Chapter 197 Dong Zhou, since it is so presumptuous, then there is no need to exist! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

Qin’s court meeting ended inexplicably because the victory of the government sold a pass, and even Yu Meng Yu’s proposal to increase troops to Hangu Pass did not get Zichu’s affirmative reply.

Many Daqin soldiers are undertaking the great cause of domestic infrastructure construction! Since winning the government is so confident that they can disintegrate the six nations, Zi Chu does not need to mobilize these soldiers back.

But without an exact answer, Zi Chu would not be relieved. After all, this is a military matter, and it can’t be fooled by just a few words.

After the dynasty meeting, Zi Chu summoned Ying Zheng and Lu Buwei to the inner hall of the palace, which originally belonged to King Zhaoxiang’s favorite study.

“Zheng’er, there will be no outsiders here. There is a mixture of fish and dragons in the court. You are worried that the matter is not secret, it is normal, but now you can’t sell it anymore!” Zi Chu said sternly.

Lu Buwei is also in a state of concentration, waiting for Yingzheng’s reply.

Winning the government is not nervous at all, and even teased his cheap dad~

“Father, your analysis of the situation is still not enough, haha!”

“Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up, Father is in a hurry!” Zi Chu said angrily.

With a helpless flat mouth, Ying Zheng’s face brought a 343 extremely disdainful look:

“The six nations are united, that’s just a joke! What are you talking about a million troops? Even if the six nations have really prepared these troops, where will the rations come from? For Zhao, if there is enough food to supply the troops, then There won’t be so many soldiers going to Daqin!”

After these words, Zi Chu and Lu Buwei were both stunned.

That’s right! Why didn’t you think of such a simple truth in the court?

According to the theory of later generations, they are actually caught in a fixed mindset!

The six countries have been united more than once.

Basically, every time it is huge, there are successes and failures.

But without exception, it was not a bluff at any one time, so the monarchs and ministers of the Qin Kingdom did not expect this at all and ignored the objective facts of the existence of the famine.

In their thinking, perhaps the millions of troops advocated by the Six Nations may not be so large in number, but in any case they should be very large.

In fact, although the six countries have joined the united vertical, none of them really want to fight!

They were all waiting for others to send troops, waiting for others to put pressure on Qin.

It’s not that they don’t want to send troops, but the food in their hands does not allow them to send troops!

After stunned for a moment, Zi Chu and Lu Buwei both figured out the truth.

“This father’s control of the situation is still lacking.” Zi Chu admitted embarrassingly, and said again: “But since the Six Kingdoms is not threatened at all, why should it be kept secret from the court?”

“Of course it is to ensure nothing is wrong!” “Winning politics is a matter of course.

“Isn’t the children wanting to be more cautious in doing things? If the Six Nations is anxious to a certain extent, it is indeed possible to do anything! One million soldiers, death is not death? Instead of starving to death in the country, sending it out to die. It is a way to reduce the food gap.

With Yingzheng’s words, Zi Chu and Lu Buwei are somewhat square again.

It all makes sense, so can the Six Nations send troops? Do they fight or not?

Just listen to Ying Zheng to continue:

“In fact, the grain is in Daqin’s hands. No matter how the situation changes, the initiative lies with us. Daqin’s grain country has accumulated too much! Year after year, the harvest will continue to be harvested, if you don’t take advantage of this time A big profit, I’m afraid the grain will rot in the granary.”

Lu Buwei understood the meaning of winning politics at that time!

“His Royal Highness means that food can be sold to the outside world now? But with Daqin’s current national strength, why not take advantage of the weak opportunity of the Six Nations to go down all at once?”

Lu Buwei’s doubts are also Zichu’s doubts.

I have analyzed the weakness of the six countries and sent troops directly to occupy it. Wouldn’t it be better to (aibd)?

What is the purpose of rapid development? It is not yet to prepare for the final unification of the world!

Shaking his head lightly, Ying Zheng explained:

“Craving for a short time often contains too many hidden dangers! Even without this famine, the extinction of the six kingdoms is already doomed in my opinion. Looking long, at this time, it is not a unified world. The best time.”

“One is that Daqin is not ready yet, and the talents and corresponding policies to govern the world are still insufficient; second, taking advantage of this famine and recurring military disasters, the complaints of the people will be deep in their hearts, that is, hatred. Seed!

“Such seeds will take root, germinate, and will leave endless threats to the future! Instead of causing such results, it is better to endure for three or five years in exchange for stability in future generations!”

With these words of victory, Zi Chu and Lu Buwei were completely shocked!

This is also the first time that Yingzheng has revealed his strategic goals.

His pattern has already included the unification of the world!

After the deep shock, Zi Chu became more proud of his son, and Lu Buwei admired the victory in politics, completely impressed.

“His Royal Highness, according to your wishes, how should we sell grain this time?” Lu Buwei respectfully asked.

“Well, for the specific business strategy, Mr. Xiangguo is one of the experts, this prince is still extremely convinced. I only make two requests!”

“First, the purpose of selling food is to make a profit! It is the primary goal to squeeze the wealth of the six countries to the greatest extent. Around this goal, the Lord Xiangguo should implement it specifically. No matter how high our food prices are, I am afraid that the six countries The country can only pinch his nose to recognize it!”

“Oh, one more thing. Don’t make any promises to the outside world regarding the sale of food! Every negotiation must be conducted separately, so that profits can be maximized.

“Second, the grain can be sold to anyone, but it cannot be sold to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty! Any princely country can trade grain with my Daqin, but the Eastern Zhou Dynasty cannot! Because of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, it should not continue to exist!”

When I said this, Yingzheng’s complexion became gloomy.

King Zhou Gen collapses the sky, and the Great Zhou Dynasty is over! How come a small country in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, who is not even qualified to be a king, dare to attack Qin in the name of heaven?

Big his courage!

This is one of the chief culprits of the partial cracks in the Great Zhou royal family, and dare you to call it “the surrogate emperor”?

There is no two days in the sky, no two masters in the country!

Now that Da Zhou has withdrawn from the stage of history, the emperor of Da Zhou should not continue to exist! The acting emperor is even more absurd.

The emperor in the future can only be King Qin!

In an instant, Zichu and Yingzheng seemed to be connected, and at the same time they had this idea. .

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