Chapter 189 Six Nations Cuju Competition? [Fourth update, ask for customization]

Since Zhu Laosi followed Wang Lao Er and the old village head to cross the border and voted into Qin, his small life has become more and more nourished.

He was born as a soldier in the State of Zhao, and his treatment for Qin was much better than that of ordinary people.

Qin State did a good job in gaining the trust of the people, and Zhu Laosi’s daily food was six sweet potatoes!

The whole family came with the old village chief. He and his family naturally gathered together, and at the same time came to Wuyang County, relying on these foods, not to say that they are full every day, there is still a surplus!

What is even more exciting is that while Qin’s official government distributes sweet potatoes, it also has the responsibility of purchasing sweet potatoes. The remaining sweet potatoes of Zhu Lao Si can be exchanged for copper money at any time, which is extremely convenient.

But he had been hungry for too long, he would not exchange these sweet potatoes for copper coins anyway.

Sweet potatoes can fill your stomach and save lives, but copper can’t. “Three Three Seven”

As the days passed, Zhu Laosi became more and more comfortable with life in Wuyang County.

The immigration office allocated land to his family, which was somewhat desolate.

But it doesn’t matter. They are all farmers and they are doing the work of farming the land. Dirty and tiring are nothing.

The most important thing is that once these lands are reclaimed, they really belong to their family!

Although the people of the six countries are mostly farmers, how many of them really own land?

Most of them are farming for powerful families.

When I arrived in Qin Kingdom, I actually had land!

There is no need for supervision at all, and the immigrants work hard for their land spontaneously.

Didn’t those peasant disciples tell me? As long as they move fast enough, get the land out as soon as possible, and plant sweet potatoes or potatoes at this time, and you can harvest them before the winter!

They all know sweet potatoes and potatoes. It’s unbelievable to have a good harvest in such a famine year.

But they don’t doubt what the peasant disciples say. They are indeed masters in this area, so they can’t accept it!

Various methods of reclamation, each step, will give meticulous and patient guidance, which is said to be the experience summarized in the “Agricultural Code” compiled by their farmhouse.

Really amazing!

Now, more than half a month has passed since the seedlings were planted. Although they are not lush, they are still growing very well, and they will be harvested properly.

In the daytime, Zhu Laosi has always been meticulously taking care of the land with his family, carefully taking care of the seedlings, the more he looks at him, the happier he is.

Occasionally, when there is time, Old Four Zhu will go to his hairdresser’s place to stop by.

The second prince of others is even more amazing!

It is said that it was a special gift from His Royal Highness, who gave his family a large courtyard, which was arranged not far from the immigration office. The stay is very spacious.

The family is also rich, and the wife is also beautiful, it can be described as a happy life and a blessing!

After all, they have stayed in Qin for a few years. They are real Qin people. With this treatment, others are helpless except jealous. Ordinary immigrants still have to live in the uniformly arranged housing area of ​​the office.

Speaking of the six sweet potatoes a day, the expression of Wang Lao Er’s expression made Zhu Lao Si even more angry, and he wanted to use a pickaxe to kill his hairy!

“Six yuan? How much? I have allocated six pieces of land myself, probably more than ten acres! In one year, I can harvest more than four thousand stones of sweet potatoes! Hey, too tired!”

After thinking about the Qin laws that were explained in the evening, Zhu Lao Si still endured it abruptly.

He is now a native of Qin, and it is still incomparable for the time being~

Speaking of Qin Laws, at the beginning, some basic Qin Laws will be explained every night, but after a long time, Qin Laws will not be taught much.

The people in the office organized a kind of activity called “Cuju”, let alone, it’s very interesting!

It is rumored that the Prince Qin invented it, which allows many people to work together, relax muscles, promote blood circulation, strengthen muscles and strengthen the body. The key is to kill time.

The days of autumn start to shorten, and the night is long. It is better to do something interesting.

Thinking of this, Old Four Zhu began to feel angry again!

He is a bachelor, Zhu Lao Si himself, without a wife, Wang Lao Er has something to do at night!

That lady is the village flower in the village!

In the end, it was especially because half a bag of dried sweet potatoes, so the good cabbage let the pigs go!

Fortunately, there are some small prizes in the Cuju competition, which can barely make people feel better.

The young people in the army still have much better physical fitness than ordinary people. The Cuju competition is when he is the fourth man in the army.

Put down the spear and kick up Cuju, we are also good at it!

At least every time I get some farm tools and the like as rewards, and occasionally a small amount of drinks.

I heard that the wine is made from sweet potatoes. It is so powerful and strong that even money can’t buy it.

This thing is really a treasure, it can even make wine!

But with the development of Cuju competitions like fire like tea, it has become more and more difficult to get rewards.

At the beginning, you could rely on your physical fitness to get good results, but later it didn’t work. More and more people participated, let alone a variety of skills and tactics.

There is a guy from Chu Kingdom, this kid is really talented!

Last name Luo, what is Ronaldo?

Do you still want to play Cuju?

Just think about it!

Originally, that game was about to win, Ronaldo scored three goals in a row, and it was directly reversed!

The prize of the competition was a hat. Zhu Laosi liked that hat very much. When he was in the army of Zhao Guo, he saw the general who was stabbed to death by him wore it.

This is something that only people with status can have. As a result, Ronaldo doesn’t understand the value of hats at all. He flicks it back and forth in his hand and says “1.3 This is a hat trick”!

Xi Nimei!

I was very disappointed after losing the game, and I was full of anger in my heart, but Zhu Laosi’s performance was also seen by many caring people.

After the game, several groups of people came one after another, offered various amounts of sweet potatoes as a price, and invited Zhu Lao to transfer to the team for the fourth time.

It seems that there are some military officers from Sanjin who are organizing these things.They can’t understand the Ronaldo Taijizhang of Chu Kingdom.

Zhu Laosi did not immediately agree, but he also had this idea in his heart.

Dare to be in front of my brother, holding my brother I most want to get a hat, what kind of shit hat trick to perform?

This account must be calculated!

This hate is unbearable!

The next one to perform a hat trick must be my Zhu Laosi!

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