Chapter 183 The people of the State of Zhao entered Qin one after another! The roar of King Zhao!

State of Zhao, Jinyang City.

This is the border area between Qin and Zhao, a major military town.

The magnificent border city is in chaos at this moment.

There is only one reason: lack of food!

In the villages outside the city, the situation is slightly better. The villagers still have some life-saving food in their hands for many years.

But after persisting till now, these surplus grains are also running out.

The hardest part is not now!

There is no harvest in autumn, how do you live in winter?

After winter, I have to endure starvation again, and continue to wait until autumn to have food. Who can survive until that time?

It’s hard to say that it’s been another year, but now, they have been squeezed for a long time, everyone is hungry, and their faces are sallow.

Counting rice grains in the gruel every day, or the rice grains of millet rice, how could it be possible to look good?

That is just draught!

Just when the people of Jinyang were about to be unable to persist, an exciting news spread like wildfire:

The State of Qin is taking in the victims!

Not only provide food, but also land cultivation, which is still a high-yield crop!

A Jinyang farmer in his fifties is lying in front of his house, basking in the sun comfortably.

He is not the only one, many people are doing the same thing at their door or courtyard.

It is said that basking in the sun can reduce some hunger, at least it can relieve the effect.

“Lao Li, what are you doing with hemp? Drying eggs?” A wicked young man walked past the door and couldn’t help but joke.

“The second kid from the Wang family? Why are you back? Where did you get rich in the past few years?” Lao Li replied weakly and opened his eyes to look at Liu Liu Youth.

Suddenly, Lao Li saw a big package on the shoulders of Liu Liu Youth!

“Second boy, what do you carry on your shoulders?” Old Li asked again.

The young Liuliu laughed, took out two dried sweet potatoes from the package and handed them to Lao Li.

“Hey, this is what I carry! Dried sweet potatoes, have you seen it?”

Lao Li’s eyes immediately straightened!

Seeing such a big package, even the thought of robbery was moved.

Because what he is holding is obviously food!

I don’t know how long I’ve been hungry, I see a bag of food, that feeling

It’s just that he doesn’t even have the power to rob.

The bark of all kinds of grass roots in the fields and countryside has been cleaned. Where is the strength to eat this kind of food every day?

Bask in the sun, nice to say!

In fact, it was just waiting for death.

There is a look everywhere, and there is nowhere to escape!

Just listen to the young Liuliu speaking again:

“I just came back from Xiyang Town in the Qin State! I have been in the Qin State for several years. I can’t help it. There is too little farmland at home, so I can’t support so many people, hey!”

“I heard that my hometown was hit by a disaster. I came back this time just to take all my family members to Qin State!

The young Liuliu’s voice was very loud and hearty. Almost all the people who were waiting for death while drying eggs on the street could hear the voice, and their attention was focused on him.

Holding the dried sweet potato in his hand, Lao Li hesitated for a moment.

There is a great feud between Qin and Zhao!

His two sons all died in the Battle of Changping, and he had similar encounters, and there are many in the whole village.

“Nice boy, you said that you have been in Qin State for several years? Have you forgotten the hatred between Qin State and our Zhao State? How can you still have a face to come back?” An old man’s voice in the distance came over.

“Lao Zhang, you are a rising star, can you still be involved in the hatred of Qin and Zhao? Forget it, that’s not something we care about. Your kid died on the battlefield, no wonder someone else was dragged into a strong man. Good?

“You don’t have to scold me, if it’s not for the family to support, then the ghost would be willing to go to Qin country! You are going to starve to death, what hatred do you talk about? It’s just that after arriving in Qin country, it is indeed much better than before.

The young Liuliu was not annoyed, and went straight to Lao Zhang, took out two dried sweet potatoes and handed them over.

Lao Zhang hesitated a little, but took it.

What the two boys said is right, they are going to starve to death, so what hatred are they talking about?

Then he asked again:

“The defense between Qin and Zhao has always been tight. How did you come back? You still need to take your family to Qin country?”

The young Liu Liu was a little surprised! Then he showed a look of relief and replied:

“Don’t you know? Yes, the small villages are not as well-informed as the cities! His Royal Highness of the Kingdom of Qin personally issued an order to rescue the victims of the Six Nations. As long as those who defect to the Kingdom of Qin, everyone will distribute grain and distribute farmland!

0………Look for flowers…

“Qin’s border has been opened to the victims of the six countries, and I won’t stop them from going home like this. As for the border of our Zhao State, the soldiers on the border are about the same as you. They are all drying eggs.”

A surprised voice sounded further away:

“What are you talking about? Qin State is willing to take in the victims? Distribute food and distribute farmland? How is this possible!”

The dissatisfied young man said:

“Look at what you said, can I deliberately deceive you? The victims of the six countries have gone a lot! They all followed the rules of His Royal Highness. Besides, I will take the family over, if there is no farming Tian, ​​let them all drink northwest wind?”

When you say a word to me, it spread from the front street to the back street. In a moment, the whole village began to talk.

It is true that they have hatred with Qin Guo, but now they are about to starve to death, what hatred do they care about?

At the very least, don’t be a starving ghost if you die!

The second kid grew up in the village, and the big guys know everything. Although this kid is not big or small, and has no rules of speaking, he is unlikely to tell lies.

During the famine period, when it comes to the question of survival, he will not make jokes about these things.

In less than half a day, the villagers in the whole village were clamoring to go to Qin State!

If you go to Qin, you can have enough food and grow land!

Of course, it wasn’t just the two boys who spread the news of Qin’s sheltering victims, but more snares were mobilized, and all within the six countries were already aware of it.

Zhao Wangdan also got the news in Handan, the capital of Zhao Kingdom.

“What does Qin State want to do? Do you want to deceive our people into Qin?” Zhao Dan was frightened and angry.

“In any case, it is impossible for Qin State to have any kindness! Especially the winning government!” Zhao Mu frowned and replied.

Julu Hou Zhaomu, this is the Zhao State power minister who can finally cover the sky in the court after Zhao Sheng, the king of the plains, is beheaded by the victory, and he is extremely trusted by Zhao Dan.

“You can’t let these people go to the State of Qin! Let the soldiers immediately stop the people who go to the State of Qin! They must be stopped! Send the military order, and those who fled to the State of Qin will be killed on the spot!” Zhao Dan roared. factory,

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