Chapter 182 Great disaster from heaven! Prince Budd! [First update, please customize]

The peasant family’s affairs are over, from beginning to end, winning politics did not rely on absolute power to treat the peasant family.

His vision and planned goal are not a farmer at all, or even Six Nations.

Fortunately to be the ancestral dragon in history, what Yingzheng really wants is a great Qin for eternity, not a Qin dynasty that died in the second generation.

He is transforming from an absolute personal strength to cultivating the forces around him.

If it is purely considered from the perspective of strength, he has already surpassed the ordinary innate limit with the Ninth-Rank innate that he has cultivated the Heavenly Conferring God Technique.

Even if a great master like Confucius and Mencius is born again, the number of winners and losers may be at best as close as five to five.

That is to say, if the victory of the political battle personally, now basically has no scruples, within the six kingdoms, there is absolutely no existence that can contend with him!

But there is a saying in later generations that says it very well: you can fight the world right away, but you can’t rule the world right away!

Force can conquer six countries, but how can the country be governed by force alone?

In addition, even if winning politics is a literary and military genius, he is absolutely impossible to rule the world by himself.

He needs subordinates, loyal subordinates, or loyal ministers!

The true 333’s loyal support and support is not dependent on force and subduing, and many methods are needed to do it.

To subdue Zhu’s family and the farmer’s family, but it’s just a small test~

There are many plans and preparations for the future, which are gradually being carried out.

After the death of two monarchs in succession, the national funeral was postponed again and again, so there was no foreign war; then the peasant family entered Qin, the national power entered a period of great development, and the rapid development with all its strength temporarily stopped the war.

This year was a bumper year for Qin. Sweet potatoes and potatoes from various places made Qin’s grain reserves unprecedentedly sufficient.

In the blink of an eye, the winning government is already ten years old, his figure is getting taller and taller, and his momentum has become more stable.

But the next year was a year of catastrophe.

Floods in the south and droughts in the north!

In the southern state of Chu, it rained continuously, and even the rice was soaked in the water without sunlight. The rest of the grain crops are even rarer varieties that are resistant to waterlogging. The grain drowned in the rainstorm.

In addition to food, rivers in all parts of Chu have burst their banks, floods spread, and ordinary people are displaced and miserable.

The northern countries are not good (aibd).

The snow melted, and after the spring planting, the next is a full eight-month drought!

I can only hear the rumble of thunder and thick dark clouds passing by, but it just doesn’t rain!

Without rain, a large number of crops wilted and died, and there was no harvest.

The people of the six countries do not have much food reserves. In the year of catastrophe, they immediately hungry and float on the ground, and their bones are exposed in the wild. things happen.

Rely on the flesh and blood of their children to survive

Human tragedies, I’m afraid there is no more such a thing.

Those in power will naturally not sit back and watch the mass deaths of the people, and once opened up a large amount of money to help the victims, but the six countries’ food reserves are not large, and they are only used for emergencies.

In the face of a nationwide famine, those in power are also at a loss, with more than enough energy but not enough energy.

The people of the six countries are miserable; the monarchs of the six countries are suffering.

Only Qin State is not in this list.

Farmers entering Qin, Fan Zhu and the promotion of potatoes, all these have greatly increased the speed of Qin’s grain accumulation, and it is so fast that it is outrageous!

It was just a good harvest year. Qin’s granary and ordinary people’s grain storage would still be able to sustain it even if the drought continued for another year.

In addition, the excellent sweet potatoes and potatoes have super drought tolerance.

It doesn’t rain in the month, but I still harvested two crops abruptly!

It’s just a slight reduction in production~

The two crops of sweet potato yield 300 shi per mu, and the two crops of potato yield 100 shi per mu.

Compared to before, it is still a super bumper harvest! There is no disaster at all!

The scene in the Qin State, the government and the opposition, the political is clear, the people’s life is prosperous, the country is peaceful and the people are peaceful.

Looking at the Six Kingdoms again, it is simply so miserable and hell on earth.

The two have formed an extremely sharp contrast.

On this day, Qin’s court was on top.

“Lu Qing, what is the current progress of domestic water conservancy construction?” Zi Chu Yang asked.

Lu Buwei calmly returned to work:

“Master Qi, the river is dry in the dry season! It’s an unprecedented time to clean up the river! Daqin has stopped fighting abroad, and all the troops and logistics personnel from all over the country have joined the water conservancy construction, and the progress has been greatly accelerated.”

“It is expected that the domestic river courses, river beds, and dams will be renovated before the start of winter, which can ensure the stability of the river courses in Daqin for the next 30 years.

Zi Chu was delighted and praised:

“Okay! Lu Qing really lived up to the expectations! The widow felt very comforted!”

“Zhuqing, today is the meeting, but there are other things?,

At this time, the leader of the courtiers won the government, and slowly walked out, clasped his fists and bowed his hands, and bowed his hands in a salute.

“I have one more thing, my father, please make a decision!”

“E? ​​Zheng’er actually cares about national affairs today? Haha, after the farmhouse was settled, it has been a long time since I saw your opinion! But it’s okay to say it!” Zi Chu smiled.

“Fang is the only one who has brought disasters today, and I am the only one who lives in peace! This is God’s punishing the monarchs of the six countries for lack of virtue, but the people of the six countries are not guilty!” Yingzheng said bitterly.

“Yes! Zheng’er’s words are true. The monarchs of the six countries are not good enough, but they have harmed the people under the rule! The widows are also extremely sad, but they are beyond the reach!

Both father and son are a pair of compassionate feelings

Just listen to Ying Zheng continued to say:

“Erchen has a suggestion! We might as well let the people of the six countries enter the Qin Dynasty. If Da Qin can bear more, the people will have more vitality. This is a good thing with three birds with one stone!”

Zi Chu frowned, but was also very interested in Ying Zheng’s proposal, and asked in confusion:

“How to kill three birds with one stone?”

“If I accept refugees in Daqin, the people will be spared from famine and accumulate virtues, this is a gain; Daqin’s righteous deeds will inevitably be famous in the world, and my Daqin will rectify the name, this is a second gain; the people of the six countries will enter Qin. , The number of people in my Daqin has increased, this is Sande!”

“What does the father think?”

Yingzheng stared at Zi Chu calmly, calmly.

Zi Chu thought about it for a while, and felt that the “three kills with one stone” of winning politics makes sense. The key is that Qin does have this capital!

“Okay! Dashan!” Zi Chu affirmed, and then said: “Since the prince proposed, then you are solely responsible for this matter!”

“It’s incumbent on your son!” Yingzheng accepted the job indifferently.

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