Chapter 199 The terrifying Eastern Zhou Dynasty! [Second more, please customize]

Lu Buwei and Ying Zheng discussed repeatedly for a long time, and finally, according to the news of the net, they worked out slightly different grain trading strategies from person to person.

The population and financial resources of various countries have also been roughly assessed.

Be sure to “adjust and adjust” the power of the six countries while acquiring wealth.

The first person to visit Xiangguo Mansion was Julu Hou Zhao Mu. After all, Handan of Zhao Kingdom is still very close to Xianyang, and it is not uncommon for Zhao Mu to come first.

The reason why I came to Xiangguo’s Mansion was because the news of Qin’s sale of grain was not announced in the form of a national letter to the Six Nations, but in the name of Lu Buwei.

“Master Xiangguo has always been good? Benhou came to the house for the first time, and I didn’t know the preferences of Master Xiangguo. He brought some small gifts at random, and I hope Master Xiangguo should not dislike it!” The first thing Zhao Mu saw Lu Buwei gave was a gift!

“Three, four, three” is also within the expectations of Yingzheng and Lu Buwei. According to Yingzheng’s instructions, no matter what is given, it will be accepted as order. If it is not accepted, it will not be accepted!

Lu Buwei made a few polite words, pretended to decline, and then quietly handed down the gift, and the two were seated separately.

“The body of Lord Hou, who came to Lu’s Xiangguo Mansion, was for food, right?” Lu Buwei was straight to the point.

“Master Xiangguo is really refreshing! I have long heard that the adults were also good at doing business in the past, and there are few people who can do business! I have learned from you! But I don’t know how much food the Master Xiangguo can sell?” Zhao Mu wanted to set the quantity first. Come down.

“As much as Lord Hou wants to buy, sell as much as you want!” Lu Buwei said with a light smile.

Zhao Mu thought for a while, then spoke again:

“What is the price?”

“The food sold by Daqin this time is all sweet potatoes, and the price is set at one thousand wen and one stone!”

As soon as he said this, Zhao Mu immediately took a breath!

One thousand words and one stone! This is ten times the price of millet!

Although he was ready to be slaughtered a long time ago, Lu Buwei’s big mouthfulness of the lion still exceeded his expectations.

After pondering for a long time, Zhao Mu gritted his teeth and said:

“Fifteen times! The extra part, Master Xiangguo has two layers, I only hope Master Xiangguo is tight-lipped!”

This time it was Lu Buwei’s turn that was shocked.

The power minister, it’s too dark! It’s directly increased by five times!

The two discussed in detail the specific quantity and so on, leaving a deposit, and Zhao Mu hurriedly left.

The second visitor was Yan Chunjun of Yan State.

As the younger brother of King Yan, Yan Chunjun looks very mean, but his demeanor and pomp are really great!

However, he didn’t dare to put on airs in front of Qin’s Xiangguo. On the contrary, the attitude of making friends was very obvious, and his shots were extremely lavish.

“Master Xiangguo, you and I have never met. I came here today. It was really a bit abrupt. I will offer you a small gift and show your heart!” Yan Chunjun said as he took out a green and flawless jade from his sleeve. Pull finger.

Lu Buwei is also extremely proficient in this aspect, just looking at the sleek color and completeness on the outside, he already knows that such a small jade finger is absolutely invaluable.

Such a gift, Yan Chunjun is indeed willing to pay the blood!

As shown in the picture, it must not be too small.

Lu Buwei repeated what he said to Zhao Mu to Yan Chunjun again.

Yan Chunjun frowned slightly, and said hesitantly:

“Master Xiangguo, is your price a bit too high?”

“Don’t be concealed from Mr. Yanchun, I can’t do anything about it! His Royal Highness personally set a reserve price of 1,000 Wen and a stone. That’s it!” Lu Buwei sighed and said that he was helpless.

“Can anyone come to buy food before? How much?” Yan Chunjun asked.

“Zhao’s Juluhou, just negotiated yesterday, the price is 1,500 yuan!”

“Two thousand texts! This monarch issues two thousand texts!”

One after another, the envoys of the other four countries all came to Lu Buwei’s mansion. While scolding Qin secretly, they had to accept such a high price.

The reserve prices of Wei, Han, and Chu are all 1,500 wen, and the reserve price of Qi is 1,000 wen, and the transaction price is different.

All in all, Qin has made a lot of money in this grain transaction!

Since then, Yingzheng has done an extremely excessive thing:

Share the spoils in front of Zi Chu!

The eighth floor of all profits went to the national treasury, the first half went to the Prince’s Mansion, and the last half went to Lu Buwei.

Zi Chu can only recognize it by pinching his nose. This is a real son. It is not too much to spend some money; in addition, Lu Buwei can be regarded as a little reward for helping over the years.

In fact, Yingzheng doesn’t have any money to spend. It is mainly used to reward some peasant disciples, and to increase the prize money of Cuju competitions.

Farmers and immigrants from the six countries all need to continuously deepen their sense of belonging to Daqin. The best way is material rewards, which are much more effective than other methods.

In a blink of an eye, winter has passed and spring is here, and spring is prosperous and summer is long, and another half year has passed.

After the six countries paid a huge amount of money, they immediately sent a large number of grain transport teams to the border of Qin State, and carts and carts of grain returned to the country, which finally alleviated the disaster.

The rains in spring and summer returned to normal, and crops were planted in the fields. This crisis of the Six Nations was over, although the losses were great, fortunately the foundation still exists.

On the Qin side, the immigration policy has never stopped, but the effect is not obvious. Because the six countries have received food for disaster relief, the domestic people are not willing to flee.

The number of immigrants from the six countries was finally fixed at five million.

The first group of immigrants had already harvested sweet potatoes and potatoes. After the turn of spring, all the immigrants had started planting, and the seedlings in the cultivated fields were also growing very well.

Seeing it is another harvest year!

The Cuju 1.3 match in the office continued in full swing, and the football lottery craziness was unabated.

The various offices have also jointly established a “Sweet Potato Cup Super League”, and the county-level offices that have won the semi-finals in the Cuju competition are eligible to participate in the Super League.

The prizes of the Super League are even more abundant. Real estate, farming, and financial rewards are all available. It is said that His Royal Highness provides special benefits for everyone.

The immigrants of the six countries have gone from being helpless when they first arrived, and have become enthusiasm now.

At this point, it is truly settled in Qin.

For half a year, peace and serenity were the main theme within the borders of various countries.

Except for the Eastern Zhou Dynasty!

Hui Wenjun has been wondering until now that the six nations have signed the covenant, why hasn’t he taken any action?

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