Chapter 185 The population of the six countries enters Qin, the panic of the six countries! [Fourth update, ask for customization]

Zhao Wangdan issued an order for the army to guard the border, demanding that the army on the border between Qin and Zhao be guarded strictly, and the people of Zhao State must not be allowed to defect to Qin State.

But as a result of what he did, Zhao’s frontier troops were all moved by Qin’s generous treatment and fled towards Qin one after another.

The effect is there, but it is just the opposite effect!

Handan City, Royal Palace.

Ministers of civil and military affairs are discussing matters above the hall.

“All the princes, there is news from the border that the soldiers in the border and the victims of the disaster fled to the Qin country! The soldiers on the border between Qin and Zhao have no one in ten!” Zhao Dan said sadly.

These officials of the State of Zhao had already received the news, but at the moment when they spoke from Zhao Dan’s mouth, they still felt extremely shocked.

“Majesty, the Qin State treats soldiers who defected to three times as much as civilians. In such a famine period, we just want to stop it, and that can’t be done!” Julu Hou Zhaomu also said very much. Helpless.

The army soldiers and the common people voted together in Qin, the scale is too big! It is the transfer of thousands of people! It is simply beyond control!

Without food, everything is nonsense. People want to survive. This instinct to survive cannot be stopped.

Zhao Dan also felt a wave of prostration and weakness in 08.

It’s not that even he can’t eat, but that he can’t do anything about the situation.

“All the princes, let’s discuss it together. In any case, we must come up with a proper way! If the food problem cannot be solved, I am afraid that the State of Qin does not need to attack, and the State of Zhao will automatically be destroyed!” Zhao Dan almost pleaded. Let the ministers under you come up with ideas.

He himself is exhausted physically and mentally, and he has thought about everything he should think about, and there is really no way he can do it.

“My lord, can’t we buy food from Qin country? The big deal is that the price will be higher. As long as we can pass this disaster year, it is worth paying more money!” Some ministers proposed to buy food from Qin country.

It can only be the State of Qin!

All the vassal states outside the Qin Kingdom have been affected, and self-protection is still insufficient. Where can there be surplus grain for sale?

“What counts as money? Do you think the widows haven’t thought about it? I have sent Juluhou a long time ago! Qin’s Xiangguo Lu Buwei insisted that they had insufficient food in Qin and couldn’t sell them! They didn’t even have the price. I just refused to talk!” “Zhao Dan sighed again.

The ministers underneath began to enthusiasm.

“The name of Violent Qin really deserves it! The people under the sky have suffered hardship, and they have no mercy!”

“Qin’s food is also insufficient? Nonsense! I don’t know how many new granaries are built in Qin’s country! They are all piled up! The annual output of sweet potatoes of 300 or 400 shi is simply unreasonable!”

“Of course they will not be short of food, just a pretext! If Qin is short of food, how could they have taken in so many victims? This kind of lie is simply self-defeating!”

A group of ministers, apart from complaints, can only complain.

If you want to discuss a solution, you are all staring!

The whole pilgrimage broke up unhappily, and no one can think of a way to do it.

At this stage, in fact, it is not the worst period. A large part of the people still have some surplus grain in their hands, and they have not paid the grain tax even if they are killed. This is the reason for the lack of grain in the army.

But the famine has just begun, and next spring will be the time to really stare.

In addition to Zhao, the other five countries have also been affected to varying degrees.

Han, Wei, and Chu, these three countries also bordered Qin, and Luo Wang even publicized the winning immigration policy.

The people and soldiers flocked to Qin like a tide, and there was no way to stop it.

In the end, it simply stopped blocking.

There is no food at home and no food abroad. Even if these people who are short of food are forced to stay in the country, they will starve to death sooner or later.

Yan State and Qi State, these two countries do not border Qin State, but still cannot avoid the trend of people fleeing.

Without food, this is the reality.

If you don’t flee to Qin, you can only lie at the door of your house drying eggs and wait for death!

The most dangerous thing is actually Chu State.

Chu is a large southern country with a vast territory, but this year’s disaster situation is far better than in the past. It is impossible to demolish the east wall to repair the west wall, because all parts of the country have been affected by disasters.

Floods are more terrible than droughts.

In addition to lack of food, Chu country must also prevent the emergence and spread of the plague.

Whenever floods are rampant, it is often a period of high incidence of various epidemics.

King Kaolie has been in charge of Chu Kingdom for many years, and he has experienced these things more than once, but this time, it was an unprecedented severe test.

In the palace of the king of Chu, monarchs and ministers were also discussing matters.

“Ling Yin, how long can the Treasury’s grain reserves last?” King Kaolie said worriedly.

“Hui Dawang, the stored grain can be distributed at most three times according to the scale of the previous distribution! If the disaster slows down, the southwestern region may resume planting in advance.” Chun Shenjun replied with a serious face.

three times!

Every time the food for disaster relief is distributed, it can last for a month at most!

And these foods are not distributed by all staff!

Even so, it can barely last for another three months.

“Hey! God bless me, Chu Kingdom! The widows will sacrifice to heaven tomorrow, and the secretary will prepare for it. In addition to food, I also pray that there will be no serious disease this time. Otherwise, it will be really difficult!”

Li Yuan, the eldest brother of the king of Chu, said thoughtfully at this time:

“Majesty, our Chu country still has more grain reserves than other countries. Now it is hard for us to cope with it. So how did the Sanjin and Yan and Qi cope? Maybe we can. Follow the example.”

King Kaolie smiled helplessly and sighed:

“Don’t mention those countries! What can they do? At most, let the people drink more water! Many people who don’t have food can only go to Qin, even the soldiers ran over a lot. !”

Chun Shenjun also added:

“That is, because we Chu people still have some surplus grain in their hands, and the flood recedes, there is still hope of resuming farming, so the number of people turning to Qin is relatively small.”

“That’s it! I can’t stop the barriers I want to go! Forcibly blocked, it is inevitable that things like the Zhao country will inevitably come out!” King Khao Lie waved his hand, and ended the meeting by the way.

There was great worry, or fear, hidden in his heart.

If the disaster continues, it will be inevitable for the people to flee, I am afraid that at that time, the people will even leave a large part of it!

The six nations will all exist in name because of this!


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