Chapter 196 The King of Qin has no virtue! On behalf of the sky! [Third update, please customize]

After the work of the Eastern Zhou Huiwenjun organizing the integration of the six countries was completed secretly, there was no concealment at all, and the banner was played with great fanfare:

The king of Qin has no virtue, he will be killed on behalf of the sky!

The first half sentence differs depending on the opinion of the individual, and the latter half sentence expresses the majesty of Hui Wenjun to do the emperor’s affairs on his behalf.

The main reason is to become famous.

Although he didn’t dare to be called king, Hui Wenjun did something that can be left in the annals of history this time.

As for what kind of “name” it is, it is not known.

The news reached Qin State, and the government and the people shook!

Zi Chu immediately began the North Korean discussion, discussing how to deal with this major incident of the six nations.

“Zhou Qing, Eastern Zhou Huiwen Jun performed the affairs of the emperor, in the name of the emperor of the Great Zhou, he personally organized this joint vertical, and the momentum is huge, and he wants to revive a million masters to attack my Da Qin!”

“Let’s talk about it, how should I resist Qin State?” Zi Chu’s expression was extremely solemn, and he cautiously asked Ji Yu’s officials.

“The king, the veteran thought that my soldiers in Daqin should make every effort to prepare for the war! So far, it is still uncertain about the direction of the offensive of the six countries, let alone whether the six countries will divide their forces or attack together. For the current plan, the frontiers should be prepared! Especially Hangu It is necessary to increase troops and garrison immediately!”

From the military point of view, General Meng Yu immediately put forward a proposal to contend with the Allied Forces of the Six Nations.

Wang Jian followed closely, saying:

“Majesty, Ma will be able to assert that if Chu State sends troops, it must be a separate attack on the border of Qin and Chu! Ma Ma will request to go to southern Xinjiang to resist the heavy cavalry of the Xiang clan of Chu State! In addition, Ma will still need it. The Sima family in the land of Bashu cooperated.”

“The Zhao army on the border between Qin and Zhao is severely drained, and the threat is greatly reduced. The old ministers ask themselves to guard!” Wang Yi also took the initiative to ask.

Zi Chu nodded slightly, his heart calmed a lot.

After An Guojun succeeded to the throne, the three advances struck, and he won even more after Chu succeeded to the throne, and it was directly the Six Kingdoms!

For the first time personally presiding over a war of this scale, it is impossible to say that you don’t panic in your heart. Fortunately, there are still these arrogant soldiers as a reliance.

If the national crisis is at the head, there can be a generous army, and there can be people who face the enemy and call for war. The foundation of the Qin State is indeed very strong, and it is gratifying.

After Meng Yu, Wang Jian, and Wang Yu expressed their views, the military’s attitude became clear.

Fight! Don’t be afraid!

Xiangguo Lu Buwei also expressed his views:

“Majesty, the six kingdoms came together too suddenly, and it is a hasty alliance to think about it! Weichen means, there are still gaps in this! If the crisis can be resolved by relatively peaceful means, it would be the best policy. After all. , Daqin is now in a period of rapid development, 々!”

Lu Buwei’s words also make sense. If Qin can continue to develop steadily, it may not be a few years before the Six Nations will have the power to fight back.

Wouldn’t it be more secure to defeat people without fighting?

Prime Minister Zuo Cai Ze pondered for a moment, and his face was grim:

“My lord, the old minister also agrees with Lord Xiangguo! In this battle, if you can avoid it, you can avoid it! It is best to send envoys to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to meet with Hui Wenjun and make a strong statement. It is best to make Huiwen retreat. In the name of the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there is no reason to come to the Six Kingdoms, and it will be self-defeating!

The two most important ministers among the civil servants can also be regarded as representing the opinions of the civil servants:

If you can’t fight, it’s better not to fight!

Under such a large occasion, it is not that no one can stand up and express opinions.

Another person with a heavy weight is Changping Jun!

It not only represents the clan family, but also represents the forces of the Chu family.

“My lord, please forgive the ministers for speaking out! The reason why Hui Wenjun organized the six nations is the immigration policy pursued by His Royal Highness!”

“Eastern Zhou Dynasty Elementary School is weak, and it has been devastated to deal with this disaster. The immigration policy implemented by His Royal Highness has pushed Hui Wenjun to a dead end! Without an immigration policy, Hui Wenjun will never make such a move! Weichen suggested, Stop the immigration policy immediately!

Zi Chu felt a little unhappy when he heard Changping Jun’s words.

The implication of this remark is obviously to question the prince’s inadequate consideration, which indirectly contributed to this six-nation union.

Question the prince?

Of course the prince is not satisfied with his father!

But Zi Chu would not express it directly.His face still had an expression of listening attentively. It was not until the Lord Chang Ping finished speaking that Zi Chu frowned and said:

“Jun Changping meant to stop the immigration policy? I’m afraid it’s too late? The six countries have been merged together. If you stop immigration now, wouldn’t it show weakness than others?”

Lord Changping dared to put forward this suggestion, and naturally he had already responded to it early in his heart, not humble or arrogant:

“More than four million people are actually enough! It is estimated that the methods of His Royal Highness should be close to five million at present? This is the set goal. If the immigration policy continues, the land is still a bit reluctant. The northwestern region is too barren. Even if it is reclaimed, it may not be of much benefit.”

*” To stop the immigration policy, it is just to show good to the outside world, and to show weakness is still out of the question. The Eastern Zhou Dynasty and the Six Nations, they did not dare to underestimate Da Qin!”

Although a little self-deceiving, the truth also makes sense.

If the immigration policy is stopped, the difficulty of using peaceful means to resolve the crisis will be somewhat reduced.

When Zi Chu was hesitating, his eyes wandered to the winner, only to see that his son was leisurely and calmly, completely without the consciousness that he was about to face the army of millions.

Parents always habitually treat their children as children, and Zi Chu is the same, subconsciously ignoring the existence of winning politics.

With a self-deprecating smile, Zi Chu reacted:

When it comes to analyzing the situation and planning and then acting, I am afraid that people like Lu Buwei and Mengshi are not necessarily the prince’s opponents! But this kid actually saw his father’s joke?

Thinking of this, Zi Chu’s words contained a little (okay, okay) some blame, Daoxi:

“Prince, why don’t you comment?”

Ying Zheng had an extremely confident smile on his face, and his voice was calm:

“My father is relieved, and my son has his own way to eliminate the Allied Forces of the Six Nations in an invisible way! In fact, before the son of my son proposed the immigration policy, he had already anticipated this situation.”

Zi Chu’s eyes suddenly burst into expression, what he wanted was this kind of reply!

“It turns out that the prince has already thought of a solution? He even thought of it a long time ago? If that’s the case, let’s have a listen!”

“Father is not anxious! This matter still needs to be kept secret, not for outsiders! Father only needs to trust his sons and ministers, and the six kingdoms are bound to collapse!” After a short pause, the winning government said again:

“This matter still needs the support of Master Xiangguo!”

Lu Buwei, who was thinking, listened to Ying Zheng mentioning him, he couldn’t help being taken aback!

There is still my business in this?.

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