Chapter 187 Qin Yousheng Prince, the blessing of the six kingdoms! [Second update, please customize]

Yingzheng has always been fully responsible for recruiting victims from the six countries. A whole month has passed. Immigration offices in various places continue to send good news back.

At the meeting on this day, Zi Chu finally couldn’t help but started asking.

“Prince, it has been a month since we recruited the victims of the six countries? Can you tell me the specific situation now?”

Ying Zheng immediately went out of work, bowed his hand, and then said indifferently:

“Go back to the father! The recruitment of the victims of the six countries has gone very smoothly so far. The cooperation of the DPRK and China is also indispensable for being able to achieve the present level!”

“In one month, a total of four county-level immigration offices and twelve county-level immigration offices were added. The local offices under its jurisdiction are different.”

“The total number of victims recruited is about 3 million people!”


The whole court was shocked.

Three million people! This is not a small number!

Zi Chu did not expect that so many victims would flood into Qin, and for a while he started to worry about Qin’s grain depot.

“Zheng’er, three million victims, can I afford this number?”337

Ying Zheng chuckled lightly and said:

“Why does my father doubt my Daqin’s national strength? For the size of my Daqin, another two million people are more than enough! And there is no problem with food! The main limitation is the land!”

“Because of my Daqin’s current policy of enriching the people, in addition to the full treasury, the people’s homes have a lot of grain! It is not a problem to eat for two years. There are three million victims who want to eat Daqin, it is still heaven. Tan!”

As soon as the voice fell, the court officials also laughed.

Yes, after having sweet potatoes and potatoes, Qin State’s storage granaries and cellars, I don’t know how much they have been built, they are still not enough for a good harvest!

When the sweet potato was harvested, Yingzheng separately proposed a policy of enriching the people.

Let the people’s homes become rich!

Let the people of the Qin country also feel the country is strong, so that they can also share the joy of making the country rich and the people strong!

Therefore, after the granary was full, Zi Chu lowered the tax rate on grain!

Ordinary people can process and produce surplus sweet potatoes and other grains at home, buy them by their own caravans exclusively managed by the Qin State, and traffic them to the six countries in exchange for other materials and wealth.

In the end, these wealth actually fell into the hands of the people.

In the words of winning politics:

The people of Da Qin have worked hard for many years, and finally made the Qin country strong, and now it is time for the country to give back to the people!

Zi Chu also laughed.

The number of three million is really too sensational, otherwise he would not be unable to change this kind of thinking.

“It’s a widow who is confused, haha! Zheng’er, it is said that with Daqin’s current grain reserves, let alone another two million, even if it is more, the grain will not be a problem! The land problem can be temporarily slowed down.” Chu proposed.

“Father, no!” Ying Zheng directly denied Zi Chu’s proposal.

“Food and land are indispensable for recruiting victims from the six countries!”

“If it is the army and monarchs of the Six Nations that have a plan for Daqin’s land, it is coveted and unconcerned; but for the victims of the Six Nations, the land is a kind of belonging!’

“Only when the victims of the Six Nations are given ownership of Da Qin’s land, will they recognize Da Qin and regard Da Qin as their home! If there is no land, these people are likely to run away after the famine!”

“For Da Qin, the gain is not worth the loss.”

The ministers nodded their heads and agreed with the view of winning the government.

“Indeed, it is still Zhenger’s thorough consideration! If that happens, I am afraid it will be our turn to do everything possible to prevent the victims of the Six Nations from returning to China.” Zi Chu also admitted to winning the government.

“We can continue to recruit two million, that is to say, a total of five million (aibd) victims of the six countries can be recruited! This number is almost equivalent to one-third of the people of Daqin!”

Qin’s total population is about 17 million, which really makes up 5 million immigrants, and indeed nearly one-third of Qin’s population.

These figures are quite clear to the civil and military officials in the DPRK.

As soon as Zi Chu said it, the officials were shocked to realize the significance.

The base of the population has increased by one-third, which means that the national power has increased by at least one-third!

In this situation, Qin’s advantages compared with the other six countries are even greater!

What do the princes rely on in fighting each other?

National strength, military strength!

The root cause is food and population.

In the past, Qin’s population growth was mainly limited by grain output; the current situation has changed. Grain has been secured, and the most restrictive population growth has become the size of the population base.

It is foreseeable that Qin has increased its population base by 5 million, and the population will grow even more rapidly in the future!

The six countries are just the opposite.

Those who were able to flee to Qin had already eliminated a large part of the old and the weak. After all, they were far away. Some old and weak, even if they knew that Qin could survive, it would be difficult to insist on coming over.

These old and weak, all stayed in the Six Nations.

There is also a large part of them who are far away from the border and are not familiar with the road. Although I was hungry and cold in the country, I really didn’t have the ability to come to Qin.

Waiting for their final result, it is very likely that they will starve to death in their own country.

Therefore, the loss of the population of the six countries far exceeds the five million!

And after the famine, even if you want to recover, the time required will be greatly extended.

All of Qin’s monarchs thought of this.

Zi Chu’s eyes lit up and asked again:

“Prince, the other two million, are you sure?”

There was no direct guarantee of winning the government, but a rational analysis.

“Children can only say that they are doing their best! There will be many immigrants from the six countries, but they will not increase so rapidly as in the recent period. Most of the things that can come and those that should come have already come.”

“The rest are either long distances or blocked by their own country, or they are always hostile to our country, Qin. Even if Zheng’er is willing to help, he is still incapable.

Speaking of this, all the officials knew well, and they all offered comfort and sympathy.

“His Royal Highness benevolence and righteousness is really the blessing of the world! It’s just that not all people in the world can have this blessing!”

“Yes! His Royal Highness’s virtues are like a saint at all! Cultivating the world!!

“Sooner or later, the great virtue of His Highness will bless the world, and everyone will be able to listen to His Highness’s teachings!”

“Holy prince from heaven, great fortune in Qin! Great fortune in six countries!”

The courtiers evoked the name of “Holy Prince” in unison

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