Chapter 181 Tian Mi, there are a lot of people with the farm surname Tian! [Fourth update, please customize]

The news of winning the government and subduing the peasants naturally also spread to the court.

If it were placed a year ago, such behavior would undoubtedly be subject to a big verbal attack, but now it is nothing.

As the new king of Qin, Zi Chu expressed absolute support; the strongest Chu force of the opposition is still being integrated, the sisters and brothers of Mrs. Huayang have moved away from the court one after another, and they lack a leader.

Moreover, the peasant disciples’ assistance to the Qin country in farming is undoubtedly considerable. No one is entangled with the grievances and grievances of the past. What’s more, the culprit has already been punishable.

In a blink of an eye, it has been a month since the Zhu family became Xia Kui.

The transfer and resettlement of peasant disciples began to be implemented one after another. One hundred thousand peasant disciples were all invested in the farming of Qin.

Prince’s House.

It was the first time that Tian Mi was summoned by the winning government to see here, and she was extremely excited along the way.

The Prince’s Mansion of the Qin Kingdom itself is located within the scope of the royal palace, a single huge mansion, magnificent, majestic and majestic.

This is not comparable to Yingzheng’s mansion in the fief. When has Tian Mi seen such a grandeur?

Teenage girls are full of excitement and yearning.

Ying Zheng wore a white robe, which he wears very casually in the mansion. It looks casual and natural, and it also softens the stronger and stronger aura of the upper class on his body.

At this moment, he was sitting in a chair comfortably, Tian Yan and Zhao Gaoyi stood behind him, and Tian Mi stood respectfully not far away.

“How are the arrangements for the peasant disciples?” Yingzheng asked casually.

“Return to your Highness, all the peasant disciples have entered Daqin and formally joined the farming. Everything is going well.” Tian Mijiao replied.

Knowing that the prince had summoned her, she dressed herself up as quickly as possible.

The thin purple gauze skirt showed the beautiful figure of the girl to the fullest, like a half-ripe peach, the greenness reveals the ruddy, which is coveted.

In the eyes of ordinary peasant disciples, this dress is dazzling, and in conjunction with Ueda’s own beautiful face, in the eyes of Ying Zheng, it is completely ignored.

“You said everything went well? I’m afraid that’s not the case? Tian Meng is still secretly confronting the Zhu family, and Tian Zhong is not active in doing things. As for you, the prince still need to say, 々?” Raised his brows and looked straight at Tian Mi.

Tian Mi’s heart couldn’t help but startled!

The current situation of the farm family is not bad at all, it is controlled by the winning government!

This is definitely not that the Zhu family is deliberately Gaomi. The Zhu family is a relatively old-fashioned person. Things tell Yingzheng.

Just listen to Ying Zheng continued to say:

“The Zhu family is the first chivalrous leader who is not the Tian family in the history of the peasant family. You, the hall masters of the Tian family and the peasant disciples of the Tian family, must have a lot of dissatisfaction in your heart!”

“You are the person involved. You know best that Zhu’s family became the Xiakui prince! So, if you have any ideas from the Tian clan, the prince wouldn’t mind getting rid of you all!”

A cold light flashed in Ying Zheng’s eyes, and the aura of the superiors became stronger at this moment.

“The little girl never dared to disobey His Royal Highness’s orders!” Tian Mi hurriedly knelt down, her voice horrified.

“The farmhouse can only be the farmhouse of Daqin, not the farmhouse of your Tian family! Do you understand what this prince meant?”

While speaking, Ying Zheng stood up and walked to Tian Mi who was kneeling on the ground. He stretched out his hand to catch her chin, and lifted up the horrified pretty face.

“As the prince, I will naturally not deal with the internal affairs of your farmhouse, Tian Mi, what should you do now?”

Tian Mi was forced to raise her head and saw a handsome face full of smiles, but when she faced those deep eyes, she could only see the endless majesty, and was overwhelmed by the boldness.

“If you dare not work, your Royal Highness, the little girl will definitely find a way to help Xia Kui integrate the farmhouse!” Tian Mi’s voice was not loud, with a clear face shaking.

“Very well, you are very sensible!” Ying Zheng showed approving eyes, and gently squeezed his hands on Tian Mi’s face.

A red glow rose, and Tian Mi’s face appeared shy.

“This prince will not let people do things for nothing. Starting today, you will officially enter the net as the third in command of the net! In this way, it will be much easier to start things.” Ying Zheng let go of his hands and did a personal thing lightly. appointment.

Let Tian Mi enter the net, naturally, it will not be purely for the farmer’s business, but at the same time, it will also distribute the power of the net again.

Now Zhao Gao is still working wholeheartedly for the victory, but wants to avoid things that may happen in the future, the victory is also deliberately or unconsciously not letting him dominate the power.

Sharing his power is also saving his life!

If such painstaking cultivation, Zhao Gao will still give birth to some dissatisfaction in the future, then there is no way, and winning the government can only kill the killer.

Tian Mi naturally didn’t understand the idea of ​​winning politics, and she was promoted, which made her happy.

*”Your Majesty, although you can rest assured, Tian Mi will definitely satisfy His Highness with regard to the farmer’s affairs! He will definitely prove to His Royal Highness that Tian Mi is very capable!” The little girl vowed to promise.

“Okay! This prince will wait and see!” Yingzheng nodded approvingly.

Immediately, the tone was cold again:

“Do your part! If you do it well, you will be rewarded; if you don’t do it well, it will prove that you are unworthy! The consequences, I am afraid you cannot bear.”

Hearing these words, Tian Mi’s shame disappeared, and she kowtowed in fear:

“Subordinates must do their best to do their part! They will be loyal to Your Highness in this life and this life, and dare not disobey!”

After Tian Mi’s affairs were arranged, Xiao Nizi retired honestly, got a report, and was shocked a lot.

Yingzheng sighed slightly (good) and then called out softly:


Tian Yan has always been behind Yingzheng, has been silent, and there is no change in his expression.

“The son.”

“You are also from the Tian clan, do you really not care if I do this?” Yingzheng asked Daoya softly.

“Ayan will only be loyal to the son in this life!” Tian Yan’s voice was not loud, but he was extremely firm.

Ying Zheng chuckled and waved:

“Sing, go ahead!”

Tian Yan retired respectfully.

She is indeed very busy. The information on Luowang and Black Ice Terrace has always been handled by her, and she dare not care about it for a moment.

In fact, this sentence of Yingzheng is not only a question of Tian Yan’s mind on the surface, but also contains a kind of temptation!

According to the memory of previous lives, Tian Yan’s true identity should have nothing to do with the farmer’s Tian clan.

He was waiting, waiting for the little girl to really open her heart.

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