Chapter 188 Immigrants from six countries, the court sensation! [Third update, please customize]

Above the court of the Qin Dynasty, the officials chanted “Holy Prince”, which seemed to raise the prestige of winning the government a step further.

However, at this time, there are still voices of doubt in the court.

“His Majesty, His Royal Highness, and the Ministers deeply feel that it is a matter of great merit to recruit the victims of the six countries, but during the period there was a problem that had to be carefully considered!”

The voice of Lord Changping seemed incompatible with the entire court at this moment.

Speaking of Lord Changping, the status of this person is extremely unique between Qin and Chu.

When the king of Chu Kaolie regarded Qin, he married the daughter of King Zhaoxiang as his wife, and then gave birth to the king of Changping, Xiong Qi.

He belongs to the eldest son of King Kaolie and the grandson of King Zhaoxiang. This position is naturally very noble.

But afterwards, King Khalid pretended to be a horseman, escaped from Qin State and returned to Chu alone!

In this way, the identity of Mr. Changping is embarrassing.

King Kaolie feared that Lord Changping would not be able to return to Chu State as easily as he himself, so he simply did not make this distinguished eldest son the crown prince, but let Lord Changping grow up in Qin as the grandson of King Zhaoxiang!

While King Zhaoxiang was angry that King Xiong ran away, he did detain Emperor Changping in the Kingdom of Qin. He was famously known as his mother who accompanied him, and he also specially named Emperor Changping.

Today, only Shi Qin is said, but he doesn’t even have the identity of Proton.

Speaking of seniority, Emperor Changping is still the clan relative of the royal family, and the same generation as Zi Chu!

But privately, the ties between Emperor Changping and the Chu state were always unbroken, and he played an important role in the Chu family by virtue of his ancestorship of the Qin royal family and the prince of Chu state.

Zi Chu heard Changping Jun’s words and couldn’t help but wonder:

“Mr. Changping, what are you talking about that needs careful consideration?”

He has a good impression of Changping Jun. Changping Jun is a very low-key person. He has never participated in the persecution and victory in politics.

Including the victory of the government, there is no clue to the superficial Changping Lord, and it is impossible to judge his original intention. However, the victory of the government has already guessed about the things that need to be carefully considered by the Changping Lord.

“Return to the king, the number of immigrants from the six countries is huge, whether it is 3 million or 5 million, that is an extremely large force! Especially the Prince’s Royal Highness has given the soldiers to the Qin, he is even more generous, and the soldiers are not there. few!”

“If these foreign immigrants give birth to evil intentions and are unfavorable to Da Qin, what shall we do?” Chang Ping Jun’s concern was also a precaution, and he was devoted to the consideration of the State of Qin, and he did not hear other meanings.

“This is indeed a problem!” Zi Chu nodded and looked at Ying Zheng: “Prince, you are solely responsible for immigration matters. Have you ever considered this issue?”

Yingzheng’s expression is as usual, without any panic, and his tone is calm:

“Jun Changping is true, this is indeed a matter that needs to be handled carefully, and the sons and ministers will naturally consider it!”

“People with ulterior motives have always been there! It’s just that if they want to make trouble, it depends on their ability!”

As soon as this statement came out, Mr. Changping’s drooping face changed slightly.

He heard the faint warning in the words of victory!

Not to warn others, but to warn him that Changping sees you.

Just listen to Ying Zheng continued to say:

“In the past, Da Qin occupied the land of the six countries, and the people of the six countries often rioted, which was against my Da Qin. There is indeed some hidden danger in rashly accepting immigrants from the six countries, but the situation this time is still very different from the past!”

“First of all, the reason why they are called immigrants is precisely because these people are the people who voluntarily transferred from the six countries. It is not that I, Daqin, relied on war and force to surrender. They are just to save their lives and have little resistance to resistance.”

“Secondly, the biggest feature of immigrants is that they are like floating birds, with no roots and no support! They have broken away from their original familiar environment, and they are newcomers. Most of them are on duty, and they absolutely don’t dare to act rashly.

“Finally, since Erchen has already thought of this issue, of course it will not just rely on the human heart to measure and believe. The necessary checks and balances have been implemented from the beginning.

Zi Chu was extremely satisfied with Yingzheng’s talk about it, with a well-informed look.

Regarding the ability to govern the country, this own son is probably much stronger than himself!

This kind of drip-proof and precautionary ability is exactly the same as that of King Zhaoxiang, and it seems to be the true biography of his grandfather!

Thinking of this, Zi Chu slightly forehead, affirmed:

“The prince’s ability, widows still believe! But millions of immigrants are going to cause trouble, that is no small thing! We must always be cautious, and if we find any bad signs, kill them as soon as possible!”

0……Look for flowers…

“Another point, as you said just now, these immigrants may not be secretly instigated by those with ulterior motives! Maybe they were indeed refugees at the beginning, but after eating, their minds will inevitably become active!!

“These things need to be paid attention to!”


For his own son, Zi Chuna must be dedicated to defending him. For fear that Ying Zheng would also sparse out everything he could think of, he asked all the things he could think of in front of the courtiers.

Winning the government is not arrogant. He listened carefully to all these words of Zi Chu, and made a balance in his heart. Feeling that Zi Chu is obviously still very worried and suspicious about this matter, winning the government decided to make Zi Chu feel at ease!

“Father, although you can relax, your children have their own plans! All six countries immigrate to Daqin, it will be the people of Da Qin! Children, you can be sure, they will definitely not have troubles, and they will not rebel. !”

“Oh?” Zi Chu chuckled lightly, “Zheng’er, don’t talk too much! Otherwise, in front of the officials, even if a widow wants to protect you, that would be impossible. !”

The hearts of the courtiers are bright!

The two of them talked to each other to such an extent, who can make a fuss about this matter?

It is said that it is impossible to do it, who dares to give an opinion and try?

However, the winning government does not rely on this, and is full of confidence:

“I have read the local chronicles of Daqin, I have occupied the land of the six countries in the previous wars of Daqin, and the aborigines of those six countries often rioted, often within three months, there must be turmoil!”

“In this case, the children are willing to use March as the deadline to ensure that there will be no riots among the people of the six countries!

“If there is a slight gap in the middle, the emperor commits the same crime as the common people! The children are willing to accept Qin Lu’s punishment, there is no difference!”

As soon as this statement came out, there was no sound in the court.

No one thought that the prince would speak so full in the court, that there was no room for turning around!

Only in March, guarantee that immigration will not be reversed!

All of Qin’s monarchs and ministers are waiting to be seen. factory.

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