Chapter 180 Xiakui Zhu’s family! The farm returns to Qin! [third update, please customize]

The result of Yan Di Jue came out, with four votes in favor and two against. This also means that the proposal to depose Xiakui has been passed!

Tian Guang felt like he had been struck by lightning, as if he had sunk into the bottom of a valley.

In any case, he did not expect this result.

I originally thought that I already had a direct line of three churches, but among the three churches, only Chen Sheng was hesitant to support him!

“Tian Mi! Are you deceived by others? How could you oppose me as a hero?” Tian Guang roared.

“How could I be deceived? I’m not a kid! Under your leadership, the farm can only go to the end! I can’t watch the inheritance left by my father and the ancestors of the farms, be destroyed by you!” Tian Mi said righteously The way.

“You! You!” Tian Guang was anxious, unable to speak.

After breathing for a long time, he turned his gaze to Tian Zhong again.

“You ungrateful dog! You changed your surname to Tian and betrayed the Zhu family. How can you continue to call him a foster father without shame?”

“Betrayal? When did I betray my adoptive father? The reason why I changed my surname in 08 is not because you are stubborn! With my qualifications and ability, I should have become the hall master, but you are stuck there! You are selfish and selfish. People who are not worthy to continue to lead the farm!”

The wall fell and everyone pushed!

At this moment, Tian Zhong didn’t have to worry about Tian Guang’s identity as a Xia Kui at all. What he wanted to say was also out of his mind.

“Zhu family, be careful of your son! Since he can betray me, sooner or later, he will betray you too!” Tian Guang yelled at the Zhu family viciously.

Crazy, hysterical!

The Zhu family ignored this and respectfully bowed to the six elders of the farm family, saying:

“I don’t know if the elders think that this time the Yan Di Jue is effective?”

All six nodded, and Yu Tuo lightly said:

“The Yan Di Jue this time is completely fair and reasonable. The six hall masters all participated in the voting under normal circumstances. The results are naturally valid and there is no dispute.”

Hearing the same from the six sages of the farmer, Tian Guang knew in his heart that this result is a foregone conclusion and there will be no change!

Tian Guang is no longer Xia Kui.

The words of the six elders undoubtedly sentenced Tian Guang to death!

The peasant disciples who were very respectful to themselves on weekdays, now they no longer see the kind of respect that obeys their orders.

There is ridicule, indifference, and pity.

Tian Guang felt despair, anger, and humiliation!

The dignified farmer, who has been in charge of the farmer for so many years, will actually end up with today’s result!

Everything is bestowed by the Zhu family and Yingzheng!

He looked at the Zhu family viciously. There was a facial makeup on the Zhu family’s face, and there was no real change in expression; he looked at the winning government in the distance. The winning government was always riding on the horse and watching with cold eyes.

But Tian Guang can be sure that winning politics will never let him go!

By now, Tian Guang was already doomed.

Everyone has a chance to leave safely, but he who planned the assassination of Bai Qi and Prince Qin must not be within this range.

Moreover, what is the dignified envoy now?

Ordinary peasant disciple?

Do not!

Tian Guang resisted this fact from the heart.

“Zhu Family, you don’t need to be proud! Don’t think that if you abolish my position as a hero, you can safely become a running dog to win the government! The royal family are suspicious and not to be betrayed!”

“You betrayed the peasant family today, and you are already doing bad things! Yingzheng will get rid of you personally sooner or later! Hahaha!

Tian Guangzhuang laughed crazy, and then he looked at the six elders and the rest.

“Because of my respect for you, you are also worthy of being called the Six Sages? The farmer is helping to become a tormenter! It is an accomplice of Qin Dao! You will be scolded by the rest of the world! You will regret it!”

“Tian Mi, Tian Zhong, you two wise men! The future of the peasant family is buried in your hands! You are the sinners of the peasant family through the ages! The sin deserves death!!

Everyone just stared at Tian Guang coldly and at the desperate former Xiakui.

Finally, Tian Guang looked at the winning government that forced him into a desperate situation, and shouted:

“Win politics! Do you want to kill me? Dreaming! You will never have this chance!”

After all, Tian Guang’s expression was extremely excited and crazy to the extreme.

He raised his palm and slammed it on the top door!


The destructive power of Innate True Qi is still so powerful, for others, as well as for himself.

With just one palm, Tian Guang, the former farmer, had his brain cracked, and red and white splashed all over the ground.

Tian Guang, die!

There is no sadness at all, it is also impossible.

After all, Tian Guang has been in the farm for many years and spent a long time with everyone in the farm. Not everyone wants to see this result.

The scene fell into a dead silence for a while.

Tian Guang’s dead body fell to the ground, like a silent protest, which inevitably made people embarrassed.

At this moment, the six elders took the lead and broke the silence.

“The position of the farmer’s chivalrous man should not be vacant! The family has a thousand people, and the principal is one person! If the farmer does not have a chivalrous man, it will be a pile of loose sand. What’s more, it is still in a very period of time!”

The words of the soldier are more direct.

“The new Xiakui of the farmer chooses among the masters of the six halls and will immediately proceed to the Yan Dijue! The one who gets the most support becomes the new Xiakui! Then, the six halls must work together to advance and retreat together, so that Neijiang must not happen again.

The six sages spoke, and the hall masters immediately began the selection of the new Xiakui. 333

The Zhu family passed unanimously without any dispute and became the new Xia Kui.

Even Tian Meng did not object.


The winning army is on the periphery. If the Zhu family hadn’t become the Xia Kui, what would Tian Meng rely on to save his life?

Those who know the current affairs are Junjie, and Tian Meng is now Junjie!

The Zhu family who became Xia Kui took advantage of the opportunity of the presence of the six elders and immediately issued his first Xia Kui order:

Order all peasant disciples to enter Qin!

There was no objection in the six halls, and the six elders also nodded in support.

Until this moment, the peasant family has officially submitted to the Qin State, and the former hatred and old grievances have been wiped out!

The Zhu family took the farmers together and met with Yingzheng again, and also reported the Xia Kuiling’s resolution. Many follow-up things still need to be arranged by Yingzheng.

The disciples of the peasants are equivalent to the agricultural talents of the Warring States Period. Everyone has a wealth of agricultural knowledge. To win politics, it is natural to make proper arrangements to maximize the role of these people.

Even for the six elders, the winning government has issued a kind invitation regardless of previous suspicions. When it comes to rich experience, among the farmers, the six sages are the real masters. If you want to compile the agricultural code, the experience of the six sages is indispensable. of.

Hearing this kind of thing in a book, the six sages couldn’t avoid the vulgarity and readily accepted the invitation to win the government.

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