Chapter 190 Daqin Football Lottery! [First update, please customize]

In a blink of an eye, three months passed.

The immigrants from the six countries ushered in the first big harvest after entering Qin. The harvest of sweet potatoes and potatoes surprised them very much, and everyone was smiling.

Although the yield of these wastelands is not as good as the fields that have been prepared for a long time, it is the first time that immigrants from the six countries have planted and harvested such high-yielding food by themselves. Naturally, they are extremely satisfied.

The people in the office led the tax collectors to collect food taxes. Everything was done in accordance with the Qin law, and there was no harshness at all. This also gave the immigrants from the six countries a sigh of relief and more peace of mind.

Not only that, the people in the office didn’t mention the matter of repaying the relief food immediately after the first crop of food was harvested.

It seems to have forgotten this code.

Once three months have passed, it also means another thing:

The guarantee of immigrants is not reversed, and the winning government has done it!

King Qin won Zichu’s miraculous discovery that there was really no riot in the resettlement locations of Qin country!

Even a small accident did not occur!

The court has stopped discussing this matter, and everyone admires the means of winning the government.

On this 08-day, Zichu went to the court meeting and deliberately kept the winning government.

“Zheng’er, tell father, how did you do it?” Zi Chu was very curious.

“Father is talking about immigration from the six countries?” Ying Zheng chuckled lightly.

“Yes! Father is very curious, haha! I can make immigrants from the six countries be obedient and guarded within three months. Father wants to ask you some advice!” Zi Chu’s face also smiled.

He really asks for advice and asks his precious son for advice. What’s wrong?

“If the father is fine, it is better to follow the sons and ministers to go around, take a look on the spot, the feeling will be more real.” Yingzheng suggested.

Zi Chu thought for a while, nodded and agreed. There really is nothing urgent in the country.

The father and son took Lu Buwei, Zhao Gao, and several other eunuchs with them, and rushed to Wuyang County together.

The hatred between Qin and Zhao is the greatest. Zhao has the most immigrants here, and the contrast is the most obvious.

Today’s Wuyang County is quite remarkable. Compared with the barrenness before, it has undergone earth-shaking changes and extremely prosperous.

Most of the immigrants from the six countries are farming, but a small number of them also have craftsmen who know all kinds of crafts, and they can all find specialized talents in house construction and site renovation.

There is no shortage of artisans in Qin. According to Yingzheng’s instructions, most of these artisans have been recruited to immigration offices in various places.

Farmers are reclaiming land and planting crops; these craftsmen are building houses and constructing various facilities.

The first batch of commercial houses in the Warring States Period were released under the planning of Yingzheng.

However, these exquisitely built commercial houses are only sold to immigrants from six countries. The locals of Qin State will not sell them if they want to buy them. This treatment is simply eye-catching.

However, the purchase of commercial housing is still restricted for the time being, and it is necessary to wait until immigrants from the six countries have lived in the resettlement area of ​​the office for a full year, and they have reclaimed land and planted food before they are eligible to buy it.

Yingzheng is absolutely conscientious in this regard, cost price, not making money~

They did not come to Wuyang County to see these houses. What they wanted to see was a Cuju game.

The first Wuyang Cup Cuju Competition!

In accordance with Yingzheng’s instructions and drawings, the Wuyang County Immigration Office arranged manpower to build a very high-spec “sports hall”, which was named by Yingzheng himself.

The gymnasium can accommodate tens of thousands of people to watch the game at the same time, and various competition events are emerging in an endless stream. Later generations of track and field events are constantly planned by the office.

For now, people are most concerned about the Cuju game.

A game being staged in the stadium is considered a semi-final. There are quite a lot of spectators, definitely more than 20,000 people, all watching the game nervously on the simple audience stage.

Zi Chu has always been in the palace, and has never seen such an interesting activity, his eyes are full of excitement and curiosity.

“Zheng’er, these people in the stands are all immigrants from six countries? Get together on such a large scale, don’t you worry about them making trouble?” Zi Chu asked in surprise.

Although there were only a few people in their party, Zi Chu was not very worried about safety. He himself has reached a half-step innate realm, and he can be regarded as a master of one side, plus he has a winning government by his side.

It can be said that although the world is big, where can’t you go?

Ying Zheng chuckled lightly, without explaining the problem at all.

“They are playing a Cuju game, and these people in the stands are all fans! They only care about the excitement of the game and the result of the game, and don’t think much about other things at all.”

“Cuju game? Haha, interesting! Tell my father!” When Zi Chu looked at the court, he found that he couldn’t understand it!

Why do dozens of people circle around a ball?

Cuju’s rules are not very complicated. Winning politics only provides a simple framework. The specific regulations are negotiated by the various offices and are as simple as possible.

In fact, the Cuju created by Yingzheng has not caught up with the football of future generations except for the ball. The rest of the Cuju is roughly the same, which is quite different from the real Cuju game.

It is more accurate to call it a football game.

Winning the government simply explained the Cuju game rules 340, and Zi Chu would be able to see the general idea when he looked at it again.

It turns out that the ball is scored in the hole!

“According to previous statistics, there are about a dozen or so strong Cuju teams in Wuyang County, and they are currently playing in the semi-finals, not the final game.

“If it is a real final, it is estimated that there will be more people on the stands.” Ying Zheng continued to introduce the Cuju game.

“This thing, um, game, what will happen if this game is won?” Zi Chu looked at the two teams underneath and struggled with each other. He didn’t score a goal for a long time, and he couldn’t help but worry about them.

“If you win, there will be a reward! The higher the ranking, the more generous the reward. The team that wins the championship will receive a small piece of field for each person from the office.

“No wonder these people fight so fiercely underneath. The reward for this champion is indeed rich enough.” Zi Chu nodded, and for a moment he wanted to understand the truth.

“Erchen also set up a football lottery here!”

“Football Lottery? What is that again?”

“Simply put, it is to use copper money to bet, register your optimistic team in the football lottery, and bet a small amount of copper money. Once that team has achieved the right results, the football lottery will return more copper money!”

Zi Chu was taken aback for a moment, and finally understood.

Isn’t that gambling?.

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