Chapter 184 The frontier army mutiny! Go to Qin, have food to eat! [third update, please customize]

The second kid didn’t have a big name either. Everyone called him Wang Lao Er. This was also a name in that era. The various surnames among common people were just casual names.

When Wang Lao Er returned to the village, he planned to take his relatives to the State of Qin, and the whole village moved after hearing the wind.

It was just one day, and the whole village was cleaned up. It was worth a little bit. Simply cleaned up, and the rest was simply unnecessary.

The whole village followed Wang Lao Er and went to Qin State.

At this time, the second child of Qin’s Xiaomin Wang, is indeed a majestic one, and it seems to be the hope of the whole village!

Even in just one day, the little girls of several families have taken a fancy to him.

As for the reason, it was just the bag of dried sweet potatoes that Wang Lao Er was carrying on his shoulders.

In famine years, food is life and everything. “Three Three Three”

What looks, character, family background, these things that are usually picked, when the day is precarious, what is it? Can it be more important than food?

Therefore, the second child chose the most beautiful woman!

No ceremonies such as weddings, leave most of the bag of dried sweet potatoes, and take the bride home directly, and go directly to the bridal chamber during the day!

Taking advantage of not making raw rice into cooked rice now, how could such an old bachelor like him if he were in Qin, such a beautiful woman?

When the whole village saw that the two boys took half a bag of dried sweet potatoes as dowry without hesitation, it was also in their hearts.

If Qin is short of food, it is impossible for the second kid to take the life-saving food so generously to exchange it for a wife!

Their village is closer to the west than Jinyang City, and closer to the State of Qin.

In the evening of the same day, when the sky was still dark, the whole village, under the leadership of Wang Lao Er and his wife, came to the border between Qin and Zhao.

But the reality is hard to accept.

The soldiers of the State of Zhao have sealed the border strictly, without any gaps!

This is completely different from the daytime, and Wang Lao Er was surprised.

Looking at those soldiers who can still see their faces faintly, the changes are not too big. They still look listless. They don’t wear a stomach, and they symbolically hold a standard spear in their hands.

I haven’t eaten for three days, who can wear a heavy stomach?

That is to say, there are no war horses here. If there were any, the war horses would have been killed and full!

An old man in the village felt a little bit reluctant to see this situation, which is different from what Wang Lao Er said!

Didn’t it mean that the soldiers of the State of Zhao were also drying eggs?

This old man is equivalent to the village chief of later generations. He is the most prestigious and knowledgeable person in the whole village.

I found Wang Lao Er and checked it. Seeing that his expression does not appear to be false, the old village chief has a certain number in his heart, but he is more confident in Qin and his party.

The abnormality of the border can only explain one thing:

Many people have already defected to the Kingdom of Qin! That’s why the Kingdom of Zhao sent a large army to guard the border!

It’s an old saying that people are treacherous and horses are slippery.

From another perspective, the response speed of the elderly may not be as fast as that of the young, but the handling experience far exceeds that of the young.

The old village chief calmed down the villagers and told them to stay calm and not act rashly. He himself led Wang Lao Er and slowly approached the soldiers on the border.

Wang Lao Er has never been hungry in Qin. At this moment, his hope as a villager is full of energy. He has food on his body and his waist is stiff. Facing Zhao’s soldiers, he didn’t show any panic.

“This soldier, is there going to be a war on the border? Why are so many people here?” The old village chief saw at a glance the general in the soldier surrounded by hungry people.

The general’s treatment was naturally better than that of ordinary soldiers, and he was barely able to eat. Seeing an old man inexplicably come over to talk to him, he found the villagers standing still in the distance.

The sight at night is really not very good, and they don’t have the energy to do any investigation.

“Old man, are you asking me knowingly? Laozi stayed in Jinyang city well. If you don’t want to cross the border to the Qin country, Laozi would not be sent to such a place to drink the wind!” The general just watched. The village chief’s calculations came out, and they were immediately dismantled.

But he did not intend to treat these villagers as if they could save a little effort, then save a little effort.

I don’t know how the rations above are raised, and if you continue to be so hungry, the army will probably cause turmoil.

At this moment, a soldier recognized the old village chief, and said with some uncertainty:

“Uncle Ting Chang? Is that you?”

The rank of the old village chief is not low, and the real identity is the pavilion chief of ten miles and one pavilion in the border area.

The voice of the little soldier sounds familiar. It seems to be the child of a family under the rule of the old village chief. Before the old village chief could speak, Wang Lao Er preempted to speak:

“Fourth brother? Fourth brother of the Zhu family? Are you a side here? I am the second child of the king!”

“Huh? The second son? It’s really you? What are you planning to do? Escape to the Qin country?” Zhu Sige was a little surprised. He hadn’t seen this young man for several years.

Wang Lao Er became more unrestrained in front of Brother Zhu, and he was no longer concealed in his speech. He was his own.

“Fourth brother, Zhao Guo was affected by the disaster. I came to take the villagers to Qin, where there is food! The prince of Qin has given an order that as long as it is a disaster victim who has defected to Qin, he is guaranteed to have food and land to grow! ”

“Oh, yes, if a soldier goes to Qin, the treatment will be three times that of ordinary people!

As soon as this statement was made, the surrounding soldiers immediately glowed like hungry wolves!

There is rice to eat, land to grow, triple treatment!

Got it! Who is still hungry here?

“This big brother, what you said is true? If you go to the army, you will get three times the treatment?”

“It doesn’t matter if he gets triple treatment, as long as he can eat, then nothing is said!”

A large group of soldiers, that is a large group of hungry wolves, all of them are starving crazy!


Military discipline, hatred, these things were all abandoned in the face of hunger.

The general in the middle saw the situation extremely bad. If this continues, the army will have to mutiny.

“Boldly spoil the people! How dare to confuse the military! It must be a spy sent by the State of Qin! Left and right, take this spy of the State of Qin immediately! Put to death on the spot!,

But now the soldiers are immersed in the fantasy of being able to eat their food, who would listen to this shit general’s orders?

You will see no one moving, and you will be furious:

“You all have to rebel and fail? Dare to violate the military order!”


Zhu Laosi lifted the spear and pierced the general’s heart, and sipped:

“Bah! A full man knows that a hungry man is hungry! Brothers, let’s go to the Qin country! Have a full meal!”

This was a good time. The soldiers and the people crossed the border of Qin and Zhao hand in hand.

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