Chapter 201 Saint Prince’s “Benevolence!! [Fourth update, please customize]

The prince of the Kingdom of Qin won the power and took command of the 10,000 Tiger Roaring Army, and he has already arrived outside the capital!

This news almost scared Hui Wenjun into a fool!

The name of Tiger Roar has long been famous all over the world following the Battle of Hangu Pass, and there were only three thousand people at that time. Why has there been another seven thousand people now?

Three thousand people can get in and out of the 300,000 army at will. How about tens of thousands of people?

Not to mention the Tiger Howling Army, it was only Prince Qin who won the power, and the famous Zhao State general Lian Po, who was killed in the seventh innate rank, such a character is definitely not a person that the down-and-out Eastern Zhou Kingdom can resist!

Hui Wenjun simply felt more afraid the more he thought about it, and the more he regretted it the more he thought about it.

You shouldn’t offend Qin at all!

A few years have passed since the weekly report Wang died of fear and fear?

How can we still do this kind of thing?

He wasn’t the only one who was afraid, and the court officials were also terrified!

It is indeed too prestigious to win politics.

Since Yingzheng was established as the prince, his identity and resume began to circulate in the courts of the Six Kingdoms, and there are many legends in the courts of the Eastern Zhou Kingdom.

Ping rebelled against Yiqu, blood slaughtered the royal family of Yiqu; entered the Wei alone, the princes’ rituals returned to Qin; confronted the Three Jins and regained the land of the Shangdang.

Whenever you play, not only is there no defeat, but the results are brilliant!

The Eastern Zhou Dynasty Hall fell into a dead silence.

Suddenly, the “plop” broke the dead silence, and everyone looked towards the source of the sound

Jing is the Eastern Zhou Dynasty’s Xiangguo because of his old age and frailty. Hearing the name of winning politics, he was so scared that his eyes went black, and the star fell directly into the court!

Stars are the best. If you are dizzy, you don’t have to face winning politics. Otherwise, Hui Wenjun will definitely let him, the Xiangguo, organize the defense.

The eunuchs hurriedly carried the old Xiangguo down, looking for medical officers for treatment, and the ministers above the court could not suppress their panic and spoke out.

“Your Majesty, the Six Kingdoms mistaken me for the Eastern Zhou Dynasty!”

“The Six Nations is unrighteous! It’s a betrayal! Now that the Prince Qin comes to attack himself, how can we resist it?”

“The covenant of integration is still there, why have the six countries not sent troops? Do you have to wait for Qin to defeat each of them, 々!”

“My lord, the most urgent task is to organize defense! Don’t let Prince Qin enter the city. The tragedy of Yiqu is the result of winning the government! This son is definitely a cruel person, and there is no etiquette to talk about!”

“Yes! Your Majesty, I should start defending with all my strength in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty! Relying on the city, even if it is lost, I should still be able to hold on for some time. Now I will send envoys to ask for help from the Six Nations! Maybe it’s still too late!”

The ministers also wanted to protect themselves, and this would give Hui Wenjun advice.

Once the city is broken, who knows if the sordid fellow who wins the government can spare the courtiers of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty?

But they don’t know the content of Han Guoshu for the time being, and they don’t know that the six countries have already withdrawn from the union.

And even if you don’t quit, distant water can’t quench your near thirst!

While waiting for the arrival of the rescue of the six nations, I am afraid that the victory has already broken the city.

Hui Wenjun also reacted at this moment.

The following officials are right. In any case, the top priority now is to organize defenses and then make plans.

“General, you personally take over the defense of the city, concentrate all your efforts, and be sure to guard the city!’

“People in the city! Yes! To mobilize the people to defend the city, at the very least, it can also make the government voter.

“There are also envoys, six princes. Before, you went to the six countries to conclude a covenant agreement. You should set off now, run another trip, and ask for assistance!”

“Tao Qing, this monarch sent you to the army that won the government immediately to ask for this monarch, what does Qin State intend to do!

The instructions were issued from Hui Wenjun’s mouth, and I don’t know if it makes any sense.Anyway, all the efforts that can be made have been done.

After all the treatments were completed, Hui Wenjun seemed to have emptied his body’s strength at once, and limp on his throne, there was no brilliance in his eyes, and his expression was dull.

The corresponding courtiers left the court hall to prepare for themselves, while the rest of the courtiers remained in the hall, and the whole hall returned to a state of dead silence, and everyone was anxious.

In this silence, even Hui Wenjun’s self-talking was heard.

“Qin State, Qin State again. Is my last bloodline of Da Zhou going to be cut off here?” Hui Wenjun’s words contained endless despair.

Outside the city, the army station of the Tigers.

Yingzheng did not directly attack the city, he was waiting, waiting for Hui Wenjun to take the initiative to surrender!

What I saw along the way has stimulated the perception of winning politics.

There is no such thing as a smashing bamboo, and there are skinny people everywhere, and what is more, the bones on the side of the road.

In the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, there was no resistance at all!

The soldiers and the people are already so hungry that it is extremely difficult to walk. Where can they be able to resist?

The Qin State’s grain trade excludes the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. This is a decision to win the government.

It wasn’t that he was cruel, nor that it was because Huiwen saw that the monarch organized a co-industry and he deserved it. Those scenes were for others to listen to, and he certainly wouldn’t think so.

Fighting for power and gains, aggression and expansion can be taken for granted, but you don’t have to be upright, at least you have to have this number in your heart.

He was planning the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and the status quo of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was created by him!

But Ying Zheng did this, but it was a kind of compassion.

At the feet of the emperor, he is talking about the people of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

The people here naturally have a sense of superiority, and they think they are higher than the people of the six countries, and even the hatred of Qin is stronger than that of Zhao and Chu!

Because Zhao Kingdom and Chu Kingdom only died, lost their land, and destroyed the ancestral hall, but the Western Zhou Dynasty directly destroyed the country, and the Great Zhou Dynasty was also ended by the Qin Kingdom.

The Eastern Zhou Dynasty, which was in the same spirit, automatically accepted this kind of hatred.

Yingzheng reached this conclusion through a small number of victims in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in the office, and formulated a policy for the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

(Alright, Zhao) Let the court and the people of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty be powerless to resist, so as to reduce the power and casualties to the greatest extent, this is the benevolence of winning the government!

Otherwise, when the Qin army arrives, the people of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty will definitely be recruited by Hui Wenjun; driven by hatred, these people of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty will definitely join in the defense of their homes and the country.

However, their resistance must be in vain and increased casualties in vain.

The current state of hunger makes them unable to respond to the call, unable to resist the Qin army, and unable to think about hatred!

After the victory of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was completely wiped out, the food was distributed, and the people would naturally return to Qin and obey the rule of Qin for a bite of food.

Once you have enough food, you will know how to be grateful, and if you implement any policies, you will be able to pass unimpeded.

The reason why I have waited until now is to win the government at the time when the people are hungry to “””weak”! Yes.

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