Chapter 186 As long as you can eat a bite of rice, what can Qin Zhao Shichou count? [First update, please customize]

Wang Lao Er, Zhu Lao Si, and the soldiers of the Zhao State who were in the same team and the people of Zhao State in a village, defected to the State of Qin together.

The original bag of dried sweet potatoes was actually what Wang Lao Er was going to leave for his family to eat on the road. The portion was quite large.

His family, parents, elder brother, sister-in-law, nephew, and now his father-in-law’s family, all pointed to such a bag of dried sweet potatoes on the road, and they could not avoid being hungry every day.

The rest of the soldiers and villagers did not dare to snatch it.

Everyone is still pointing to Wang Lao Er to recommend him in Qin! Who dares to offend him at this time?

The hope of the whole village really lived up to expectations.

Wang Lao Er brought everyone to Xiyang Town in Qin State, where he had been living for several years.

After all, they belonged to the local people of Xiyang. The two masters who were familiar with the road led everyone to an official office called the “Immigration Office.”

It is said that this is set up by His Royal Highness specifically for immigrants from six countries, and the efficiency of work is extremely high.

However, Xiyang Town belongs to the border area of ​​Qin and Zhao. It has received many immigrants from Zhao country and is basically in a state of saturation. The officials of the immigration office made a household registration statistics for these people and transferred them to the higher-level Wuyang County. , Arranged by the officials there.

After having the household registration, it means that these Zhao people have become citizens of the Qin country in name!

Qin State, Wuyang County.

This is a place that specializes in receiving immigrants from six countries, and Ying Zheng personally expanded it into a county system.

At present, the immigrants in Wuyang County are mainly from Han, Zhao, and Wei. They are managed and resettled collectively.

After arriving in Wuyang County, Wang Lao Er didn’t have to personally take the villagers and the soldiers. Naturally, the small officials of Qin were responsible for the arrangements.

Moreover, the immigration office has also provided many convenient conditions for his kind people who “pull people” back home.

Originally Wang Lao Er’s land and real estate in Xiyang Town were directly transferred to Wuyang County, replaced by more spacious houses and more acres of wasteland.

That’s right, it’s the wasteland.

It is impossible for Qin State to resettle so many immigrants for nothing, and it is normal to use these people to reclaim wasteland.

On the other hand, the sense of belonging of farmers comes from the land, and the land they cultivated makes them feel more belonging. Once they have this kind of belonging to the land, these immigrants will naturally belong to the Qin country.

However, the matter of land reclamation has not yet begun. The immigrants from the six countries still need some simple “training” before they can formally “take jobs.”

“Father, I didn’t lie to you, did you? You still don’t believe me all the way! What do you say? You look at it now, and you just get food! Every person, two sweet potatoes per day! !” Wang Lao Er finally showed his face in front of his father.

This sweet potato is not dried sweet potato, but the whole sweet potato, which is quite big!

Lao Wang felt that his son was not raised in vain, and he was finally able to use it for the family, saving his family’s lives.

The newly married bride is still in shock.

When they moved from Xiyang Town to Wuyang County, the two of them moved in with the “property” belonging to the second king and second child. It was nothing short of a “rich and rich”!

Just the food of the bachelor and the second child of Han Wang alone is enough for the family to eat for a year!

The way to eat every day!

This is basically unimaginable in the homes of ordinary people in the Zhao country. Even if it is not affected by disasters, it is far from reaching such a level.

“The people in the office have already arranged, and today we will have a good day off. Starting tomorrow, during the daytime, the land will be distributed one by one, and every ten households will have a master farmer who will be responsible for guidance.”

“At night, the office will organize an explanation of the Daqin Law. In fact, it is not a big problem for us to listen to those things. Simply put, do your own duty, then basically there is no problem. ”

Lao Wang’s family and the bride’s family all listened carefully to Wang Lao Er’s introduction and nodded from time to time.

“It is said that those masters of farming are all peasant disciples. I have never seen them before! The main reason is that His Royal Highness conquered the peasants. Only then are there so many peasant disciples to guide the farming. You should be respectful when you meet in the future! There are also potatoes, and people will teach us how to grow them.”

“Finally, there is one more. After joining the household registration of Qin, even if you are a citizen of Da Qin, you will have to pay taxes when you harvest grain in the future. But don’t worry about this. Everything is collected in accordance with Da Qin’s laws. .His Royal Highness treats us immigrants equally.

Hearing this, Lao Wang felt that the prince of Qin was amazing.

“Second son, this prince, what do you think he plans for? It is for food and land, and treats us equally, what for?” Old Wang was puzzled.

*”What else can you picture? What do you have? Today’s His Royal Highness King Qin and the Crown Prince are the most benevolent monarchs in the world! It is purely looking at the pitiful people of the six countries, and this is the painstaking resettlement of our immigrants!” Wang Lao Er is very proud.

Lao Wang’s family and the bride’s family, both families are a little bit emotional.

The blood feud between Qin State and Zhao State can definitely be said to be insoluble!

However, King Qin and the prince were able to treat the people of Zhao with such generosity. On the contrary, it was King Zhao who could not provide food. The people had to do everything possible to stop them from finding a way to survive.

Could it be said that the people are starving to death, and if they die cleanly, King Zhao will be very happy?

“Bao Qin, tyranny! Second son, tell your father, what the hell is going on? In our country of Zhao, Qin has always been regarded as cruel, but along the way, those native to Qin People, everyone is living well!

Lao Wang even (good Zhao) couldn’t believe what he saw along the way.

The second king chuckled and said disdainfully:

“What kind of tyranny of Qin, it is all six countries to discredit Qin! In the eight hundred years of the Great Zhou Dynasty, when did you not fight? When Qin was beaten, it was a barbarian, and when it beat others, it was a violent Qin machine!”

“Just say that the battle of Changping a few years ago did not Zhao Dan covet the land of Shangdang County? Can Qin State not be anxious? It’s just that our people have been implicated.


Arguments like Wang Lao Er’s family have often occurred in Zhao’s immigrants.

Their impression of Qin has changed drastically.

How can you not be grateful to Da Qin if you can eat enough food and cultivate the land?

As for the previous hatreds of Qin and Zhao, they were fading before they knew it.

As long as I can eat enough, who will care about hatred?

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