lost, and he was ruined.

Of course, the essence behind the princes of the Fenghuo Opera may be the power struggle between the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the princes.

This is not the most important.

The most important thing is that King Zhou Ping, who was able to ascend the throne later, moved the capital from Gaojing to the east to the prosperous Luoyi surrounded by vassals in order to alleviate the threat of barbarians to the royal family of Dazhou.

Luoyi is a place where there is no danger to guard, and it can be attacked on all sides!

If the princes have the heart of coveting, the crisis faced by the royal family of Da Zhou will be even better than before.

It was this decision that made the Great Zhou Dynasty begin the 08 countdown to its extinction and plunged into a situation where it was never recovered.

Sure enough, since then, the Dazhou royal family has gradually fallen under the control of the princes, unable to move.

The earliest capital, the Haojing area, was given to Qin Xianggong by King Zhou Ping and became the territory of the later Qin State.

The rise of Qin is also inseparable from such geographical conditions.

To put it bluntly, Da Zhou’s luck was inherited by Da Qin.

Later, the three divisions of Jin incident led to a further decline in the status of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

After Han, Zhao, Wei, the three Jin clan divided the royal power of Jin, if they want to formally establish the country and formally own the status, they must rely on the recognition of the Da Zhou royal family, the co-lord of the world.

Otherwise, they can only bear the reputation of being a rebel and thief.

If such a political incident can be handled properly, the royal majesty of Da Zhou may continue. Under various circumstances, King Zhou Weilie made an extremely unwise decision:

Seal Han, Zhao, and Wei as princes!

This is another wrong decision related to the great Zhou national destiny.

Perhaps it was compelling, perhaps it was coercion and temptation, but such a decision, after all, made it impossible for Da Zhou to stand up again.

The Dazhou royal family did not maintain the unity of the Jin country in name, which made most of the princes even more disregarding the Dazhou royal family. As a result, the Qixiongs became kings one after another.

The Warring States period kicked off.

During the Great Weekend, the last orthodox emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the King of Zhou Zhe, joined the Western Zhou State to fight the other vassals against the Qin Dynasty. The Western Zhou State was destroyed by the King Zhaoxiang of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the King Zhou Bao himself died in fear.

Jiuding returned to Qin and died in Great Zhou Dynasty.

It was the Qin State that inherited the luck of the Great Zhou, and it was the Qin State that destroyed the Great Zhou Dynasty!

Nowadays, the last bit of luck in the Great Zhou Dynasty is the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and it has yet to be entangled with the winning government.

Eastern Zhou Huiwenjun was thinking about the profound meaning of the Six Kingdoms standing still, and after much deliberation, he finally came up with a reason that he thinks is a logical one:

In winter and spring, the weather is cold and freezing, so it is not advisable to take the initiative to send troops!

He also sent envoys to inquire about the six countries, but all he got were ambiguous answers, neither clearly agreed to send troops, nor clearly withdrew from the union.

The reason is that each of the six countries is thinking about letting the other countries take the lead to attack Qin!

Coupled with the fact that Qin State sold food, only a few officials knew about it. The news was successfully blocked, and it never even flowed into the people. The Eastern Zhou Dynasty did not even know it.

Hui Wenjun thought it was the Six Nations that took out the last bit of reserve food for disaster relief!

Seeing the warmer weather and midsummer is approaching, Hui Wenjun’s ambitions are also heating up.

“Presumably there is not much food left in the six countries. If you don’t send troops to attack Qin, I am afraid that no one will be able to persist! Fighting Qin is here!” Hui Wenjun thought to himself.

On this day, above the court of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

The heroic Hui Wenjun is working out a plan to attack Qin!

“Zhongqing, it’s been nearly half a year since the co-ordinated agreement. Over the past six months, the Six Nations have always been actively preparing for the attack on Qin. Although I am weaker in Eastern Zhou Dynasty, I cannot be absent from Qin’s righteous deeds.

“There are millions of coalition forces in this attack on Qin. No matter how strong the Qin State is, it will still be unable to resist the Six Nations. If you want to maintain stability, you can only retreat to Hangu Pass.

“At that time, it will also be an opportunity for me to restore the orthodox in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty! The homeland of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Gyeonggi region are also time to retrieve from the hands of the Qin State. There can be no opinions from the Six Kingdoms.

“Official Ceremony, I don’t need my monarch to explain the follow-up matters, right?”

Hui Wenjun’s face was very proud, and he looked around the courtier below with confidence.

The follow-up matters are actually what he wants to be king!

Once the territories lost by King Zhou Yu and Gong Xi Zhou were retrieved, he naturally inherited the title of the royal family of Da Zhou, and it was logical to claim the king.

At the moment when Hui Wenjun was most proud, the little eunuch under his rush came to the court and presented an exquisite scroll.

Viewing its style, it is from the national book of Han country.

Hui Wenjun immediately felt happy!

Unexpectedly, it turned out that the weakest country among the seven countries, Han, took the lead in getting clear news!

After eagerly unwinding the scroll, Hui Wenjun was in a trance.

This is not the national book of the Han country, but the national book of the six countries! The seals of the monarchs of the six countries are all printed on the national book, and 347- are not missing!

And the content of the credential, only involves one:

The six countries withdraw from the union!

Hui Wenjun was completely in the dark, and he didn’t even know what happened!

I have already negotiated a good thing, and after waiting for half a year, how can it be such a result?

For a while, he was plunged into deep doubts.

This letter of credence is from the open hand of Han Sang-kuk!

The old man had insight into the plans of the other five countries in advance, and reported to Han Wangan:

“The six-nation union is basically impossible to start. If you want to make a good relationship with the Qin country, it is better to let my country take the lead, take the initiative to contact the five countries to withdraw from the union, and then send a letter of credence to Hui Wenjun to show the world! ”

Han Wangan nodded frequently, and immediately agreed to open ground. Only then was the seal of the Six Kingdoms appearing in the credential.

The Six Nations all had such plans. Some people took the lead and withdrew, and the play would naturally not go on. There was no objection to stamping the seal on the credential.

The sudden change of Hui Wenjun was there in a daze.

Just now I was still dreaming about the king’s claim after he defeated Qin. How could I expect that the change appeared so suddenly, so unexpectedly!

The so-called Fu Wushuang comes, misfortune does not come singly, Hui Wenjun has just read the book of the country, and a messenger hurried up to the hall:

“Report! Prince Qin won the power and took command of the ten thousand tiger roar army, he has already reached outside the capital!”

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