Chapter 198 Disintegrate the six kingdoms at your fingertips! [First update, please customize]

Han Guo Xinzheng, General Mansion.

Ji Wuye holds a night organization in his hands to ensure his own status from four aspects: military, political, financial, and spy. Among them, the jade tiger on the stone is the “God of Wealth” beside Ji Wuye.

At this moment, Ji Wuye was discussing the news that he had just received with Jade Tiger.

News from Qin State Lu Xiang.

“Tiger, Qin’s grain is ready to be sold! Isn’t Qin afraid of selling grain at this critical time?” Ji Wuye glared viciously at a one-eyed, and asked the fat tiger on the opposite side.

The two eyes of the Jade Tiger narrowed into a slit, which means that he has seen a lot of money!

“General, in my opinion, Qin is absolutely not afraid of it. It is very likely that there is too much food in their country and they can’t digest it! Qin’s bumper harvest year after year, if you don’t exchange these grains for money, I am afraid that the biggest losses will be lost. Yes, they are still themselves.”

“Although Lu Xiang didn’t mention the unity, as long as our country buys food, it means that we have withdrawn from the unity! If there is no need, this general really doesn’t want to face winning politics anymore. !” In Ji Wuye’s one-eyed eyes, apart from resentment, there was more fear.

The shock that won Ji Wuye and the Three Thousand Tiger Roar Army was too great.

Three thousand people, one hundred thousand slaughtered!

Only fools would be willing to provoke winning politics!

And Ji Wuye also understood very well that once a war started at this time, the country of Han would definitely be unstoppable.

There is not enough food, the soldiers have to fight hungry, how long can they fight?

In addition, Ji Wuye thinks more.

“Tiger, it’s up to you to go to Qin country this time. The king will naturally have me to coordinate! Lu Xiang is also a businessman, and the kind of manners among the merchants must be very clean. And, no matter how expensive it is. The king has to buy food, so don’t let me down!”

What Ji Wuye called “the kind of Taoism” is actually a kickback.

The noble and the low are all that King Han pays out of the treasury.

The Emerald Tiger smiled and calmly said:

“Guaranteed to satisfy the general!”

Mr. Xinling, who was also turned into a disabled person by the winning government, was also discussing with King Anli at this time.

“Great King, absolutely can’t buy grain from Qin at this time! Qin’s grain will also flow out after the war against Qin, don’t rush for a while!” Xinling Monarch Wei Wuji persuaded bitterly.

“Combine against Qin? It sounds good! As long as we can get food and stabilize Wei from the top to bottom, who wants to offend Qin? Our soldiers in Wei are so hungry that they don’t believe that Zhao and Chu can be strong. Where to go! I don’t know how much I will starve to death before reaching Qin State!”

Wei Wuji couldn’t blame King Anli for this, because King Anli said the truth.

But in the long run, if you continue to compromise with Qin this time, there will be no chance of confrontation in the future!

“My lord, we absolutely can’t open this hole from our Wei country! It’s hard to organize a meeting.”

“Shut up! If you can make food for me, would the widows be willing to buy Qin’s? Could they sell it to us cheaply?” King Anli couldn’t help but explode.

Since Wei Wuji’s successive defeats to victory in politics, the power has been greatly damaged, and the confidence to speak in front of King Anli has become less and less. King Anli can enjoy the dignity of King Wei.

The attitude of the remaining four countries is much clearer than that of Han and Wei.

This is due to the several powerful and favored officials in the four countries!

Yan Chunjun of Yan, the Xiangguo of Qi won, Zhao Mu, the giant deer of Zhao, and Li Yuan, the uncle of King Khao Lie of Chu.

Almost all four of them did not hesitate. After receiving the news from Lu Buwei, they almost immediately used the resources in their hands to win this “fat”!

Zhao Guo really couldn’t hold it. Even if the famous Yanmen Li Mu did his best to support Qin, the national strength was insufficient and the frontier army was lost seriously. Only the north defender could maintain a certain degree of combat strength by slaughtering some livestock.

But once these people are lost again, Zhao Guo really has no power to protect himself!

Julu Hou Zhaomu used this kind of reason to persuade Zhao Wangdan to buy grain from the State of Qin. If it can be solved with money, then don’t use war.

On the other hand, rebates for food sales must be indispensable!

As long as Qin’s Lu Xiang agreed to raise the price, and then let Lu Buwei keep his mouth shut, the profit in the middle would be extremely huge.

It was the same idea for Yan Chunjun to fight with Hou Sheng!

0……Look for flowers…

That’s why they were willing to take a huge risk and personally enter Qin to discuss grain transactions.

Li Yuan of Chu Kingdom is quite special. He belongs to his relatives. His younger sister is the most favored in front of King Khao Lie, and one of Li Yuan’s nephews has become a prince.

Li Yuan’s identity suddenly rose, and his ambitions began to expand, and he wanted to gradually get rid of the suppression of Chunshen Jun Huang Xie!

Originally, he was just an unrecognized guest of Chunshenjun. Through Chunshenjun’s relationship, he dedicated his sister to King Kaorie and became the queen.

From then on, Li Yuan officially set foot in the court of Chu State, and his power became more and more powerful.

According to folklore, before marrying King Kaolie, the queen was played enough by Jun Shenjun, and she was pregnant, and then she was given to King Kaolie. Even the crown prince was the seed of King Chunshen.

Li Yuan had a sorrow about this.

But Chunshenjun’s power is not something he can contend, he can only continue to cater to it pretentiously, and secretly accumulate strength and prestige.

Qin Chu’s grain trade was exactly what he had to ask for, in order to deepen his qualifications and have the ability to fight Chun Shenjun as soon as possible!

As long as this matter is done well, his reputation will definitely be greatly improved!

These four people all came to Xianyang at the fastest speed, even faster than the nearest Han and Wei!

The scale of Xianyang City is still the same as before, and no changes can be seen, but on the way to Xianyang, everyone’s perception of Qin has changed drastically.

The people of Qin are so rich!

At the very least, there are no people who starve to death along the way. Instead, every ordinary citizen is full of red and full of energy.

Does this have to be enough to eat?

It wouldn’t be a big deal if it was Xianyang alone, but these people all entered Qin from the border, and they saw these scenes along the way!

The final conclusion is:

There is so much food in Qin State!

Since there is a lot of food, it is not expensive; the space for manipulation in the middle is also much larger.

The four people all embarked on the road to rush to the state of Qin’s government. For this transaction, the sense of anticipation has once again strengthened. factory,

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